
4383 lines
132 KiB

/* -*- Mode: javascript; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2; js-indent-level: 2; -*- */
/* vim: set ft=javascript ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
* BreakpointStore objects keep track of all breakpoints that get set so that we
* can reset them when the same script is introduced to the thread again (such
* as after a refresh).
function BreakpointStore() {
// If we have a whole-line breakpoint set at LINE in URL, then
// this._wholeLineBreakpoints[URL][LINE]
// is an object
// { url, line[, actor] }
// where the `actor` property is optional.
this._wholeLineBreakpoints = Object.create(null);
// If we have a breakpoint set at LINE, COLUMN in URL, then
// this._breakpoints[URL][LINE][COLUMN]
// is an object
// { url, line[, actor] }
// where the `actor` property is optional.
this._breakpoints = Object.create(null);
BreakpointStore.prototype = {
* Add a breakpoint to the breakpoint store.
* @param Object aBreakpoint
* The breakpoint to be added (not copied). It is an object with the
* following properties:
* - url
* - line
* - column (optional; omission implies that the breakpoint is for
* the whole line)
* - actor (optional)
addBreakpoint: function BS_addBreakpoint(aBreakpoint) {
let { url, line, column } = aBreakpoint;
if (column != null) {
if (!this._breakpoints[url]) {
this._breakpoints[url] = [];
if (!this._breakpoints[url][line]) {
this._breakpoints[url][line] = [];
this._breakpoints[url][line][column] = aBreakpoint;
} else {
// Add a breakpoint that breaks on the whole line.
if (!this._wholeLineBreakpoints[url]) {
this._wholeLineBreakpoints[url] = [];
this._wholeLineBreakpoints[url][line] = aBreakpoint;
* Remove a breakpoint from the breakpoint store.
* @param Object aBreakpoint
* The breakpoint to be removed. It is an object with the following
* properties:
* - url
* - line
* - column (optional)
removeBreakpoint: function BS_removeBreakpoint({ url, line, column }) {
if (column != null) {
if (this._breakpoints[url]) {
if (this._breakpoints[url][line]) {
delete this._breakpoints[url][line][column];
// If this was the last breakpoint on this line, delete the line from
// `this._breakpoints[url]` as well. Otherwise `_iterLines` will yield
// this line even though we no longer have breakpoints on
// it. Furthermore, we use Object.keys() instead of just checking
// `this._breakpoints[url].length` directly, because deleting
// properties from sparse arrays doesn't update the `length` property
// like adding them does.
if (Object.keys(this._breakpoints[url][line]).length === 0) {
delete this._breakpoints[url][line];
} else {
if (this._wholeLineBreakpoints[url]) {
delete this._wholeLineBreakpoints[url][line];
* Get a breakpoint from the breakpoint store. Will throw an error if the
* breakpoint is not found.
* @param Object aLocation
* The location of the breakpoint you are retrieving. It is an object
* with the following properties:
* - url
* - line
* - column (optional)
getBreakpoint: function BS_getBreakpoint(aLocation) {
let { url, line, column } = aLocation;
dbg_assert(url != null);
dbg_assert(line != null);
var foundBreakpoint = this.hasBreakpoint(aLocation);
if (foundBreakpoint == null) {
throw new Error("No breakpoint at url = " + url
+ ", line = " + line
+ ", column = " + column);
return foundBreakpoint;
* Checks if the breakpoint store has a requested breakpoint.
* @param Object aLocation
* The location of the breakpoint you are retrieving. It is an object
* with the following properties:
* - url
* - line
* - column (optional)
* @returns The stored breakpoint if it exists, null otherwise.
hasBreakpoint: function BS_hasBreakpoint(aLocation) {
let { url, line, column } = aLocation;
dbg_assert(url != null);
dbg_assert(line != null);
for (let bp of this.findBreakpoints(aLocation)) {
// We will get whole line breakpoints before individual columns, so just
// return the first one and if they didn't specify a column then they will
// get the whole line breakpoint, and otherwise we will find the correct
// one.
return bp;
return null;
* Iterate over the breakpoints in this breakpoint store. You can optionally
* provide search parameters to filter the set of breakpoints down to those
* that match your parameters.
* @param Object aSearchParams
* Optional. An object with the following properties:
* - url
* - line (optional; requires the url property)
* - column (optional; requires the line property)
findBreakpoints: function BS_findBreakpoints(aSearchParams={}) {
if (aSearchParams.column != null) {
dbg_assert(aSearchParams.line != null);
if (aSearchParams.line != null) {
dbg_assert(aSearchParams.url != null);
for (let url of this._iterUrls(aSearchParams.url)) {
for (let line of this._iterLines(url, aSearchParams.line)) {
// Always yield whole line breakpoints first. See comment in
// |BreakpointStore.prototype.hasBreakpoint|.
if (aSearchParams.column == null
&& this._wholeLineBreakpoints[url]
&& this._wholeLineBreakpoints[url][line]) {
yield this._wholeLineBreakpoints[url][line];
for (let column of this._iterColumns(url, line, aSearchParams.column)) {
yield this._breakpoints[url][line][column];
_iterUrls: function BS__iterUrls(aUrl) {
if (aUrl) {
if (this._breakpoints[aUrl] || this._wholeLineBreakpoints[aUrl]) {
yield aUrl;
} else {
for (let url of Object.keys(this._wholeLineBreakpoints)) {
yield url;
for (let url of Object.keys(this._breakpoints)) {
if (url in this._wholeLineBreakpoints) {
yield url;
_iterLines: function BS__iterLines(aUrl, aLine) {
if (aLine != null) {
if ((this._wholeLineBreakpoints[aUrl]
&& this._wholeLineBreakpoints[aUrl][aLine])
|| (this._breakpoints[aUrl] && this._breakpoints[aUrl][aLine])) {
yield aLine;
} else {
const wholeLines = this._wholeLineBreakpoints[aUrl]
? Object.keys(this._wholeLineBreakpoints[aUrl])
: [];
const columnLines = this._breakpoints[aUrl]
? Object.keys(this._breakpoints[aUrl])
: [];
const lines = wholeLines.concat(columnLines).sort();
let lastLine;
for (let line of lines) {
if (line === lastLine) {
yield line;
lastLine = line;
_iterColumns: function BS__iterColumns(aUrl, aLine, aColumn) {
if (!this._breakpoints[aUrl] || !this._breakpoints[aUrl][aLine]) {
if (aColumn != null) {
if (this._breakpoints[aUrl][aLine][aColumn]) {
yield aColumn;
} else {
for (let column in this._breakpoints[aUrl][aLine]) {
yield column;
* Manages pushing event loops and automatically pops and exits them in the
* correct order as they are resolved.
* @param nsIJSInspector inspector
* The underlying JS inspector we use to enter and exit nested event
* loops.
* @param Object hooks
* An object with the following properties:
* - url: The URL string of the debuggee we are spinning an event loop
* for.
* - preNest: function called before entering a nested event loop
* - postNest: function called after exiting a nested event loop
* @param ThreadActor thread
* The thread actor instance that owns this EventLoopStack.
function EventLoopStack({ inspector, thread, hooks }) {
this._inspector = inspector;
this._hooks = hooks;
this._thread = thread;
EventLoopStack.prototype = {
* The number of nested event loops on the stack.
get size() {
return this._inspector.eventLoopNestLevel();
* The URL of the debuggee who pushed the event loop on top of the stack.
get lastPausedUrl() {
let url = null;
if (this.size > 0) {
try {
url = this._inspector.lastNestRequestor.url
} catch (e) {
// The tab's URL getter may throw if the tab is destroyed by the time
// this code runs, but we don't really care at this point.
return url;
* Push a new nested event loop onto the stack.
* @returns EventLoop
push: function () {
return new EventLoop({
inspector: this._inspector,
thread: this._thread,
hooks: this._hooks
* An object that represents a nested event loop. It is used as the nest
* requestor with nsIJSInspector instances.
* @param nsIJSInspector inspector
* The JS Inspector that runs nested event loops.
* @param ThreadActor thread
* The thread actor that is creating this nested event loop.
* @param Object hooks
* The same hooks object passed into EventLoopStack during its
* initialization.
function EventLoop({ inspector, thread, hooks }) {
this._inspector = inspector;
this._thread = thread;
this._hooks = hooks;
this.enter = this.enter.bind(this);
this.resolve = this.resolve.bind(this);
EventLoop.prototype = {
entered: false,
resolved: false,
get url() { return this._hooks.url; },
* Enter this nested event loop.
enter: function () {
let nestData = this._hooks.preNest
? this._hooks.preNest()
: null;
this.entered = true;
// Keep exiting nested event loops while the last requestor is resolved.
// James commented.
// if (this._inspector.eventLoopNestLevel() > 0) {
// const { resolved } = this._inspector.lastNestRequestor;
// if (resolved) {
// this._inspector.exitNestedEventLoop();
// }
// }
dbg_assert(this._thread.state === "running",
"Should be in the running state");
if (this._hooks.postNest) {
* Resolve this nested event loop.
* @returns boolean
* True if we exited this nested event loop because it was on top of
* the stack, false if there is another nested event loop above this
* one that hasn't resolved yet.
resolve: function () {
if (!this.entered) {
throw new Error("Can't resolve an event loop before it has been entered!");
if (this.resolved) {
throw new Error("Already resolved this nested event loop!");
this.resolved = true;
// James commented. if (this === this._inspector.lastNestRequestor)
return true;
return false;
* JSD2 actors.
* Creates a ThreadActor.
* ThreadActors manage a JSInspector object and manage execution/inspection
* of debuggees.
* @param aHooks object
* An object with preNest and postNest methods for calling when entering
* and exiting a nested event loop, addToParentPool and
* removeFromParentPool methods for handling the lifetime of actors that
* will outlive the thread, like breakpoints.
