/* * Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Chukong Technologies Inc. * Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Xiamen Yaji Software Co., Ltd. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ /** * @type {Object} * @name jsb.AssetsManager * jsb.AssetsManager is the native AssetsManager for your game resources or scripts. * please refer to this document to know how to use it: http://www.cocos2d-x.org/docs/manual/framework/html5/v3/assets-manager/en * Only available in JSB */ jsb.AssetsManager = cc.AssetsManager; delete cc.AssetsManager; /** * @type {Object} * @name jsb.Manifest * please refer to this document to know how to use it: http://www.cocos2d-x.org/docs/manual/framework/html5/v3/assets-manager/en * Only available in JSB */ jsb.Manifest = cc.Manifest; delete cc.Manifest; /** * @type {Object} * @name jsb.EventListenerAssetsManager * jsb.EventListenerAssetsManager is the native event listener for AssetsManager. * please refer to this document to know how to use it: http://www.cocos2d-x.org/docs/manual/framework/html5/v3/assets-manager/en * Only available in JSB */ jsb.EventListenerAssetsManager = cc.EventListenerAssetsManager; delete cc.EventListenerAssetsManager; /** * @type {Object} * @name jsb.EventAssetsManager * jsb.EventAssetsManager is the native event for AssetsManager. * please refer to this document to know how to use it: http://www.cocos2d-x.org/docs/manual/framework/html5/v3/assets-manager/en * Only available in JSB */ jsb.EventAssetsManager = cc.EventAssetsManager; delete cc.EventAssetsManager; // move from jsb_cocos2d //start------------------------------ cc.ControlButton.extend = cc.Class.extend; cc.ControlColourPicker.extend = cc.Class.extend; cc.ControlPotentiometer.extend = cc.Class.extend; cc.ControlSlider.extend = cc.Class.extend; cc.ControlStepper.extend = cc.Class.extend; cc.ControlSwitch.extend = cc.Class.extend; //end------------------------------ // // cocos2d constants // // This helper file should be required after jsb_cocos2d.js // var cc = cc || {}; cc.SCROLLVIEW_DIRECTION_NONE = -1; cc.SCROLLVIEW_DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL = 0; cc.SCROLLVIEW_DIRECTION_VERTICAL = 1; cc.SCROLLVIEW_DIRECTION_BOTH = 2; cc.TABLEVIEW_FILL_TOPDOWN = 0; cc.TABLEVIEW_FILL_BOTTOMUP = 1; /** * @constant * @type Number */ cc.KEYBOARD_RETURNTYPE_DEFAULT = 0; /** * @constant * @type Number */ cc.KEYBOARD_RETURNTYPE_DONE = 1; /** * @constant * @type Number */ cc.KEYBOARD_RETURNTYPE_SEND = 2; /** * @constant * @type Number */ cc.KEYBOARD_RETURNTYPE_SEARCH = 3; /** * @constant * @type Number */ cc.KEYBOARD_RETURNTYPE_GO = 4; /** * The EditBox::InputMode defines the type of text that the user is allowed * to enter. * @constant * @type Number */ cc.EDITBOX_INPUT_MODE_ANY = 0; /** * The user is allowed to enter an e-mail address. * @constant * @type Number */ cc.EDITBOX_INPUT_MODE_EMAILADDR = 1; /** * The user is allowed to enter an integer value. * @constant * @type Number */ cc.EDITBOX_INPUT_MODE_NUMERIC = 2; /** * The user is allowed to enter a phone number. * @constant * @type Number */ cc.EDITBOX_INPUT_MODE_PHONENUMBER = 3; /** * The user is allowed to enter a URL. * @constant * @type Number */ cc.EDITBOX_INPUT_MODE_URL = 4; /** * The user is allowed to enter a real number value. * This extends kEditBoxInputModeNumeric by allowing a decimal point. * @constant * @type Number */ cc.EDITBOX_INPUT_MODE_DECIMAL = 5; /** * The user is allowed to enter any text, except for line breaks. * @constant * @type Number */ cc.EDITBOX_INPUT_MODE_SINGLELINE = 6; /** * Indicates that the text entered is confidential data that should be * obscured whenever possible. This implies EDIT_BOX_INPUT_FLAG_SENSITIVE. * @constant * @type Number */ cc.EDITBOX_INPUT_FLAG_PASSWORD = 0; /** * Indicates that the text entered is sensitive data that the * implementation