/****************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2019-present Axmol Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). ASTC Texture Decompression. astc compression tool: https://github.com/ARM-software/astc-encoder/releases version required: v2.2+ command: astcenc-avx2 -cl test1.png test1.astc 6x6 -medium -pp-premultiply ******************************************************************************/ #include "base/astc.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "astcenc/astcenc.h" #include "astcenc/astcenc_internal_entry.h" #include "yasio/utils.hpp" #if !defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) || defined(__EMSCRIPTEN_PTHREADS__) #define ASTCDEC_NO_CONTEXT 1 #define ASTCDEC_PRINT_BENCHMARK 0 typedef std::mutex astc_decompress_mutex_t; struct astc_decompress_task { astc_decompress_task() {} ~astc_decompress_task() { #if ASTCDEC_NO_CONTEXT if (_bsd) aligned_free(_bsd); #else if (_context) astcenc_context_free(this->_context); #endif } void wait_done() { #if ASTCDEC_NO_CONTEXT _decompress_pm.wait(); #else _context->manage_decompress.wait(); #endif } const uint8_t* _in_texels = nullptr; void* _out_texels[1]{}; unsigned int _xblocks, _yblocks; #if ASTCDEC_NO_CONTEXT unsigned int _block_x, _block_y; ParallelManager _decompress_pm{}; block_size_descriptor* _bsd = nullptr; #else astcenc_config _config{}; astcenc_context* _context = nullptr; #endif astcenc_image _image_out{}; }; class astc_decompress_job_manager { public: static astc_decompress_job_manager* get_instance() { static astc_decompress_job_manager s_instance; return &s_instance; } astc_decompress_job_manager() { #if !defined(__EMSCRIPTEN_PTHREADS__) int thread_count = std::thread::hardware_concurrency(); #else constexpr int thread_count = 2; #endif for (int i = 0; i < thread_count; ++i) { _threads.emplace_back(std::thread{&astc_decompress_job_manager::run, this}); } } ~astc_decompress_job_manager() { _stopped = true; _task_queue_mtx.lock(); _task_queue.clear(); _task_queue_cv.notify_all(); _task_queue_mtx.unlock(); for (auto&& t : _threads) { if (t.joinable()) t.join(); } _threads.clear(); } int decompress_parallel_sync(const uint8_t* in, uint32_t inlen, uint8_t* out, unsigned int dim_x, unsigned int dim_y, int block_x, int block_y) { auto task = make_task(in, inlen, out, dim_x, dim_y, block_x, block_y); if (!task) return ASTCENC_ERR_OUT_OF_MEM; _task_queue_mtx.lock(); _task_queue.emplace_back(task); _task_queue_mtx.unlock(); _task_queue_cv.notify_all(); // notify all thread to process the single decompress task parallel task->wait_done(); _task_queue_mtx.lock(); assert(!_task_queue.empty()); auto t = _task_queue.front(); assert(t.get() == task.get()); _task_queue.pop_front(); _task_queue_mtx.unlock(); return ASTCENC_SUCCESS; } private: std::shared_ptr make_task(const uint8_t* in, unsigned int inlen, uint8_t* out, unsigned int dim_x, unsigned int dim_y, int block_x, int block_y) { unsigned int xblocks = (dim_x + block_x - 1) / block_x; unsigned int yblocks = (dim_y + block_y - 1) / block_y; unsigned int zblocks = 1; // (dim_z + block_z - 1) / block_z; // Check we have enough output space (16 bytes per block) auto total_blocks = xblocks * yblocks * zblocks; size_t size_needed = total_blocks * 16; if (inlen < size_needed) return nullptr; auto task = std::make_shared(); task->_in_texels = in; task->_out_texels[0] = out; task->_image_out = {dim_x, dim_y, 1, ASTCENC_TYPE_U8, task->_out_texels}; task->_xblocks = xblocks; task->_yblocks = yblocks; #if ASTCDEC_NO_CONTEXT // since astcenc-3.3, doesn't required // static std::once_flag once_flag; // std::call_once(once_flag, init_quant_mode_table); task->_block_x = block_x; task->_block_y = block_y; task->_bsd = aligned_malloc(sizeof(block_size_descriptor), ASTCENC_VECALIGN); init_block_size_descriptor(block_x, block_y, 1, false, 0 /*unused for decompress*/, 0, *task->_bsd); // since astcenc-4.7.0, add second argument=nullptr task->_decompress_pm.init(total_blocks, nullptr); #else (void)astcenc_config_init(ASTCENC_PRF_LDR, block_x, block_y, 1, 0, ASTCENC_FLG_DECOMPRESS_ONLY, &task->_config); (void)astcenc_context_alloc(&task->_config, (unsigned int)_threads.size(), &task->_context); task->_context->manage_decompress.init(total_blocks); #endif return task; } void run() { const astcenc_swizzle swz_decode{ASTCENC_SWZ_R, ASTCENC_SWZ_G, ASTCENC_SWZ_B, ASTCENC_SWZ_A}; bool no_task_count = false; for (;;) { std::unique_lock lck(_task_queue_mtx); if (!