* @param aGlobal object [optional]
* An optional (for content debugging only) reference to the content
* window.
function ThreadActor(aHooks, aGlobal)
this._state = "detached";
this._frameActors = [];
this._hooks = aHooks; = aGlobal;
this._nestedEventLoops = new EventLoopStack({
inspector: DebuggerServer.xpcInspector,
hooks: aHooks,
thread: this
// A map of actorID -> actor for breakpoints created and managed by the server.
this._hiddenBreakpoints = new Map();
this.findGlobals = this.globalManager.findGlobals.bind(this);
this.onNewGlobal = this.globalManager.onNewGlobal.bind(this);
this.onNewSource = this.onNewSource.bind(this);
this._allEventsListener = this._allEventsListener.bind(this);
this._options = {
useSourceMaps: false
* The breakpoint store must be shared across instances of ThreadActor so that
* page reloads don't blow away all of our breakpoints.
ThreadActor.breakpointStore = new BreakpointStore();
ThreadActor.prototype = {
actorPrefix: "context",
get state() { return this._state; },
get attached() this.state == "attached" ||
this.state == "running" ||
this.state == "paused",
get breakpointStore() { return ThreadActor.breakpointStore; },
get threadLifetimePool() {
if (!this._threadLifetimePool) {
this._threadLifetimePool = new ActorPool(this.conn);
this._threadLifetimePool.objectActors = new WeakMap();
return this._threadLifetimePool;
get sources() {
if (!this._sources) {
this._sources = new ThreadSources(this, this._options.useSourceMaps,
this._allowSource, this.onNewSource);
return this._sources;
get youngestFrame() {
if (!this.state == "paused") {
return null;
return this.dbg.getNewestFrame();
_prettyPrintWorker: null,
get prettyPrintWorker() {
if (!this._prettyPrintWorker) {
this._prettyPrintWorker = new ChromeWorker(
"error", this._onPrettyPrintError, false);
if (wantLogging) {
this._prettyPrintWorker.addEventListener("message", this._onPrettyPrintMsg, false);
const postMsg = this._prettyPrintWorker.postMessage;
this._prettyPrintWorker.postMessage = data => {
dumpn("Sending message to prettyPrintWorker: "
+ JSON.stringify(data, null, 2) + "\n");
return, data);
return this._prettyPrintWorker;
_onPrettyPrintError: function ({ message, filename, lineno }) {
reportError(new Error(message + " @ " + filename + ":" + lineno));
_onPrettyPrintMsg: function ({ data }) {
dumpn("Received message from prettyPrintWorker: "
+ JSON.stringify(data, null, 2) + "\n");
* Keep track of all of the nested event loops we use to pause the debuggee
* when we hit a breakpoint/debugger statement/etc in one place so we can
* resolve them when we get resume packets. We have more than one (and keep
* them in a stack) because we can pause within client evals.
_threadPauseEventLoops: null,
_pushThreadPause: function TA__pushThreadPause() {
if (!this._threadPauseEventLoops) {
this._threadPauseEventLoops = [];
const eventLoop = this._nestedEventLoops.push();
_popThreadPause: function TA__popThreadPause() {
const eventLoop = this._threadPauseEventLoops.pop();
dbg_assert(eventLoop, "Should have an event loop.");
clearDebuggees: function TA_clearDebuggees() {
if (this.dbg) {
this.conn.removeActorPool(this._threadLifetimePool || undefined);
this._threadLifetimePool = null;
this._sources = null;
* Add a debuggee global to the Debugger object.
* @returns the Debugger.Object that corresponds to the global.
addDebuggee: function TA_addDebuggee(aGlobal) {
let globalDebugObject;
try {
globalDebugObject = this.dbg.addDebuggee(aGlobal);
} catch (e) {
// Ignore attempts to add the debugger's compartment as a debuggee.
dumpn("Ignoring request to add the debugger's compartment as a debuggee");
return globalDebugObject;
* Initialize the Debugger.
_initDebugger: function TA__initDebugger() {
this.dbg = new Debugger();
this.dbg.uncaughtExceptionHook = this.uncaughtExceptionHook.bind(this);
this.dbg.onDebuggerStatement = this.onDebuggerStatement.bind(this);
this.dbg.onNewScript = this.onNewScript.bind(this);
this.dbg.onNewGlobalObject = this.globalManager.onNewGlobal.bind(this);
// Keep the debugger disabled until a client attaches.
this.dbg.enabled = this._state != "detached";
* Remove a debuggee global from the JSInspector.
removeDebugee: function TA_removeDebuggee(aGlobal) {
try {
} catch(ex) {
// XXX: This debuggee has code currently executing on the stack,
// we need to save this for later.
* Add the provided window and all windows in its frame tree as debuggees.
* @returns the Debugger.Object that corresponds to the window.
_addDebuggees: function TA__addDebuggees(aWindow) {
let globalDebugObject = this.addDebuggee(aWindow);
let frames = aWindow.frames;
if (frames) {
for (let i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) {
return globalDebugObject;
* An object that will be used by ThreadActors to tailor their behavior
* depending on the debugging context being required (chrome or content).
globalManager: {
findGlobals: function TA_findGlobals() {
this.globalDebugObject = this._addDebuggees(;
* A function that the engine calls when a new global object has been
* created.
* @param aGlobal Debugger.Object
* The new global object that was created.
onNewGlobal: function TA_onNewGlobal(aGlobal) {
// Content debugging only cares about new globals in the contant window,
// like iframe children.
if (aGlobal.hostAnnotations &&
aGlobal.hostAnnotations.type == "document" &&
aGlobal.hostAnnotations.element === {
// Notify the client.
from: this.actorID,
type: "newGlobal",
// TODO: after bug 801084 lands see if we need to JSONify this.
hostAnnotations: aGlobal.hostAnnotations
disconnect: function TA_disconnect() {
dumpn("in ThreadActor.prototype.disconnect");
if (this._state == "paused") {
this._state = "exited";
if (this._prettyPrintWorker) {
"error", this._onPrettyPrintError, false);
"message", this._onPrettyPrintMsg, false);
this._prettyPrintWorker = null;
if (!this.dbg) {
this.dbg.enabled = false;
this.dbg = null;
* Disconnect the debugger and put the actor in the exited state.
exit: function TA_exit() {
// Request handlers
onAttach: function TA_onAttach(aRequest) {
if (this.state === "exited") {
return { type: "exited" };
if (this.state !== "detached") {
return { error: "wrongState" };
this._state = "attached";
update(this._options, aRequest.options || {});
if (!this.dbg) {
this.dbg.enabled = true;
try {
// Put ourselves in the paused state.
let packet = this._paused();
if (!packet) {
return { error: "notAttached" };
packet.why = { type: "attached" };
// Send the response to the attach request now (rather than
// returning it), because we're going to start a nested event loop
// here.
// Start a nested event loop.
// We already sent a response to this request, don't send one
// now.
return null;
} catch (e) {
return { error: "notAttached", message: e.toString() };
onDetach: function TA_onDetach(aRequest) {
dumpn("ThreadActor.prototype.onDetach: returning 'detached' packet");
return {
type: "detached"
onReconfigure: function TA_onReconfigure(aRequest) {
if (this.state == "exited") {
return { error: "wrongState" };
update(this._options, aRequest.options || {});
// Clear existing sources, so they can be recreated on next access.
this._sources = null;
return {};
* Pause the debuggee, by entering a nested event loop, and return a 'paused'
* packet to the client.
* @param Debugger.Frame aFrame
* The newest debuggee frame in the stack.
* @param object aReason
* An object with a 'type' property containing the reason for the pause.
* @param function onPacket
* Hook to modify the packet before it is sent. Feel free to return a
* promise.
_pauseAndRespond: function TA__pauseAndRespond(aFrame, aReason,
onPacket=function (k) { return k; }) {
try {
let packet = this._paused(aFrame);
if (!packet) {
return undefined;
packet.why = aReason;
this.sources.getOriginalLocation(packet.frame.where).then(aOrigPosition => {
packet.frame.where = aOrigPosition;
.then(null, error => {
return {
error: "unknownError",
message: error.message + "\n" + error.stack
.then(packet => {
} catch(e) {
reportError(e, "Got an exception during TA__pauseAndRespond: ");
return undefined;
* Handle resume requests that include a forceCompletion request.
* @param Object aRequest
* The request packet received over the RDP.
* @returns A response packet.
_forceCompletion: function TA__forceCompletion(aRequest) {
// TODO: remove this when Debugger.Frame.prototype.pop is implemented in
// bug 736733.
return {
error: "notImplemented",
message: "forced completion is not yet implemented."
_makeOnEnterFrame: function TA__makeOnEnterFrame({ pauseAndRespond }) {
return aFrame => {
const generatedLocation = getFrameLocation(aFrame);
let { url } = this.synchronize(this.sources.getOriginalLocation(
return this.sources.isBlackBoxed(url)
? undefined
: pauseAndRespond(aFrame);
_makeOnPop: function TA__makeOnPop({ thread, pauseAndRespond, createValueGrip }) {
return function (aCompletion) {
// onPop is called with 'this' set to the current frame.
const generatedLocation = getFrameLocation(this);
const { url } = thread.synchronize(thread.sources.getOriginalLocation(
if (thread.sources.isBlackBoxed(url)) {
return undefined;
// Note that we're popping this frame; we need to watch for
// subsequent step events on its caller.
this.reportedPop = true;
return pauseAndRespond(this, aPacket => {
aPacket.why.frameFinished = {};
if (!aCompletion) {
aPacket.why.frameFinished.terminated = true;
} else if (aCompletion.hasOwnProperty("return")) {
aPacket.why.frameFinished.return = createValueGrip(aCompletion.return);
} else if (aCompletion.hasOwnProperty("yield")) {
aPacket.why.frameFinished.return = createValueGrip(aCompletion.yield);
} else {
aPacket.why.frameFinished.throw = createValueGrip(aCompletion.throw);
return aPacket;
_makeOnStep: function TA__makeOnStep({ thread, pauseAndRespond, startFrame,
startLocation }) {
return function () {
// onStep is called with 'this' set to the current frame.
const generatedLocation = getFrameLocation(this);
const newLocation = thread.synchronize(thread.sources.getOriginalLocation(
// Cases when we should pause because we have executed enough to consider
// a "step" to have occured:
// 1.1. We change frames.
