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505 lines
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505 lines
12 KiB
// CCTextImage.mm
// TestNewStringStuff
// Created by Carlo Morgantini on 4/9/13.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "cocos2d.h"
#include "CCFontIOS.h"
#include "CCTextImage.h"
#include "CCFontRenderIOS.h"
TextLineDef::TextLineDef(float x, float y, float width, float height) :_x(x), _y(y), _width(width), _height(height)
TextPageDef::TextPageDef(int pageNum, int width, int height): _pageNum(pageNum),
int numLines = _lines.size();
for( int c = 0; c<numLines; ++c )
delete _lines[c];
if (_pageData)
delete [] _pageData;
if (_pageTexture)
delete _pageTexture;
bool TextPageDef::generatePageTexture(bool releasePageData)
if (!_pageData)
return false;
if (_pageTexture)
delete _pageTexture;
_pageTexture = 0;
Size imageSize = CCSizeMake((float)(_width), (float)(_height));
if( (imageSize.width <=0) || (imageSize.height<=0) )
return false;
_pageTexture = new Texture2D();
if (!_pageTexture)
return false;
bool textureCreated = _pageTexture->initWithData(_pageData, kTexture2DPixelFormat_Default, _width, _height, imageSize);
// release the page data if requested
if ( releasePageData && textureCreated )
delete [] _pageData;
_pageData = 0;
return textureCreated;
void TextPageDef::preparePageTexture(bool releaseRAWData)
Texture2D *TextPageDef::getPageTexture()
if (!_pageTexture)
return _pageTexture;
TextFontPagesDef::TextFontPagesDef(char *fontName, int fontSize): _fontSize(fontSize)
_fontName = new char[strlen(fontName)+1];
if (_fontName)
strcpy(_fontName, fontName);
int numPages = _pages.size();
for( int c = 0; c<numPages; ++c )
if (_pages[c])
delete _pages[c];
if (_fontName)
delete [] _fontName;
const char * _getStringInBoundsUsingGlyphSize(std::map<unsigned short int, GlyphDef> &glyphDefs, const char *str, Font *pFont, Size *constrainSize)
Size tmp = pFont->getTextWidthAndHeight(str);
float widthWithBBX = 0.0f;
// get the string to UTF8
int numChar = 0;
unsigned short int *strUTF8 = pFont->getUTF8Text(str, numChar);
if (!strUTF8)
return NULL;
for (int c = 0; c<numChar; ++c)
widthWithBBX+= (glyphDefs[strUTF8[c]].getRect().size.width + glyphDefs[strUTF8[c]].getPadding());
// not needed anymore
delete [] strUTF8;
float maxWidth = std::max(tmp.width, widthWithBBX);
if ( maxWidth < constrainSize->width )
return str;
// trim the string
const char *pNewString = pFont->trimUTF8Text(str, 0, (numChar - 2));
if (!pNewString)
return 0;
// try again with one less character
return _getStringInBoundsUsingGlyphSize(glyphDefs, pNewString, pFont, constrainSize);
TextImage::TextImage(): _font(0), _fontRender(0)
if (_fontPages)
delete _fontPages;
if (_font)
delete _font;
bool TextImage::initWithString(const char * pText, int nWidth, int nHeight, const char * pFontName, int nSize, bool releaseRAWData)
// create the reference to the system font
if ( !createFontRef(pFontName, nSize) )
return false;
// generate the glyphs
if ( !generateTextGlyphs(pText) )
return false;
CGSize constrainSize;
constrainSize.width = nWidth;
constrainSize.height = nHeight;
// pointer to the original input stream
const char *inputString = pText;
int delta = 0;
int currentPage = 0;
float currentY = 0.0;
float lineHeight = _font->getTextWidthAndHeight(pText).height;
// check if at least one line will fit in the texture
if (lineHeight > constrainSize.height)
// we can't even fit one line in this texture
return false;
// create pages for the font
_fontPages = new TextFontPagesDef((char *)pFontName, nSize);
if (!_fontPages)
return false;
// create the first page (ther is going to be at least one page)
TextPageDef *currentPageDef = new TextPageDef(currentPage, nWidth, nHeight);
if ( !currentPageDef )
return false;
// add the current page
do {
// choose texture page
if ( ( currentY + lineHeight ) > constrainSize.height )
currentY = 0;
currentPage += 1;
// create a new page and add
currentPageDef = new TextPageDef(currentPage, nWidth, nHeight);
if ( !currentPageDef )
return false;
// get the new fitting string
Size tempSize;
tempSize.width = constrainSize.width;
tempSize.height = constrainSize.height;
const char *pNewString = _getStringInBoundsUsingGlyphSize(_textGlyphs, inputString, _font, &tempSize);
// get the new string width
