# TestJS Simple iOS (and soon Android) example of cocos2d-x game running javascript bindings *NOTE* This is a WIP and the bindings are not yet complete! What's working: CCPoint CCSize CCRect CCDirector CCNode CCSprite CCScene CCSpriteFrameCache CCSpriteFrame CCAction CCAnimate CCAnimation CCRepeatForever CCLayer CCTouch CCSet CCMoveBy CCMoveTo CCRotateTo CCRotateBy CCRenderTexture This is just a proof of concept and there are plans around this in order to make a more js-friendly API, right now the bindings were created automatically and the final idea is not to use them as they are but to create a higher level wrapper. You can follow the progress of the js-bindings in the current [development fork](https://github.com/funkaster/cocos2d-x/tree/js-bindings). For a sneak peak, you can take a look at what's in the JS directory. ## How to Build ### iOS Just open the xcode project and run. It's using the latest spidermonkey and js-bindings for cocos2d-x ### Android Instructions to be added here