must never store into a dictionary or table for use * in predictive, auto-completing, or other accelerated input schemes. * A credit card number is an example of sensitive data. * @constant * @type Number */ cc.EDITBOX_INPUT_FLAG_SENSITIVE = 1; /** * This flag is a hint to the implementation that during text editing, * the initial letter of each word should be capitalized. * @constant * @type Number */ cc.EDITBOX_INPUT_FLAG_INITIAL_CAPS_WORD = 2; /** * This flag is a hint to the implementation that during text editing, * the initial letter of each sentence should be capitalized. * @constant * @type Number */ cc.EDITBOX_INPUT_FLAG_INITIAL_CAPS_SENTENCE = 3; /** * Capitalize all characters automatically. * @constant * @type Number */ cc.EDITBOX_INPUT_FLAG_INITIAL_CAPS_ALL_CHARACTERS = 4; cc.CONTROL_EVENT_TOTAL_NUMBER = 9; cc.CONTROL_EVENT_TOUCH_DOWN = 1 << 0; // A touch-down event in the control. cc.CONTROL_EVENT_TOUCH_DRAG_INSIDE = 1 << 1; // An event where a finger is dragged inside the bounds of the control. cc.CONTROL_EVENT_TOUCH_DRAG_OUTSIDE = 1 << 2; // An event where a finger is dragged just outside the bounds of the control. cc.CONTROL_EVENT_TOUCH_DRAG_ENTER = 1 << 3; // An event where a finger is dragged into the bounds of the control. cc.CONTROL_EVENT_TOUCH_DRAG_EXIT = 1 << 4; // An event where a finger is dragged from within a control to outside its bounds. cc.CONTROL_EVENT_TOUCH_UP_INSIDE = 1 << 5; // A touch-up event in the control where the finger is inside the bounds of the control. cc.CONTROL_EVENT_TOUCH_UP_OUTSIDE = 1 << 6; // A touch-up event in the control where the finger is outside the bounds of the control. cc.CONTROL_EVENT_TOUCH_CANCEL = 1 << 7; // A system event canceling the current touches for the control. cc.CONTROL_EVENT_VALUECHANGED = 1 << 8; // A touch dragging or otherwise manipulating a control; causing it to emit a series of different values. cc.CONTROL_STATE_NORMAL = 1 << 0; // The normal; or default state of a controlę¢©hat is; enabled but neither selected nor highlighted. cc.CONTROL_STATE_HIGHLIGHTED = 1 << 1; // Highlighted state of a control. A control enters this state when a touch down; drag inside or drag enter is performed. You can retrieve and set this value through the highlighted property. cc.CONTROL_STATE_DISABLED = 1 << 2; // Disabled state of a control. This state indicates that the control is currently disabled. You can retrieve and set this value through the enabled property. cc.CONTROL_STATE_SELECTED = 1 << 3; // Selected state of a control. This state indicates that the control is currently selected. You can retrieve and set this value through the selected property. cc.CONTROL_STATE_INITIAL = 1 << 3; cc.CONTROL_ZOOM_ACTION_TAG = 0xCCCB0001; //CCControlButton.js cc.CONTROL_STEPPER_PARTMINUS = 0; //CCControlStepper.js cc.CONTROL_STEPPER_PARTPLUS = 1; cc.CONTROL_STEPPER_PARTNONE = 2; cc.CONTROL_STEPPER_LABELCOLOR_ENABLED = cc.color(55, 55, 55); cc.CONTROL_STEPPER_LABELCOLOR_DISABLED = cc.color(147, 147, 147); cc.CONTROL_STEPPER_LABELFONT = "CourierNewPSMT"; cc.AUTOREPEAT_DELTATIME = 0.15; cc.AUTOREPEAT_INCREASETIME_INCREMENT = 12; jsb.Manifest.DownloadState = { UNSTARTED: 0, DOWNLOADING: 1, SUCCESSED: 2, UNMARKED: 3 }; jsb.EventAssetsManager.ERROR_NO_LOCAL_MANIFEST = 0; jsb.EventAssetsManager.ERROR_DOWNLOAD_MANIFEST = 1; jsb.EventAssetsManager.ERROR_PARSE_MANIFEST = 2; jsb.EventAssetsManager.NEW_VERSION_FOUND = 3; jsb.EventAssetsManager.ALREADY_UP_TO_DATE = 4; jsb.EventAssetsManager.UPDATE_PROGRESSION = 5; jsb.EventAssetsManager.ASSET_UPDATED = 6; jsb.EventAssetsManager.ERROR_UPDATING = 7; jsb.EventAssetsManager.UPDATE_FINISHED = 8; jsb.EventAssetsManager.UPDATE_FAILED = 9; jsb.EventAssetsManager.ERROR_DECOMPRESS = 10; cc.ScrollView.extend = cc.Class.extend; cc.TableView.extend = cc.Class.extend; cc.TableViewCell.extend = cc.Class.extend;