## CMake Build Instructions Depending on your host system your Generator flag -G may be different Typical -G options For using gcc and clang from a makefile msys2 = "MSYS Makefiles" windows = "MinGW Makefiles" nix and mac = "Unix Makefiles" For using and editor such as Visual Studio or xcode there are different flags To like all available flags for your system run cmake --help ### Build Examples #### using CMake in macOS terminal ```sh cmake -H$COCOS_TEMPLATES_ROOT/.. -Bbuild_cocos2dx cd build_cocos2dx make all -j 4 ``` #### Generate Xcode Project for macOS platform ```sh cmake -H$COCOS_TEMPLATES_ROOT/.. -Bbuild_mac -GXcode cd build_mac open Cocos2d-x.xcodeproj ``` #### Generate Xcode Project for iOS platform ```sh cd any_dir_you_want cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$COCOS_TEMPLATES_ROOT/../cmake/ios.toolchain.cmake -DIOS_PLATFORM=SIMULATOR64 -H$COCOS_TEMPLATES_ROOT/.. -Bbuild_ios_sim64 -GXcode cd build_ios_sim64 open Cocos2d-x.xcodeproj ``` #### using CMake in Android Studio see the Gradle properties: `PROP_NDK_MODE`, it control the way of build Native ```sh # android cmake support # uncomment it, native code will build by cmake # keep comment, native code will build by ndkBuild # PROP_NDK_MODE=cmake ``` #### TODO 1. make cmake build support windows 2. generate Visual Studio project 3. test cmake build again on Linux 4. add examples and more details in this manual