#include "CCCommon.h" namespace cocos2d { typedef float CGFloat; class CCPoint { public: float x; float y; public: CCPoint(); CCPoint(float x, float y); static bool CCPointEqualToPoint(const CCPoint& point1, const CCPoint& point2); }; class CCSize { public: float width; float height; public: CCSize(); CCSize(float width, float height); static bool CCSizeEqualToSize(const CCSize& size1, const CCSize& size2); }; class CCRect { public: CCPoint origin; CCSize size; public: CCRect(); CCRect(float x, float y, float width, float height); public: //! return the leftmost x-value of 'rect' static CGFloat CCRectGetMinX(const CCRect& rect); //! return the rightmost x-value of 'rect' static CGFloat CCRectGetMaxX(const CCRect& rect); //! return the midpoint x-value of 'rect' static CGFloat CCRectGetMidX(const CCRect& rect); //! Return the bottommost y-value of `rect' static CGFloat CCRectGetMinY(const CCRect& rect); //! Return the topmost y-value of `rect' static CGFloat CCRectGetMaxY(const CCRect& rect); //! Return the midpoint y-value of `rect' static CGFloat CCRectGetMidY(const CCRect& rect); static bool CCRectEqualToRect(const CCRect& rect1, const CCRect& rect2); static bool CCRectContainsPoint(const CCRect& rect, const CCPoint& point); static bool CCRectIntersectsRect(const CCRect& rectA, const CCRect& rectB); }; /* #define CCPointMake(x, y) CCPoint((x), (y)) #define CCSizeMake(width, height) CCSize((width), (height)) #define CCRectMake(x, y, width, height) CCRect((x), (y), (width), (height)) */ CCPoint CCPointMake(float x, float y); CCSize CCSizeMake(float width, float height); CCRect CCRectMake(float x, float y, float width,float height); /* const CCPoint CCPointZero; const CCSize CCSizeZero; const CCRect CCRectZero; */ }//namespace cocos2d