_stopped && (_task_queue.empty() || no_task_count)) _task_queue_cv.wait(lck); if (_stopped) break; if (_task_queue.empty()) continue; auto task = _task_queue.front(); lck.unlock(); // unlock make sure other thread can work for the task auto& image_out = task->_image_out; #if ASTCDEC_NO_CONTEXT unsigned int block_x = task->_block_x; unsigned int block_y = task->_block_y; unsigned int block_z = 1; // task->block_z; auto& bsd = *task->_bsd; auto& decompress_pm = task->_decompress_pm; #else unsigned int block_x = task->_config.block_x; unsigned int block_y = task->_config.block_y; unsigned int block_z = 1; // task->_config.block_z; auto& bsd = *task->_context->context.bsd; auto& decompress_pm = task->_context->manage_decompress; #endif unsigned int xblocks = task->_xblocks; unsigned int yblocks = task->_yblocks; unsigned int zblocks = 1; // (image_out.dim_z + block_z - 1) / block_z; int row_blocks = xblocks; int plane_blocks = xblocks * yblocks; image_block blk; auto data = task->_in_texels; for (;;) { // process the task unsigned int count = 0; unsigned int base = decompress_pm.get_task_assignment(128, count); no_task_count = !count; if (no_task_count) { // this thread will going to suspend until new task added break; } for (unsigned int i = base; i < base + count; i++) { // Decode i into x, y, z block indices int z = i / plane_blocks; unsigned int rem = i - (z * plane_blocks); int y = rem / row_blocks; int x = rem - (y * row_blocks); unsigned int offset = (((z * yblocks + y) * xblocks) + x) * 16; symbolic_compressed_block scb; physical_to_symbolic(bsd, data + offset, scb); decompress_symbolic_block(ASTCENC_PRF_LDR, bsd, x * block_x, y * block_y, z * block_z, scb, blk); store_image_block(image_out, blk, bsd, x * block_x, y * block_y, z * block_z, swz_decode); } decompress_pm.complete_task_assignment(count); } } } std::vector _threads; std::deque> _task_queue; astc_decompress_mutex_t _task_queue_mtx; std::condition_variable_any _task_queue_cv; bool _stopped = false; }; int astc_decompress_image(const uint8_t* in, uint32_t inlen, uint8_t* out, uint32_t dim_x, uint32_t dim_y, uint32_t block_x, uint32_t block_y) { #if ASTCDEC_PRINT_BENCHMARK struct benchmark_printer { benchmark_printer(const char* fmt, int w, int h, float den) : _fmt(fmt), _w(w), _h(h), _den(den), _start(yasio::highp_clock()) {} ~benchmark_printer() { ax::log(_fmt, _w, _h, (yasio::highp_clock() - _start) / _den); } const char* _fmt; int _w, _h; float _den; yasio::highp_time_t _start; }; benchmark_printer __printer("decompress astc image (%dx%d) cost: %.3lf(ms)", dim_x, dim_y, (float)std::milli::den); #endif return astc_decompress_job_manager::get_instance()->decompress_parallel_sync(in, inlen, out, dim_x, dim_y, block_x, block_y); } #else int astc_decompress_image(const uint8_t* in, uint32_t inlen, uint8_t* out, uint32_t dim_x, uint32_t dim_y, uint32_t block_x, uint32_t block_y) { const unsigned int dim_z = 1; const unsigned int block_z = 1; unsigned int xblocks = (dim_x + block_x - 1) / block_x; unsigned int yblocks = (dim_y + block_y - 1) / block_y; unsigned int zblocks = (dim_z + block_z - 1) / block_z; int row_blocks = xblocks; int plane_blocks = xblocks * yblocks; // Check we have enough output space (16 bytes per block) size_t size_needed = xblocks * yblocks * zblocks * 16; if (inlen < size_needed) { return ASTCENC_ERR_OUT_OF_MEM; } auto bsd = aligned_malloc(sizeof(block_size_descriptor), ASTCENC_VECALIGN); init_block_size_descriptor(block_x, block_y, 1, false, 0 /*unused for decompress*/, 0, *bsd); image_block blk; void* data[1] = {out}; astcenc_image image_out{dim_x, dim_y, 1, ASTCENC_TYPE_U8, data}; const auto total_blocks = zblocks * yblocks * xblocks; const astcenc_swizzle swz_decode{ASTCENC_SWZ_R, ASTCENC_SWZ_G, ASTCENC_SWZ_B, ASTCENC_SWZ_A}; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < total_blocks; ++i) { // Decode i into x, y, z block indices int z = i / plane_blocks; unsigned int rem = i - (z * plane_blocks); int y = rem / row_blocks; int x = rem - (y * row_blocks); unsigned int offset = (((z * yblocks + y) * xblocks) + x) * 16; symbolic_compressed_block scb; physical_to_symbolic(*bsd, in + offset, scb); decompress_symbolic_block(ASTCENC_PRF_LDR, *bsd, x * block_x, y * block_y, z * block_z, scb, blk); store_image_block(image_out, blk, *bsd, x * block_x, y * block_y, z * block_z, swz_decode); } aligned_free(bsd); return ASTCENC_SUCCESS; } #endif