// 1.2. We change URLs (can happen without changing frames thanks to
// source mapping).
// 1.3. We change lines.
// Cases when we should always continue execution, even if one of the
// above cases is true:
// 2.1. We are in a source mapped region, but inside a null mapping
// (doesn't correlate to any region of original source)
// 2.2. The source we are in is black boxed.
// Cases 2.1 and 2.2
if (newLocation.url == null
|| thread.sources.isBlackBoxed(newLocation.url)) {
return undefined;
// Cases 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3
if (this !== startFrame
|| startLocation.url !== newLocation.url
|| startLocation.line !== newLocation.line) {
return pauseAndRespond(this);
// Otherwise, let execution continue (we haven't executed enough code to
// consider this a "step" yet).
return undefined;
* Define the JS hook functions for stepping.
_makeSteppingHooks: function TA__makeSteppingHooks(aStartLocation) {
// Bind these methods and state because some of the hooks are called
// with 'this' set to the current frame. Rather than repeating the
// binding in each _makeOnX method, just do it once here and pass it
// in to each function.
const steppingHookState = {
pauseAndRespond: (aFrame, onPacket=(k)=>k) => {
this._pauseAndRespond(aFrame, { type: "resumeLimit" }, onPacket);
createValueGrip: this.createValueGrip.bind(this),
thread: this,
startFrame: this.youngestFrame,
startLocation: aStartLocation
return {
onEnterFrame: this._makeOnEnterFrame(steppingHookState),
onPop: this._makeOnPop(steppingHookState),
onStep: this._makeOnStep(steppingHookState)
* Handle attaching the various stepping hooks we need to attach when we
* receive a resume request with a resumeLimit property.
* @param Object aRequest
* The request packet received over the RDP.
* @returns A promise that resolves to true once the hooks are attached, or is
* rejected with an error packet.
_handleResumeLimit: function TA__handleResumeLimit(aRequest) {
let steppingType = aRequest.resumeLimit.type;
if (["step", "next", "finish"].indexOf(steppingType) == -1) {
return reject({ error: "badParameterType",
message: "Unknown resumeLimit type" });
const generatedLocation = getFrameLocation(this.youngestFrame);
return this.sources.getOriginalLocation(generatedLocation)
.then(originalLocation => {
const { onEnterFrame, onPop, onStep } = this._makeSteppingHooks(originalLocation);
// Make sure there is still a frame on the stack if we are to continue
// stepping.
let stepFrame = this._getNextStepFrame(this.youngestFrame);
if (stepFrame) {
switch (steppingType) {
case "step":
this.dbg.onEnterFrame = onEnterFrame;
// Fall through.
case "next":
if (stepFrame.script) {
stepFrame.onStep = onStep;
stepFrame.onPop = onPop;
case "finish":
stepFrame.onPop = onPop;
return true;
* Clear the onStep and onPop hooks from the given frame and all of the frames
* below it.
* @param Debugger.Frame aFrame
* The frame we want to clear the stepping hooks from.
_clearSteppingHooks: function TA__clearSteppingHooks(aFrame) {
while (aFrame) {
aFrame.onStep = undefined;
aFrame.onPop = undefined;
aFrame = aFrame.older;
* Listen to the debuggee's DOM events if we received a request to do so.
* @param Object aRequest
* The resume request packet received over the RDP.
_maybeListenToEvents: function TA__maybeListenToEvents(aRequest) {
// Break-on-DOMEvents is only supported in content debugging.
let events = aRequest.pauseOnDOMEvents;
if ( && events &&
(events == "*" ||
(Array.isArray(events) && events.length))) {
this._pauseOnDOMEvents = events;
let els = Cc[";1"]
els.addListenerForAllEvents(, this._allEventsListener, true);
* Handle a protocol request to resume execution of the debuggee.
onResume: function TA_onResume(aRequest) {
if (this._state !== "paused") {
return {
error: "wrongState",
message: "Can't resume when debuggee isn't paused. Current state is '"
+ this._state + "'"
// In case of multiple nested event loops (due to multiple debuggers open in
// different tabs or multiple debugger clients connected to the same tab)
// only allow resumption in a LIFO order.
// James commented
// if (this._nestedEventLoops.size && this._nestedEventLoops.lastPausedUrl
// && this._nestedEventLoops.lastPausedUrl !== this._hooks.url) {
// return {
// error: "wrongOrder",
// message: "trying to resume in the wrong order.",
// lastPausedUrl: this._nestedEventLoops.lastPausedUrl
// };
// }
if (aRequest && aRequest.forceCompletion) {
return this._forceCompletion(aRequest);
let resumeLimitHandled;
if (aRequest && aRequest.resumeLimit) {
resumeLimitHandled = this._handleResumeLimit(aRequest)
} else {
resumeLimitHandled = resolve(true);
return resumeLimitHandled.then(() => {
if (aRequest) {
this._options.pauseOnExceptions = aRequest.pauseOnExceptions;
this._options.ignoreCaughtExceptions = aRequest.ignoreCaughtExceptions;
let packet = this._resumed();
return packet;
}, error => {
return error instanceof Error
? { error: "unknownError",
message: safeErrorString(error) }
// It is a known error, and the promise was rejected with an error
// packet.
: error;
* Spin up a nested event loop so we can synchronously resolve a promise.
* @param aPromise
* The promise we want to resolve.
* @returns The promise's resolution.
synchronize: function(aPromise) {
let needNest = true;
let eventLoop;
let returnVal;
.then((aResolvedVal) => {
needNest = false;
returnVal = aResolvedVal;
.then(null, (aError) => {
reportError(aError, "Error inside synchronize:");
.then(() => {
if (eventLoop) {
if (needNest) {
eventLoop = this._nestedEventLoops.push();
return returnVal;
* Set the debugging hook to pause on exceptions if configured to do so.
maybePauseOnExceptions: function() {
if (this._options.pauseOnExceptions) {
this.dbg.onExceptionUnwind = this.onExceptionUnwind.bind(this);
* A listener that gets called for every event fired on the page, when a list
* of interesting events was provided with the pauseOnDOMEvents property. It
* is used to set server-managed breakpoints on any existing event listeners
* for those events.
* @param Event event
* The event that was fired.
_allEventsListener: function(event) {
if (this._pauseOnDOMEvents == "*" ||
this._pauseOnDOMEvents.indexOf(event.type) != -1) {
for (let listener of this._getAllEventListeners( {
if (event.type == listener.type || this._pauseOnDOMEvents == "*") {
* Return an array containing all the event listeners attached to the
* specified event target and its ancestors in the event target chain.
* @param EventTarget eventTarget
* The target the event was dispatched on.
* @returns Array
_getAllEventListeners: function(eventTarget) {
let els = Cc[";1"]
let targets = els.getEventTargetChainFor(eventTarget);
let listeners = [];
for (let target of targets) {
let handlers = els.getListenerInfoFor(target);
for (let handler of handlers) {
// Null is returned for all-events handlers, and native event listeners
// don't provide any listenerObject, which makes them not that useful to
// a JS debugger.
if (!handler || !handler.listenerObject || !handler.type)
// Create a listener-like object suitable for our purposes.
let l = Object.create(null);
l.type = handler.type;
let listener = handler.listenerObject;
l.script = this.globalDebugObject.makeDebuggeeValue(listener).script;
// Chrome listeners won't be converted to debuggee values, since their
// compartment is not added as a debuggee.
if (!l.script)
return listeners;
* Set a breakpoint on the first bytecode offset in the provided script.
_breakOnEnter: function(script) {
let offsets = script.getAllOffsets();
for (let line = 0, n = offsets.length; line < n; line++) {
if (offsets[line]) {
let location = { url: script.url, line: line };
let resp = this._createAndStoreBreakpoint(location);
dbg_assert(!resp.actualLocation, "No actualLocation should be returned");
if (resp.error) {
reportError(new Error("Unable to set breakpoint on event listener"));
let bp = this.breakpointStore.getBreakpoint(location);
let bpActor =;
dbg_assert(bp, "Breakpoint must exist");
dbg_assert(bpActor, "Breakpoint actor must be created");
this._hiddenBreakpoints.set(bpActor.actorID, bpActor);
* Helper method that returns the next frame when stepping.
_getNextStepFrame: function TA__getNextStepFrame(aFrame) {
let stepFrame = aFrame.reportedPop ? aFrame.older : aFrame;
if (!stepFrame || !stepFrame.script) {
stepFrame = null;
return stepFrame;
onClientEvaluate: function TA_onClientEvaluate(aRequest) {
if (this.state !== "paused") {
return { error: "wrongState",
message: "Debuggee must be paused to evaluate code." };
let frame = this._requestFrame(aRequest.frame);
if (!frame) {
return { error: "unknownFrame",
message: "Evaluation frame not found" };
if (!frame.environment) {
return { error: "notDebuggee",
message: "cannot access the environment of this frame." };
let youngest = this.youngestFrame;
// Put ourselves back in the running state and inform the client.
let resumedPacket = this._resumed();
// Run the expression.
