#include "ParallaxTest.h" #include "../testResource.h" enum { kTagNode, kTagGrossini, }; Layer* nextParallaxAction(); Layer* backParallaxAction(); Layer* restartParallaxAction(); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Parallax1 // //------------------------------------------------------------------ Parallax1::Parallax1() { // Top Layer, a simple image auto cocosImage = Sprite::create(s_Power); // scale the image (optional) cocosImage->setScale( 2.5f ); // change the transform anchor point to 0,0 (optional) cocosImage->setAnchorPoint( Vec2(0,0) ); // Middle layer: a Tile map atlas auto tilemap = TileMapAtlas::create(s_TilesPng, s_LevelMapTga, 16, 16); tilemap->releaseMap(); // change the transform anchor to 0,0 (optional) tilemap->setAnchorPoint( Vec2(0, 0) ); // Anti Aliased images tilemap->getTexture()->setAntiAliasTexParameters(); // background layer: another image auto background = Sprite::create(s_back); // scale the image (optional) background->setScale( 1.5f ); // change the transform anchor point (optional) background->setAnchorPoint( Vec2(0,0) ); // create a void node, a parent node auto voidNode = ParallaxNode::create(); // NOW add the 3 layers to the 'void' node // background image is moved at a ratio of 0.4x, 0.5y voidNode->addChild(background, -1, Vec2(0.4f,0.5f), Vec2::ZERO); // tiles are moved at a ratio of 2.2x, 1.0y voidNode->addChild(tilemap, 1, Vec2(2.2f,1.0f), Vec2(0,-200) ); // top image is moved at a ratio of 3.0x, 2.5y voidNode->addChild(cocosImage, 2, Vec2(3.0f,2.5f), Vec2(200,800) ); // now create some actions that will move the 'void' node // and the children of the 'void' node will move at different // speed, thus, simulation the 3D environment auto goUp = MoveBy::create(4, Vec2(0,-500) ); auto goDown = goUp->reverse(); auto go = MoveBy::create(8, Vec2(-1000,0) ); auto goBack = go->reverse(); auto seq = Sequence::create(goUp, go, goDown, goBack, nullptr); voidNode->runAction( (RepeatForever::create(seq) )); addChild( voidNode ); } std::string Parallax1::title() const { return "Parallax: parent and 3 children"; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Parallax2 // //------------------------------------------------------------------ Parallax2::Parallax2() { auto listener = EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce::create(); listener->onTouchesMoved = CC_CALLBACK_2(Parallax2::onTouchesMoved, this); _eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener, this); // Top Layer, a simple image auto cocosImage = Sprite::create(s_Power); // scale the image (optional) cocosImage->setScale( 2.5f ); // change the transform anchor point to 0,0 (optional) cocosImage->setAnchorPoint( Vec2(0,0) ); // Middle layer: a Tile map atlas auto tilemap = TileMapAtlas::create(s_TilesPng, s_LevelMapTga, 16, 16); tilemap->releaseMap(); // change the transform anchor to 0,0 (optional) tilemap->setAnchorPoint( Vec2(0, 0) ); // Anti Aliased images tilemap->getTexture()->setAntiAliasTexParameters(); // background layer: another image auto background = Sprite::create(s_back); // scale the image (optional) background->setScale( 1.5f ); // change the transform anchor point (optional) background->setAnchorPoint( Vec2(0,0) ); // create a void node, a parent node auto voidNode = ParallaxNode::create(); // NOW add the 3 layers to the 'void' node // background image is moved at a ratio of 0.4x, 0.5y voidNode->addChild(background, -1, Vec2(0.4f,0.5f), Vec2::ZERO); // tiles are moved at a ratio of 1.0, 1.0y voidNode->addChild(tilemap, 1, Vec2(1.0f,1.0f), Vec2(0,-200) ); // top image is moved at a ratio of 3.0x, 2.5y voidNode->addChild( cocosImage, 2, Vec2(3.0f,2.5f), Vec2(200,1000) ); addChild(voidNode, 0, kTagNode); } void Parallax2::onTouchesMoved(const