float newStringWidth = _font->getTextWidthAndHeight(pNewString).width;
// create the new line and add to the current page
TextLineDef *newLine = new TextLineDef(0.0, currentY, newStringWidth, lineHeight);
if ( !newLine )
return false;
// add all the glyphs to this line
addGlyphsToLine(newLine, pNewString);
// add the line the to current page
// get the remaining string
delta = _font->getUTF8TextLenght(inputString) - _font->getUTF8TextLenght(pNewString);
if (delta)
int startIndex = _font->getUTF8TextLenght(pNewString);
inputString = _font->trimUTF8Text(inputString, startIndex, startIndex + (delta - 1));
// go to next line
currentY += lineHeight;
} while( delta );
// actually create the needed images
return createImageDataFromPages(_fontPages, releaseRAWData);
bool TextImage::createFontRef(const char *fontName, int fontSize)
if (_font)
delete _font;
_font = 0;
// carloX
_font = new FontIOS();
if (_font)
return _font->createFontObject(std::string(fontName), fontSize);
return false;
bool TextImage::createFontRender()
if (_fontRender)
delete _fontRender;
_fontRender = 0;
// carloX
_fontRender = new FontRenderIOS();
return true;
bool TextImage::addGlyphsToLine(TextLineDef *line, const char *lineText)
if (!_font)
return false;
int numLetters = 0;
unsigned short int *UTF8string = _font->getUTF8Text(lineText, numLetters);
for (int c=0; c<numLetters; ++c)
line->addGlyph(_textGlyphs[UTF8string[c]] );
return true;
bool TextImage::generateTextGlyphs(const char * pText)
if (!_font)
return false;
int numGlyphs = 0;
GlyphDef *pGlyphs = _font->getGlyphsForText(pText, numGlyphs);
if (!pGlyphs || !numGlyphs)
return false;
for (int c=0; c<numGlyphs; ++c)
_textGlyphs[pGlyphs[c].getUTF8Letter()] = pGlyphs[c];
delete [] pGlyphs;
return true;
bool TextImage::createImageDataFromPages(TextFontPagesDef *thePages, bool releaseRAWData)
int numPages = thePages->getNumPages();
if (!numPages)
return false;
for (int c = 0; c < numPages; ++c)
unsigned char *pPageData = 0;
pPageData = preparePageGlyphData(thePages->getPageAt(c), thePages->getFontName(), thePages->getFontSize());
if (pPageData)
// set the page data
// crete page texture and relase RAW data
return false;
return true;
unsigned char * TextImage::preparePageGlyphData(TextPageDef *thePage, char *fontName, int fontSize)
// crate the font renderer if needed
if (!_fontRender)
if (_fontRender)
return _fontRender->preparePageGlyphData(thePage, fontName, fontSize);
return 0;
bool TextImage::debugSaveToFile(const char *pszFilePath, bool bIsToRGB)
/* TO DO
if ( (!mFontPages) || (mFontPages->getNumPages() == 0))
return false;
bool saveToPNG = false;
bool needToCopyPixels = false;
std::string filePath(pszFilePath);
if (std::string::npos != filePath.find(".png"))
saveToPNG = true;
int bitsPerComponent = 8;
int bitsPerPixel = 32;
if ((! saveToPNG) || bIsToRGB)
bitsPerPixel = 24;
int pageWidth = mFontPages->getPageAt(0)->getWidth();
int pageHeight = mFontPages->getPageAt(0)->getHeight();
int bytesPerRow = (bitsPerPixel/8) * pageWidth;
int myDataLength = bytesPerRow * pageHeight;
for(int cPages = 0; cPages<mFontPages->getNumPages(); ++cPages)
TextPageDef *pCurrentPage = mFontPages->getPageAt(cPages);
return false;
unsigned char *pixels = pCurrentPage->getPageData();
// make data provider with data.
CGBitmapInfo bitmapInfo = kCGBitmapByteOrderDefault;
if (saveToPNG)
bitmapInfo |= kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedLast;
CGDataProviderRef provider = CGDataProviderCreateWithData(NULL, pixels, myDataLength, NULL);
CGColorSpaceRef colorSpaceRef = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
CGImageRef iref = CGImageCreate(pageWidth, pageHeight,
bitsPerComponent, bitsPerPixel, bytesPerRow,
colorSpaceRef, bitmapInfo, provider,
NULL, false,
UIImage* image = [[UIImage alloc] initWithCGImage:iref];
NSData *data;
if (saveToPNG)
data = UIImagePNGRepresentation(image);
data = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(image, 1.0f);
char tempString[1000];
sprintf(tempString, "%d", cPages);
std::string couterString(tempString);
std::string finalFileName = couterString + pszFilePath;
[data writeToFile:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:finalFileName.c_str()] atomically:YES];
[image release];
if (needToCopyPixels)
delete [] pixels;
return true;
return false;