// XXX: test syntax errors
let completion = frame.eval(aRequest.expression);
// Put ourselves back in the pause state.
let packet = this._paused(youngest);
packet.why = { type: "clientEvaluated",
frameFinished: this.createProtocolCompletionValue(completion) };
// Return back to our previous pause's event loop.
return packet;
onFrames: function TA_onFrames(aRequest) {
if (this.state !== "paused") {
return { error: "wrongState",
message: "Stack frames are only available while the debuggee is paused."};
let start = aRequest.start ? aRequest.start : 0;
let count = aRequest.count;
// Find the starting frame...
let frame = this.youngestFrame;
let i = 0;
while (frame && (i < start)) {
frame = frame.older;
// Return request.count frames, or all remaining
// frames if count is not defined.
let frames = [];
let promises = [];
for (; frame && (!count || i < (start + count)); i++, frame=frame.older) {
let form = this._createFrameActor(frame).form();
form.depth = i;
let promise = this.sources.getOriginalLocation(form.where)
.then((aOrigLocation) => {
form.where = aOrigLocation;
let source = this.sources.source({ url: form.where.url });
if (source) {
form.source = source.form();
return all(promises).then(function () {
return { frames: frames };
onReleaseMany: function TA_onReleaseMany(aRequest) {
if (!aRequest.actors) {
return { error: "missingParameter",
message: "no actors were specified" };
let res;
for each (let actorID in aRequest.actors) {
let actor = this.threadLifetimePool.get(actorID);
if (!actor) {
if (!res) {
res = { error: "notReleasable",
message: "Only thread-lifetime actors can be released." };
return res ? res : {};
* Handle a protocol request to set a breakpoint.
onSetBreakpoint: function TA_onSetBreakpoint(aRequest) {
if (this.state !== "paused") {
return { error: "wrongState",
message: "Breakpoints can only be set while the debuggee is paused."};
let { url: originalSource,
line: originalLine,
column: originalColumn } = aRequest.location;
let locationPromise = this.sources.getGeneratedLocation(aRequest.location);
return locationPromise.then(({url, line, column}) => {
if (line == null ||
line < 0 ||
this.dbg.findScripts({ url: url }).length == 0) {
return { error: "noScript" };
let response = this._createAndStoreBreakpoint({
url: url,
line: line,
column: column
// If the original location of our generated location is different from
// the original location we attempted to set the breakpoint on, we will
// need to know so that we can set actualLocation on the response.
let originalLocation = this.sources.getOriginalLocation({
url: url,
line: line,
column: column
return all([response, originalLocation])
.then(([aResponse, {url, line}]) => {
if (aResponse.actualLocation) {
let actualOrigLocation = this.sources.getOriginalLocation(aResponse.actualLocation);
return actualOrigLocation.then(({ url, line, column }) => {
if (url !== originalSource
|| line !== originalLine
|| column !== originalColumn) {
aResponse.actualLocation = {
url: url,
line: line,
column: column
return aResponse;
if (url !== originalSource || line !== originalLine) {
aResponse.actualLocation = { url: url, line: line };
return aResponse;
* Create a breakpoint at the specified location and store it in the
* cache. Takes ownership of `aLocation`.
* @param Object aLocation
* An object of the form { url, line[, column] }
_createAndStoreBreakpoint: function (aLocation) {
// Add the breakpoint to the store for later reuse, in case it belongs to a
// script that hasn't appeared yet.
return this._setBreakpoint(aLocation);
* Set a breakpoint using the jsdbg2 API. If the line on which the breakpoint
* is being set contains no code, then the breakpoint will slide down to the
* next line that has runnable code. In this case the server breakpoint cache
* will be updated, so callers that iterate over the breakpoint cache should
* take that into account.
* @param object aLocation
* The location of the breakpoint (in the generated source, if source
* mapping).
_setBreakpoint: function TA__setBreakpoint(aLocation) {
let actor;
let storedBp = this.breakpointStore.getBreakpoint(aLocation);
if ( {
actor =;
} else { = actor = new BreakpointActor(this, {
url: aLocation.url,
line: aLocation.line,
column: aLocation.column
// Find all scripts matching the given location
let scripts = this.dbg.findScripts(aLocation);
if (scripts.length == 0) {
return {
error: "noScript",
actor: actor.actorID
* For each script, if the given line has at least one entry point, set a
* breakpoint on the bytecode offets for each of them.
// Debugger.Script -> array of offset mappings
let scriptsAndOffsetMappings = new Map();
for (let script of scripts) {
if (scriptsAndOffsetMappings.size > 0) {
for (let [script, mappings] of scriptsAndOffsetMappings) {
for (let offsetMapping of mappings) {
script.setBreakpoint(offsetMapping.offset, actor);
actor.addScript(script, this);
return {
actor: actor.actorID
* If we get here, no breakpoint was set. This is because the given line
* has no entry points, for example because it is empty. As a fallback
* strategy, we try to set the breakpoint on the smallest line greater
* than or equal to the given line that as at least one entry point.
// Find all innermost scripts matching the given location
let scripts = this.dbg.findScripts({
url: aLocation.url,
line: aLocation.line,
innermost: true
* For each innermost script, look for the smallest line greater than or
* equal to the given line that has one or more entry points. If found, set
* a breakpoint on the bytecode offset for each of its entry points.
let actualLocation;
let found = false;
for (let script of scripts) {
let offsets = script.getAllOffsets();
for (let line = aLocation.line; line < offsets.length; ++line) {
if (offsets[line]) {
for (let offset of offsets[line]) {
script.setBreakpoint(offset, actor);
actor.addScript(script, this);
if (!actualLocation) {
actualLocation = {
url: aLocation.url,
line: line,
column: 0
found = true;
if (found) {
let existingBp = this.breakpointStore.hasBreakpoint(actualLocation);
if (existingBp && {
* We already have a breakpoint actor for the actual location, so
* actor we created earlier is now redundant. Delete it, update the
* breakpoint store, and return the actor for the actual location.
return {
actualLocation: actualLocation
} else {
* We don't have a breakpoint actor for the actual location yet.
* Instead or creating a new actor, reuse the actor we created earlier,
* and update the breakpoint store.
actor.location = actualLocation;
actor: actor,
url: actualLocation.url,
line: actualLocation.line,
column: actualLocation.column
return {
actor: actor.actorID,
actualLocation: actualLocation
* If we get here, no line matching the given line was found, so just
* fail epically.
return {
error: "noCodeAtLineColumn",
actor: actor.actorID
* Find all of the offset mappings associated with `aScript` that are closest
* to `aTargetLocation`. If new offset mappings are found that are closer to
* `aTargetOffset` than the existing offset mappings inside
* `aScriptsAndOffsetMappings`, we empty that map and only consider the
* closest offset mappings. If there is no column in `aTargetLocation`, we add
* all offset mappings that are on the given line.
* @param Object aTargetLocation
* An object of the form { url, line[, column] }.
* @param Debugger.Script aScript
* The script in which we are searching for offsets.
* @param Map aScriptsAndOffsetMappings
* A Map object which maps Debugger.Script instances to arrays of
* offset mappings. This is an out param.
_findClosestOffsetMappings: function TA__findClosestOffsetMappings(aTargetLocation,
aScriptsAndOffsetMappings) {
// If we are given a column, we will try and break only at that location,
// otherwise we will break anytime we get on that line.
if (aTargetLocation.column == null) {
let offsetMappings = aScript.getLineOffsets(aTargetLocation.line)
.map(o => ({
line: aTargetLocation.line,
offset: o
if (offsetMappings.length) {
aScriptsAndOffsetMappings.set(aScript, offsetMappings);
let offsetMappings = aScript.getAllColumnOffsets()
.filter(({ lineNumber }) => lineNumber === aTargetLocation.line);
// Attempt to find the current closest offset distance from the target
// location by grabbing any offset mapping in the map by doing one iteration
// and then breaking (they all have the same distance from the target
// location).
let closestDistance = Infinity;
if (aScriptsAndOffsetMappings.size) {
for (let mappings of aScriptsAndOffsetMappings.values()) {
closestDistance = Math.abs(aTargetLocation.column - mappings[0].columnNumber);
for (let mapping of offsetMappings) {
let currentDistance = Math.abs(aTargetLocation.column - mapping.columnNumber);
if (currentDistance > closestDistance) {
} else if (currentDistance < closestDistance) {
closestDistance = currentDistance;
aScriptsAndOffsetMappings.set(aScript, [mapping]);
} else {
if (!aScriptsAndOffsetMappings.has(aScript)) {
aScriptsAndOffsetMappings.set(aScript, []);
* Get the script and source lists from the debugger.
* TODO bug 637572: we should be dealing with sources directly, not inferring
* them through scripts.
_discoverSources: function TA__discoverSources() {
// Only get one script per url.
let scriptsByUrl = {};
for (let s of this.dbg.findScripts()) {
scriptsByUrl[s.url] = s;
return all([this.sources.sourcesForScript(scriptsByUrl[s])
for (s of Object.keys(scriptsByUrl))]);
onSources: function TA_onSources(aRequest) {
return this._discoverSources().then(() => {
return {
sources: [s.form() for (s of this.sources.iter())]
* Disassociate all breakpoint actors from their scripts and clear the
* breakpoint handlers. This method can be used when the thread actor intends
* to keep the breakpoint store, but needs to clear any actual breakpoints,
* e.g. due to a page navigation. This way the breakpoint actors' script
* caches won't hold on to the Debugger.Script objects leaking memory.
disableAllBreakpoints: function () {
for (let bp of this.breakpointStore.findBreakpoints()) {
if ( {;
* Handle a protocol request to pause the debuggee.
onInterrupt: function TA_onInterrupt(aRequest) {
if (this.state == "exited") {
return { type: "exited" };
} else if (this.state == "paused") {
// TODO: return the actual reason for the existing pause.
return { type: "paused", why: { type: "alreadyPaused" } };
} else if (this.state != "running") {
return { error: "wrongState",
message: "Received interrupt request in " + this.state +
" state." };
try {
// Put ourselves in the paused state.
let packet = this._paused();
if (!packet) {
return { error: "notInterrupted" };
packet.why = { type: "interrupted" };
// Send the response to the interrupt request now (rather than
// returning it), because we're going to start a nested event loop
// here.
// Start a nested event loop.