std::vector& touches, Event *event) { auto diff = touches[0]->getDelta(); auto node = getChildByTag(kTagNode); auto currentPos = node->getPosition(); node->setPosition(currentPos + diff); } std::string Parallax2::title() const { return "Parallax: drag screen"; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Issue2572 // //------------------------------------------------------------------ Issue2572::Issue2572() : _moveTimer(0.0f) , _addTimer(0.0f) , _preListSize(0) , _printCount(0) { _addChildStep = 1.0f; _wholeMoveTime = 3.0f; _wholeMoveSize = Vec2(-300, 0); // create a parallax node, a parent node _paraNode = ParallaxNode::create(); addChild(_paraNode, 0, kTagNode); this->scheduleUpdate(); } void Issue2572::update(float dt) { _addTimer += dt; _moveTimer += dt; if (_moveTimer >= _wholeMoveTime) { this->unscheduleUpdate(); return; } _paraNode->setPosition(_paraNode->getPosition() + _wholeMoveSize * dt / _wholeMoveTime); if (_addTimer >= _addChildStep) { _addTimer = 0.0f; auto child = Sprite::create("Images/Icon.png"); Size viewSize = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize(); Vec2 offset = Vec2(viewSize.width / 2, viewSize.height/2); _paraNode->addChild(child, 1, Vec2( 1, 0 ), offset ); _childList.pushBack(child); } // After a child added, output the position of the children 3 times. // Bug : The first output is much different with the second one & the third one. if (_childList.size() != _preListSize) { switch (_printCount) { case 0: case 1: case 2: log( "--child count-- %zd", _childList.size()); for (const auto& obj : _childList) { Sprite* obstacle = dynamic_cast( obj ); log("child position : (%.2f, %.2f)", obstacle->getPositionX(), obstacle->getPositionY()); } log("-------------------"); _printCount++; break; case 3: _preListSize = _childList.size(); _printCount = 0; break; default: break; } } } std::string Issue2572::title() const { return "Issue 2572"; } std::string Issue2572::subtitle() const { return "Look at the output in console"; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ // // ParallaxDemo // //------------------------------------------------------------------ static int sceneIdx = -1; #define MAX_LAYER 3 Layer* createParallaxTestLayer(int nIndex) { switch(nIndex) { case 0: return new Parallax1(); case 1: return new Parallax2(); case 2: return new Issue2572(); } return nullptr; } Layer* nextParallaxAction() { sceneIdx++; sceneIdx = sceneIdx % MAX_LAYER; auto layer = createParallaxTestLayer(sceneIdx); layer->autorelease(); return layer; } Layer* backParallaxAction() { sceneIdx--; int total = MAX_LAYER; if( sceneIdx < 0 ) sceneIdx += total; auto layer = createParallaxTestLayer(sceneIdx); layer->autorelease(); return layer; } Layer* restartParallaxAction() { auto layer = createParallaxTestLayer(sceneIdx); layer->autorelease(); return layer; } ParallaxDemo::ParallaxDemo(void) { } ParallaxDemo::~ParallaxDemo(void) { } std::string ParallaxDemo::title() const { return "No title"; } void ParallaxDemo::onEnter() { BaseTest::onEnter(); } void ParallaxDemo::restartCallback(Ref* sender) { auto s = new (std::nothrow) ParallaxTestScene(); s->addChild(restartParallaxAction()); Director::getInstance()->replaceScene(s); s->release(); } void ParallaxDemo::nextCallback(Ref* sender) { auto s = new (std::nothrow) ParallaxTestScene(); s->addChild( nextParallaxAction() ); Director::getInstance()->replaceScene(s); s->release(); } void ParallaxDemo::backCallback(Ref* sender) { auto s = new (std::nothrow) ParallaxTestScene(); s->addChild( backParallaxAction() ); Director::getInstance()->replaceScene(s); s->release(); } void ParallaxTestScene::runThisTest() { auto layer = nextParallaxAction(); addChild(layer); Director::getInstance()->replaceScene(this); }