// We already sent a response to this request, don't send one
// now.
return null;
} catch (e) {
return { error: "notInterrupted", message: e.toString() };
* Handle a protocol request to retrieve all the event listeners on the page.
onEventListeners: function TA_onEventListeners(aRequest) {
// This request is only supported in content debugging.
if (! {
return {
error: "notImplemented",
message: "eventListeners request is only supported in content debugging"
let els = Cc[";1"]
let nodes ="*");
nodes = [].concat([];
let listeners = [];
for (let node of nodes) {
let handlers = els.getListenerInfoFor(node);
for (let handler of handlers) {
// Create a form object for serializing the listener via the protocol.
let listenerForm = Object.create(null);
let listener = handler.listenerObject;
// Native event listeners don't provide any listenerObject and are not
// that useful to a JS debugger.
if (!listener) {
// There will be no tagName if the event listener is set on the window.
let selector = node.tagName ? findCssSelector(node) : "window";
let nodeDO = this.globalDebugObject.makeDebuggeeValue(node);
listenerForm.node = {
selector: selector,
object: this.createValueGrip(nodeDO)
listenerForm.type = handler.type;
listenerForm.capturing = handler.capturing;
listenerForm.allowsUntrusted = handler.allowsUntrusted;
listenerForm.inSystemEventGroup = handler.inSystemEventGroup;
listenerForm.isEventHandler = !!node["on" + listenerForm.type];
// Get the Debugger.Object for the listener object.
let listenerDO = this.globalDebugObject.makeDebuggeeValue(listener);
listenerForm.function = this.createValueGrip(listenerDO);
return { listeners: listeners };
* Return the Debug.Frame for a frame mentioned by the protocol.
_requestFrame: function TA_requestFrame(aFrameID) {
if (!aFrameID) {
return this.youngestFrame;
if (this._framePool.has(aFrameID)) {
return this._framePool.get(aFrameID).frame;
return undefined;
_paused: function TA__paused(aFrame) {
// We don't handle nested pauses correctly. Don't try - if we're
// paused, just continue running whatever code triggered the pause.
// We don't want to actually have nested pauses (although we
// have nested event loops). If code runs in the debuggee during
// a pause, it should cause the actor to resume (dropping
// pause-lifetime actors etc) and then repause when complete.
if (this.state === "paused") {
return undefined;
// Clear stepping hooks.
this.dbg.onEnterFrame = undefined;
this.dbg.onExceptionUnwind = undefined;
if (aFrame) {
aFrame.onStep = undefined;
aFrame.onPop = undefined;
// Clear DOM event breakpoints.
// XPCShell tests don't use actual DOM windows for globals and cause
// removeListenerForAllEvents to throw.
if ( && !"Sandbox")) {
// let els = Cc[";1"]
// .getService(Ci.nsIEventListenerService);
// els.removeListenerForAllEvents(, this._allEventsListener, true);
for (let [,bp] of this._hiddenBreakpoints) {
this._state = "paused";
// Create the actor pool that will hold the pause actor and its
// children.
dbg_assert(!this._pausePool, "No pause pool should exist yet");
this._pausePool = new ActorPool(this.conn);
// Give children of the pause pool a quick link back to the
// thread...
this._pausePool.threadActor = this;
// Create the pause actor itself...
dbg_assert(!this._pauseActor, "No pause actor should exist yet");
this._pauseActor = new PauseActor(this._pausePool);
// Update the list of frames.
let poppedFrames = this._updateFrames();
// Send off the paused packet and spin an event loop.
let packet = { from: this.actorID,
type: "paused",
actor: this._pauseActor.actorID };
if (aFrame) {
packet.frame = this._createFrameActor(aFrame).form();
if (poppedFrames) {
packet.poppedFrames = poppedFrames;
return packet;
_resumed: function TA_resumed() {
this._state = "running";
// Drop the actors in the pause actor pool.
this._pausePool = null;
this._pauseActor = null;
return { from: this.actorID, type: "resumed" };
* Expire frame actors for frames that have been popped.
* @returns A list of actor IDs whose frames have been popped.
_updateFrames: function TA_updateFrames() {
let popped = [];
// Create the actor pool that will hold the still-living frames.
let framePool = new ActorPool(this.conn);
let frameList = [];
for each (let frameActor in this._frameActors) {
if ( {
} else {
// Remove the old frame actor pool, this will expire
// any actors that weren't added to the new pool.
if (this._framePool) {
this._frameActors = frameList;
this._framePool = framePool;
return popped;
_createFrameActor: function TA_createFrameActor(aFrame) {
if ( {
let actor = new FrameActor(aFrame, this);
this._framePool.addActor(actor); = actor;
return actor;
* Create and return an environment actor that corresponds to the provided
* Debugger.Environment.
* @param Debugger.Environment aEnvironment
* The lexical environment we want to extract.
* @param object aPool
* The pool where the newly-created actor will be placed.
* @return The EnvironmentActor for aEnvironment or undefined for host
* functions or functions scoped to a non-debuggee global.
function TA_createEnvironmentActor(aEnvironment, aPool) {
if (!aEnvironment) {
return undefined;
if ( {
let actor = new EnvironmentActor(aEnvironment, this);
aPool.addActor(actor); = actor;
return actor;
* Create a grip for the given debuggee value. If the value is an
* object, will create an actor with the given lifetime.
createValueGrip: function TA_createValueGrip(aValue, aPool=false) {
if (!aPool) {
aPool = this._pausePool;
switch (typeof aValue) {
case "boolean":
return aValue;
case "string":
if (this._stringIsLong(aValue)) {
return this.longStringGrip(aValue, aPool);
return aValue;
case "number":
if (aValue === Infinity) {
return { type: "Infinity" };
} else if (aValue === -Infinity) {
return { type: "-Infinity" };
} else if (Number.isNaN(aValue)) {
return { type: "NaN" };
} else if (!aValue && 1 / aValue === -Infinity) {
return { type: "-0" };
return aValue;
case "undefined":
return { type: "undefined" };
case "object":
if (aValue === null) {
return { type: "null" };
return this.objectGrip(aValue, aPool);
dbg_assert(false, "Failed to provide a grip for: " + aValue);
return null;
* Return a protocol completion value representing the given
* Debugger-provided completion value.
function TA_createProtocolCompletionValue(aCompletion) {
let protoValue = {};
if ("return" in aCompletion) {
protoValue.return = this.createValueGrip(aCompletion.return);
} else if ("yield" in aCompletion) {
protoValue.return = this.createValueGrip(aCompletion.yield);
} else if ("throw" in aCompletion) {
protoValue.throw = this.createValueGrip(aCompletion.throw);
} else {
protoValue.terminated = true;
return protoValue;
* Create a grip for the given debuggee object.
* @param aValue Debugger.Object
* The debuggee object value.
* @param aPool ActorPool
* The actor pool where the new object actor will be added.
objectGrip: function TA_objectGrip(aValue, aPool) {
if (!aPool.objectActors) {
aPool.objectActors = new WeakMap();
if (aPool.objectActors.has(aValue)) {
return aPool.objectActors.get(aValue).grip();
} else if (this.threadLifetimePool.objectActors.has(aValue)) {
return this.threadLifetimePool.objectActors.get(aValue).grip();
let actor = new PauseScopedObjectActor(aValue, this);
aPool.objectActors.set(aValue, actor);
return actor.grip();
* Create a grip for the given debuggee object with a pause lifetime.
* @param aValue Debugger.Object
* The debuggee object value.
pauseObjectGrip: function TA_pauseObjectGrip(aValue) {
if (!this._pausePool) {
throw "Object grip requested while not paused.";
return this.objectGrip(aValue, this._pausePool);
* Extend the lifetime of the provided object actor to thread lifetime.
* @param aActor object
* The object actor.
threadObjectGrip: function TA_threadObjectGrip(aActor) {
// We want to reuse the existing actor ID, so we just remove it from the
// current pool's weak map and then let pool.addActor do the rest.
this.threadLifetimePool.objectActors.set(aActor.obj, aActor);
* Handle a protocol request to promote multiple pause-lifetime grips to
* thread-lifetime grips.
* @param aRequest object
* The protocol request object.
onThreadGrips: function OA_onThreadGrips(aRequest) {
if (this.state != "paused") {
return { error: "wrongState" };
if (!aRequest.actors) {
return { error: "missingParameter",
message: "no actors were specified" };
for (let actorID of aRequest.actors) {
let actor = this._pausePool.get(actorID);
if (actor) {
return {};
* Create a grip for the given string.
* @param aString String
* The string we are creating a grip for.
* @param aPool ActorPool
* The actor pool where the new actor will be added.
longStringGrip: function TA_longStringGrip(aString, aPool) {
if (!aPool.longStringActors) {
aPool.longStringActors = {};
if (aPool.longStringActors.hasOwnProperty(aString)) {
return aPool.longStringActors[aString].grip();
let actor = new LongStringActor(aString, this);
aPool.longStringActors[aString] = actor;
return actor.grip();
* Create a long string grip that is scoped to a pause.
* @param aString String
* The string we are creating a grip for.
pauseLongStringGrip: function TA_pauseLongStringGrip (aString) {
return this.longStringGrip(aString, this._pausePool);
* Create a long string grip that is scoped to a thread.
* @param aString String
* The string we are creating a grip for.
threadLongStringGrip: function TA_pauseLongStringGrip (aString) {
return this.longStringGrip(aString, this._threadLifetimePool);
* Returns true if the string is long enough to use a LongStringActor instead
* of passing the value directly over the protocol.
* @param aString String
* The string we are checking the length of.
_stringIsLong: function TA__stringIsLong(aString) {
return aString.length >= DebuggerServer.LONG_STRING_LENGTH;
// JS Debugger API hooks.
* A function that the engine calls when a call to a debug event hook,
* breakpoint handler, watchpoint handler, or similar function throws some
* exception.
* @param aException exception
* The exception that was thrown in the debugger code.
uncaughtExceptionHook: function TA_uncaughtExceptionHook(aException) {
dumpn("Got an exception: " + aException.message + "\n" + aException.stack);
* A function that the engine calls when a debugger statement has been
* executed in the specified frame.
* @param aFrame Debugger.Frame
* The stack frame that contained the debugger statement.
onDebuggerStatement: function TA_onDebuggerStatement(aFrame) {
// Don't pause if we are currently stepping (in or over) or the frame is
// black-boxed.
const generatedLocation = getFrameLocation(aFrame);
const { url } = this.synchronize(this.sources.getOriginalLocation(
return this.sources.isBlackBoxed(url) || aFrame.onStep
? undefined
: this._pauseAndRespond(aFrame, { type: "debuggerStatement" });
* A function that the engine calls when an exception has been thrown and has
* propagated to the specified frame.
* @param aFrame Debugger.Frame
* The youngest remaining stack frame.
* @param aValue object
* The exception that was thrown.
onExceptionUnwind: function TA_onExceptionUnwind(aFrame, aValue) {
let willBeCaught = false;
for (let frame = aFrame; frame != null; frame = frame.older) {
if (frame.script.isInCatchScope(frame.offset)) {
willBeCaught = true;
if (willBeCaught && this._options.ignoreCaughtExceptions) {
return undefined;
const generatedLocation = getFrameLocation(aFrame);
const { url } = this.synchronize(this.sources.getOriginalLocation(
if (this.sources.isBlackBoxed(url)) {
return undefined;
try {
let packet = this._paused(aFrame);
if (!packet) {
return undefined;
packet.why = { type: "exception",
exception: this.createValueGrip(aValue) };
} catch(e) {
reportError(e, "Got an exception during TA_onExceptionUnwind: ");
return undefined;
* A function that the engine calls when a new script has been loaded into the
* scope of the specified debuggee global.
* @param aScript Debugger.Script
* The source script that has been loaded into a debuggee compartment.
* @param aGlobal Debugger.Object
* A Debugger.Object instance whose referent is the global object.
onNewScript: function TA_onNewScript(aScript, aGlobal) {
onNewSource: function TA_onNewSource(aSource) {
from: this.actorID,
type: "newSource",
source: aSource.form()
* Check if scripts from the provided source URL are allowed to be stored in
* the cache.
* @param aSourceUrl String
* The url of the script's source that will be stored.
* @returns true, if the script can be added, false otherwise.
_allowSource: function TA__allowSource(aSourceUrl) {
// Ignore anything we don't have a URL for (eval scripts, for example).
if (!aSourceUrl)
return false;
// Ignore XBL bindings for content debugging.
if (aSourceUrl.indexOf("chrome://") == 0) {
return false;
// Ignore about:* pages for content debugging.
if (aSourceUrl.indexOf("about:") == 0) {
return false;
return true;
* Restore any pre-existing breakpoints to the scripts that we have access to.
_restoreBreakpoints: function TA__restoreBreakpoints() {
for (let s of this.dbg.findScripts()) {
* Add the provided script to the server cache.
* @param aScript Debugger.Script
* The source script that will be stored.
* @returns true, if the script was added; false otherwise.
_addScript: function TA__addScript(aScript) {
if (!this._allowSource(aScript.url)) {
return false;
// Set any stored breakpoints.
let endLine = aScript.startLine + aScript.lineCount - 1;
for (let bp of this.breakpointStore.findBreakpoints({ url: aScript.url })) {
// Only consider breakpoints that are not already associated with
// scripts, and limit search to the line numbers contained in the new
// script.
if (!
&& bp.line >= aScript.startLine
&& bp.line <= endLine) {
return true;
* Get prototypes and properties of multiple objects.
onPrototypesAndProperties: function TA_onPrototypesAndProperties(aRequest) {
let result = {};
for (let actorID of aRequest.actors) {
// This code assumes that there are no lazily loaded actors returned
// by this call.
let actor = this.conn.getActor(actorID);
if (!actor) {
return { from: this.actorID,
error: "noSuchActor" };
let handler = actor.onPrototypeAndProperties;
if (!handler) {
return { from: this.actorID,
error: "unrecognizedPacketType",
message: ('Actor "' + actorID +
'" does not recognize the packet type ' +
'"prototypeAndProperties"') };
result[actorID] =, {});
return { from: this.actorID,
actors: result };
ThreadActor.prototype.requestTypes = {
"attach": ThreadActor.prototype.onAttach,
"detach": ThreadActor.prototype.onDetach,
"reconfigure": ThreadActor.prototype.onReconfigure,
"resume": ThreadActor.prototype.onResume,
"clientEvaluate": ThreadActor.prototype.onClientEvaluate,
"frames": ThreadActor.prototype.onFrames,
"interrupt": ThreadActor.prototype.onInterrupt,
"eventListeners": ThreadActor.prototype.onEventListeners,
"releaseMany": ThreadActor.prototype.onReleaseMany,
"setBreakpoint": ThreadActor.prototype.onSetBreakpoint,
"sources": ThreadActor.prototype.onSources,
"threadGrips": ThreadActor.prototype.onThreadGrips,
"prototypesAndProperties": ThreadActor.prototype.onPrototypesAndProperties
* Creates a PauseActor.
* PauseActors exist for the lifetime of a given debuggee pause. Used to
* scope pause-lifetime grips.
* @param ActorPool aPool
* The actor pool created for this pause.
function PauseActor(aPool)
this.pool = aPool;
PauseActor.prototype = {
actorPrefix: "pause"
* A base actor for any actors that should only respond receive messages in the
* paused state. Subclasses may expose a `threadActor` which is used to help
* determine when we are in a paused state. Subclasses should set their own
* "constructor" property if they want better error messages. You should never
* instantiate a PauseScopedActor directly, only through subclasses.
function PauseScopedActor()
* A function decorator for creating methods to handle protocol messages that
* should only be received while in the paused state.
* @param aMethod Function
* The function we are decorating.
PauseScopedActor.withPaused = function PSA_withPaused(aMethod) {
return function () {
if (this.isPaused()) {
return aMethod.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
return this._wrongState();
PauseScopedActor.prototype = {
* Returns true if we are in the paused state.
isPaused: function PSA_isPaused() {
// When there is not a ThreadActor available (like in the webconsole) we
// have to be optimistic and assume that we are paused so that we can
// respond to requests.
return this.threadActor ? this.threadActor.state === "paused" : true;
* Returns the wrongState response packet for this actor.
_wrongState: function PSA_wrongState() {
return {
error: "wrongState",
message: +
" actors can only be accessed while the thread is paused."
* A SourceActor provides information about the source of a script.
* @param String url
* The url of the source we are representing.
* @param ThreadActor thread
* The current thread actor.
* @param SourceMapConsumer sourceMap
* Optional. The source map that introduced this source, if available.
* @param String generatedSource
* Optional, passed in when aSourceMap is also passed in. The generated
* source url that introduced this source.
* @param String text
* Optional. The content text of this source, if immediately available.
* @param String contentType
* Optional. The content type of this source, if immediately available.
function SourceActor({ url, thread, sourceMap, generatedSource, text,
contentType }) {
this._threadActor = thread;
this._url = url;
this._sourceMap = sourceMap;
this._generatedSource = generatedSource;
this._text = text;
this._contentType = contentType;
this.onSource = this.onSource.bind(this);
this._invertSourceMap = this._invertSourceMap.bind(this);
this._saveMap = this._saveMap.bind(this);
this._getSourceText = this._getSourceText.bind(this);
if (this.threadActor.sources.isPrettyPrinted(this.url)) {
this._init = this.onPrettyPrint({
indent: this.threadActor.sources.prettyPrintIndent(this.url)
}).then(null, error => {
DevToolsUtils.reportException("SourceActor", error);
} else {
this._init = null;
SourceActor.prototype = {
constructor: SourceActor,
actorPrefix: "source",
_oldSourceMap: null,
_init: null,
get threadActor() this._threadActor,
get url() this._url,
get prettyPrintWorker() {
return this.threadActor.prettyPrintWorker;
form: function SA_form() {
return {
actor: this.actorID,
url: this._url,
isBlackBoxed: this.threadActor.sources.isBlackBoxed(this.url),
isPrettyPrinted: this.threadActor.sources.isPrettyPrinted(this.url)
// TODO bug 637572: introductionScript
disconnect: function SA_disconnect() {
if (this.registeredPool && this.registeredPool.sourceActors) {
delete this.registeredPool.sourceActors[this.actorID];
_getSourceText: function SA__getSourceText() {
const toResolvedContent = t => resolve({
content: t,
contentType: this._contentType
let sc;
if (this._sourceMap && (sc = this._sourceMap.sourceContentFor(this._url))) {
return toResolvedContent(sc);
if (this._text) {
return toResolvedContent(this._text);
// XXX bug 865252: Don't load from the cache if this is a source mapped
// source because we can't guarantee that the cache has the most up to date
// content for this source like we can if it isn't source mapped.
return fetch(this._url, { loadFromCache: !this._sourceMap });
* Handler for the "source" packet.
onSource: function SA_onSource() {
return resolve(this._init)
.then(({ content, contentType }) => {
return {
from: this.actorID,
source: this.threadActor.createValueGrip(
content, this.threadActor.threadLifetimePool),
contentType: contentType
.then(null, aError => {
reportError(aError, "Got an exception during SA_onSource: ");
return {
"from": this.actorID,
"error": "loadSourceError",
"message": "Could not load the source for " + this._url + ".\n"
+ safeErrorString(aError)
* Handler for the "prettyPrint" packet.
onPrettyPrint: function ({ indent }) {
this.threadActor.sources.prettyPrint(this._url, indent);
return this._getSourceText()
.then(() => {
// We need to reset `_init` now because we have already done the work of
// pretty printing, and don't want onSource to wait forever for
// initialization to complete.
this._init = null;
.then(null, error => {
return {
from: this.actorID,
error: "prettyPrintError",
message: DevToolsUtils.safeErrorString(error)
* Return a function that sends a request to the pretty print worker, waits on
* the worker's response, and then returns the pretty printed code.
* @param Number aIndent
* The number of spaces to indent by the code by, when we send the
* request to the pretty print worker.
* @returns Function
* Returns a function which takes an AST, and returns a promise that
* is resolved with `{ code, mappings }` where `code` is the pretty
* printed code, and `mappings` is an array of source mappings.
_sendToPrettyPrintWorker: function SA__sendToPrettyPrintWorker(aIndent) {
return ({ content }) => {
const deferred = promise.defer();
const id = Math.random();
const onReply = ({ data }) => {
if ( !== id) {
this.prettyPrintWorker.removeEventListener("message", onReply, false);
if (data.error) {
deferred.reject(new Error(data.error));
} else {
this.prettyPrintWorker.addEventListener("message", onReply, false);
id: id,
url: this._url,
indent: aIndent,
source: content
return deferred.promise;
* Invert a source map. So if a source map maps from a to b, return a new
* source map from b to a. We need to do this because the source map we get
* from _generatePrettyCodeAndMap goes the opposite way we want it to for
* debugging.
* Note that the source map is modified in place.
_invertSourceMap: function SA__invertSourceMap({ code, mappings }) {
const generator = new SourceMapGenerator({ file: this._url });
return DevToolsUtils.yieldingEach(mappings, m => {
let mapping = {
generated: {
line: m.generatedLine,
column: m.generatedColumn
if (m.source) {
mapping.source = m.source;
mapping.original = {
line: m.originalLine,
column: m.originalColumn
}; =;
}).then(() => {
generator.setSourceContent(this._url, code);
const consumer = SourceMapConsumer.fromSourceMap(generator);
// XXX bug 918802: Monkey punch the source map consumer, because iterating
// over all mappings and inverting each of them, and then creating a new
// SourceMapConsumer is slow.
const getOrigPos = consumer.originalPositionFor.bind(consumer);
const getGenPos = consumer.generatedPositionFor.bind(consumer);
consumer.originalPositionFor = ({ line, column }) => {
const location = getGenPos({
line: line,
column: column,
source: this._url
location.source = this._url;
return location;
consumer.generatedPositionFor = ({ line, column }) => getOrigPos({
line: line,
column: column
return {
code: code,
map: consumer
* Save the source map back to our thread's ThreadSources object so that
* stepping, breakpoints, debugger statements, etc can use it. If we are
* pretty printing a source mapped source, we need to compose the existing
* source map with our new one.
_saveMap: function SA__saveMap({ map }) {
if (this._sourceMap) {
// Compose the source maps
this._oldSourceMap = this._sourceMap;
this._sourceMap = SourceMapGenerator.fromSourceMap(this._sourceMap);
this._sourceMap.applySourceMap(map, this._url);
this._sourceMap = SourceMapConsumer.fromSourceMap(this._sourceMap);
} else {
this._sourceMap = map;
this._threadActor.sources.saveSourceMap(this._sourceMap, this._url);
* Handler for the "disablePrettyPrint" packet.
onDisablePrettyPrint: function SA_onDisablePrettyPrint() {
this._sourceMap = this._oldSourceMap;
this._generatedSource || this._url);
return this.onSource();
* Handler for the "blackbox" packet.
onBlackBox: function SA_onBlackBox(aRequest) {
let packet = {
from: this.actorID
if (this.threadActor.state == "paused"
&& this.threadActor.youngestFrame
&& this.threadActor.youngestFrame.script.url == this.url) {
packet.pausedInSource = true;
return packet;
* Handler for the "unblackbox" packet.
onUnblackBox: function SA_onUnblackBox(aRequest) {
return {
from: this.actorID
SourceActor.prototype.requestTypes = {
"source": SourceActor.prototype.onSource,
"blackbox": SourceActor.prototype.onBlackBox,
"unblackbox": SourceActor.prototype.onUnblackBox,
"prettyPrint": SourceActor.prototype.onPrettyPrint,
"disablePrettyPrint": SourceActor.prototype.onDisablePrettyPrint
* Creates an actor for the specified object.
* @param aObj Debugger.Object
* The debuggee object.
* @param aThreadActor ThreadActor
* The parent thread actor for this object.
function ObjectActor(aObj, aThreadActor)
this.obj = aObj;
this.threadActor = aThreadActor;
ObjectActor.prototype = {
actorPrefix: "obj",
_forcedMagicProps: false,
* Returns a grip for this actor for returning in a protocol message.
grip: function OA_grip() {
let g = {
"type": "object",
"class": this.obj.class,
"actor": this.actorID,
"extensible": this.obj.isExtensible && typeof this.obj.isExtensible == 'function' ? this.obj.isExtensible() : true,
"frozen": this.obj.isFrozen && typeof this.obj.isFrozen == 'function' ? this.obj.isFrozen() : false,
"sealed": this.obj.isSealed && typeof this.obj.isSealed == 'function' ? this.obj.isSealed() : false
// Add additional properties for functions.
if (this.obj.class === "Function") {
if ( { =;
if (this.obj.displayName) {
g.displayName = this.obj.displayName;
// Check if the developer has added a de-facto standard displayName
// property for us to use.
try {
let desc = this.obj.getOwnPropertyDescriptor("displayName");
if (desc && desc.value && typeof desc.value == "string") {
g.userDisplayName = this.threadActor.createValueGrip(desc.value);
} catch (e) {
// Calling getOwnPropertyDescriptor with displayName might throw
// with "permission denied" errors for some functions.
// Add source location information.
if (this.obj.script) {
g.url = this.obj.script.url;
g.line = this.obj.script.startLine;
return g;
* Releases this actor from the pool.
release: function OA_release() {
if (this.registeredPool.objectActors) {
* Force the magic Error properties to appear.
_forceMagicProperties: function OA__forceMagicProperties() {
if (this._forcedMagicProps) {
"message", "stack", "fileName", "lineNumber", "columnNumber"
if (this.obj.class.endsWith("Error")) {
for (let property of MAGIC_ERROR_PROPERTIES) {
this._forcedMagicProps = true;
* Handle a protocol request to provide the names of the properties defined on
* the object and not its prototype.
* @param aRequest object
* The protocol request object.
onOwnPropertyNames: function OA_onOwnPropertyNames(aRequest) {
return { from: this.actorID,
ownPropertyNames: this.obj.getOwnPropertyNames() };
* Handle a protocol request to provide the prototype and own properties of
* the object.
* @param aRequest object
* The protocol request object.
onPrototypeAndProperties: function OA_onPrototypeAndProperties(aRequest) {
let ownProperties = Object.create(null);
let names;
try {
names = this.obj.getOwnPropertyNames();
} catch (ex) {
// The above can throw if this.obj points to a dead object.
// TODO: we should use Cu.isDeadWrapper() - see bug 885800.
return { from: this.actorID,
prototype: this.threadActor.createValueGrip(null),
ownProperties: ownProperties,
safeGetterValues: Object.create(null) };
for (let name of names) {
ownProperties[name] = this._propertyDescriptor(name);
return { from: this.actorID,
prototype: this.threadActor.createValueGrip(this.obj.proto),
ownProperties: ownProperties,
safeGetterValues: this._findSafeGetterValues(ownProperties) };
* Find the safe getter values for the current Debugger.Object, |this.obj|.
* @private
* @param object aOwnProperties
* The object that holds the list of known ownProperties for
* |this.obj|.
* @return object
* An object that maps property names to safe getter descriptors as
* defined by the remote debugging protocol.
_findSafeGetterValues: function OA__findSafeGetterValues(aOwnProperties)
let safeGetterValues = Object.create(null);
let obj = this.obj;
let level = 0;
while (obj) {
let getters = this._findSafeGetters(obj);
for (let name of getters) {
// Avoid overwriting properties from prototypes closer to this.obj. Also
// avoid providing safeGetterValues from prototypes if property |name|
// is already defined as an own property.
if (name in safeGetterValues ||
(obj != this.obj && name in aOwnProperties)) {
let desc = null, getter = null;
try {
desc = obj.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(name);
getter = desc.get;
} catch (ex) {
// The above can throw if the cache becomes stale.
if (!getter) {
obj._safeGetters = null;
let result =;
if (result && !("throw" in result)) {
let getterValue = undefined;
if ("return" in result) {
getterValue = result.return;
} else if ("yield" in result) {
getterValue = result.yield;
// WebIDL attributes specified with the LenientThis extended attribute
// return undefined and should be ignored.
if (getterValue !== undefined) {
safeGetterValues[name] = {
getterValue: this.threadActor.createValueGrip(getterValue),
getterPrototypeLevel: level,
enumerable: desc.enumerable,
writable: level == 0 ? desc.writable : true,
obj = obj.proto;
return safeGetterValues;
* Find the safe getters for a given Debugger.Object. Safe getters are native
* getters which are safe to execute.
* @private
* @param Debugger.Object aObject
* The Debugger.Object where you want to find safe getters.
* @return Set
* A Set of names of safe getters. This result is cached for each
* Debugger.Object.
_findSafeGetters: function OA__findSafeGetters(aObject)
if (aObject._safeGetters) {
return aObject._safeGetters;
let getters = new Set();
for (let name of aObject.getOwnPropertyNames()) {
let desc = null;
try {
desc = aObject.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(name);
} catch (e) {
// Calling getOwnPropertyDescriptor on wrapped native prototypes is not
// allowed (bug 560072).
if (!desc || desc.value !== undefined || !("get" in desc)) {
let fn = desc.get;
if (fn && fn.callable && fn.class == "Function" &&
fn.script === undefined) {
aObject._safeGetters = getters;
return getters;
* Handle a protocol request to provide the prototype of the object.
* @param aRequest object
* The protocol request object.
onPrototype: function OA_onPrototype(aRequest) {
return { from: this.actorID,
prototype: this.threadActor.createValueGrip(this.obj.proto) };
* Handle a protocol request to provide the property descriptor of the
* object's specified property.
* @param aRequest object
* The protocol request object.
onProperty: function OA_onProperty(aRequest) {
if (! {
return { error: "missingParameter",
message: "no property name was specified" };
return { from: this.actorID,
descriptor: this._propertyDescriptor( };
* Handle a protocol request to provide the display string for the object.
* @param aRequest object
* The protocol request object.
onDisplayString: function OA_onDisplayString(aRequest) {
let toString;
try {
// Attempt to locate the object's "toString" method.
let obj = this.obj;
do {
let desc = obj.getOwnPropertyDescriptor("toString");
if (desc) {
toString = desc.value;
obj = obj.proto;
} while ((obj));
} catch (e) {
let result = null;
if (toString && toString.callable) {
// If a toString method was found then call it on the object.
let ret =;
if (typeof ret == "string") {
// Only use the result if it was a returned string.
result = ret;
return { from: this.actorID,
displayString: this.threadActor.createValueGrip(result) };
* A helper method that creates a property descriptor for the provided object,
* properly formatted for sending in a protocol response.
* @param string aName
* The property that the descriptor is generated for.
_propertyDescriptor: function OA_propertyDescriptor(aName) {
let desc;
try {
desc = this.obj.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(aName);
} catch (e) {
// Calling getOwnPropertyDescriptor on wrapped native prototypes is not
// allowed (bug 560072). Inform the user with a bogus, but hopefully
// explanatory, descriptor.
return {
configurable: false,
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
if (!desc) {
return undefined;
let retval = {
configurable: desc.configurable,
enumerable: desc.enumerable
if ("value" in desc) {
retval.writable = desc.writable;
retval.value = this.threadActor.createValueGrip(desc.value);
} else {
if ("get" in desc) {
retval.get = this.threadActor.createValueGrip(desc.get);
if ("set" in desc) {
retval.set = this.threadActor.createValueGrip(desc.set);
return retval;
* Handle a protocol request to provide the source code of a function.
* @param aRequest object
* The protocol request object.
onDecompile: function OA_onDecompile(aRequest) {
if (this.obj.class !== "Function") {
return { error: "objectNotFunction",
message: "decompile request is only valid for object grips " +
"with a 'Function' class." };
return { from: this.actorID,
decompiledCode: this.obj.decompile(!!aRequest.pretty) };
* Handle a protocol request to provide the parameters of a function.
* @param aRequest object
* The protocol request object.
onParameterNames: function OA_onParameterNames(aRequest) {
if (this.obj.class !== "Function") {
return { error: "objectNotFunction",
message: "'parameterNames' request is only valid for object " +
"grips with a 'Function' class." };
return { parameterNames: this.obj.parameterNames };
* Handle a protocol request to release a thread-lifetime grip.
* @param aRequest object
* The protocol request object.
onRelease: function OA_onRelease(aRequest) {
return {};
* Handle a protocol request to provide the lexical scope of a function.
* @param aRequest object
* The protocol request object.
onScope: function OA_onScope(aRequest) {
if (this.obj.class !== "Function") {
return { error: "objectNotFunction",
message: "scope request is only valid for object grips with a" +
" 'Function' class." };
let envActor = this.threadActor.createEnvironmentActor(this.obj.environment,
if (!envActor) {
return { error: "notDebuggee",
message: "cannot access the environment of this function." };
return { from: this.actorID, scope: envActor.form() };
ObjectActor.prototype.requestTypes = {
"parameterNames": ObjectActor.prototype.onParameterNames,
"prototypeAndProperties": ObjectActor.prototype.onPrototypeAndProperties,
"prototype": ObjectActor.prototype.onPrototype,
"property": ObjectActor.prototype.onProperty,
"displayString": ObjectActor.prototype.onDisplayString,
"ownPropertyNames": ObjectActor.prototype.onOwnPropertyNames,
"decompile": ObjectActor.prototype.onDecompile,
"release": ObjectActor.prototype.onRelease,
"scope": ObjectActor.prototype.onScope,
* Creates a pause-scoped actor for the specified object.
* @see ObjectActor
function PauseScopedObjectActor()
ObjectActor.apply(this, arguments);
PauseScopedObjectActor.prototype = Object.create(PauseScopedActor.prototype);
update(PauseScopedObjectActor.prototype, ObjectActor.prototype);
update(PauseScopedObjectActor.prototype, {
constructor: PauseScopedObjectActor,
actorPrefix: "pausedobj",
onPrototype: PauseScopedActor.withPaused(ObjectActor.prototype.onPrototype),
onProperty: PauseScopedActor.withPaused(ObjectActor.prototype.onProperty),
onDecompile: PauseScopedActor.withPaused(ObjectActor.prototype.onDecompile),
* Handle a protocol request to promote a pause-lifetime grip to a
* thread-lifetime grip.
* @param aRequest object
* The protocol request object.
onThreadGrip: PauseScopedActor.withPaused(function OA_onThreadGrip(aRequest) {
return {};
* Handle a protocol request to release a thread-lifetime grip.
* @param aRequest object
* The protocol request object.
onRelease: PauseScopedActor.withPaused(function OA_onRelease(aRequest) {
if (this.registeredPool !== this.threadActor.threadLifetimePool) {
return { error: "notReleasable",
message: "Only thread-lifetime actors can be released." };
return {};
update(PauseScopedObjectActor.prototype.requestTypes, {
"threadGrip": PauseScopedObjectActor.prototype.onThreadGrip,
* Creates an actor for the specied "very long" string. "Very long" is specified
* at the server's discretion.
* @param aString String
* The string.
function LongStringActor(aString)
this.string = aString;
this.stringLength = aString.length;
LongStringActor.prototype = {
actorPrefix: "longString",
disconnect: function LSA_disconnect() {
// Because longStringActors is not a weak map, we won't automatically leave
// it so we need to manually leave on disconnect so that we don't leak
// memory.
if (this.registeredPool && this.registeredPool.longStringActors) {
delete this.registeredPool.longStringActors[this.actorID];
* Returns a grip for this actor for returning in a protocol message.
grip: function LSA_grip() {
return {
"type": "longString",
"initial": this.string.substring(
"length": this.stringLength,
"actor": this.actorID
* Handle a request to extract part of this actor's string.
* @param aRequest object
* The protocol request object.
onSubstring: function LSA_onSubString(aRequest) {
return {
"from": this.actorID,
"substring": this.string.substring(aRequest.start, aRequest.end)
* Handle a request to release this LongStringActor instance.
onRelease: function LSA_onRelease() {
// TODO: also check if registeredPool === threadActor.threadLifetimePool
// when the web console moves aray from manually releasing pause-scoped
// actors.
if (this.registeredPool.longStringActors) {
delete this.registeredPool.longStringActors[this.actorID];
return {};
LongStringActor.prototype.requestTypes = {
"substring": LongStringActor.prototype.onSubstring,
"release": LongStringActor.prototype.onRelease
* Creates an actor for the specified stack frame.
* @param aFrame Debugger.Frame
* The debuggee frame.
* @param aThreadActor ThreadActor
* The parent thread actor for this frame.
function FrameActor(aFrame, aThreadActor)
this.frame = aFrame;
this.threadActor = aThreadActor;
FrameActor.prototype = {
actorPrefix: "frame",
* A pool that contains frame-lifetime objects, like the environment.
_frameLifetimePool: null,
get frameLifetimePool() {
if (!this._frameLifetimePool) {
this._frameLifetimePool = new ActorPool(this.conn);
return this._frameLifetimePool;
* Finalization handler that is called when the actor is being evicted from
* the pool.
disconnect: function FA_disconnect() {
this._frameLifetimePool = null;
* Returns a frame form for use in a protocol message.
form: function FA_form() {
let form = { actor: this.actorID,
type: this.frame.type };
if (this.frame.type === "call") {
form.callee = this.threadActor.createValueGrip(this.frame.callee);
if (this.frame.environment) {
let envActor = this.threadActor
form.environment = envActor.form();
form.this = this.threadActor.createValueGrip(this.frame.this);
form.arguments = this._args();
if (this.frame.script) {
form.where = getFrameLocation(this.frame);
if (!this.frame.older) {
form.oldest = true;
return form;
_args: function FA__args() {
if (!this.frame.arguments) {
return [];
return [this.threadActor.createValueGrip(arg)
for each (arg in this.frame.arguments)];
* Handle a protocol request to pop this frame from the stack.
* @param aRequest object
* The protocol request object.
onPop: function FA_onPop(aRequest) {
// TODO: remove this when Debugger.Frame.prototype.pop is implemented
if (typeof this.frame.pop != "function") {
return { error: "notImplemented",
message: "Popping frames is not yet implemented." };
while (this.frame != this.threadActor.dbg.getNewestFrame()) {
// TODO: return the watches property when frame pop watch actors are
// implemented.
return { from: this.actorID };
FrameActor.prototype.requestTypes = {
"pop": FrameActor.prototype.onPop,
* Creates a BreakpointActor. BreakpointActors exist for the lifetime of their
* containing thread and are responsible for deleting breakpoints, handling
* breakpoint hits and associating breakpoints with scripts.
* @param ThreadActor aThreadActor
* The parent thread actor that contains this breakpoint.
* @param object aLocation
* The location of the breakpoint as specified in the protocol.
function BreakpointActor(aThreadActor, aLocation)
this.scripts = [];
this.threadActor = aThreadActor;
this.location = aLocation;
BreakpointActor.prototype = {
actorPrefix: "breakpoint",
* Called when this same breakpoint is added to another Debugger.Script
* instance, in the case of a page reload.
* @param aScript Debugger.Script
* The new source script on which the breakpoint has been set.
* @param ThreadActor aThreadActor
* The parent thread actor that contains this breakpoint.
addScript: function BA_addScript(aScript, aThreadActor) {
this.threadActor = aThreadActor;
* Remove the breakpoints from associated scripts and clear the script cache.
removeScripts: function () {
for (let script of this.scripts) {
this.scripts = [];
* A function that the engine calls when a breakpoint has been hit.
* @param aFrame Debugger.Frame
* The stack frame that contained the breakpoint.
hit: function BA_hit(aFrame) {
// Don't pause if we are currently stepping (in or over) or the frame is
// black-boxed.
let { url } = this.threadActor.synchronize(
url: this.location.url,
line: this.location.line,
column: this.location.column
if (this.threadActor.sources.isBlackBoxed(url) || aFrame.onStep) {
return undefined;
let reason = {};
if (this.threadActor._hiddenBreakpoints.has(this.actorID)) {
reason.type = "pauseOnDOMEvents";
} else {
reason.type = "breakpoint";
// TODO: add the rest of the breakpoints on that line (bug 676602).
reason.actors = [ this.actorID ];
return this.threadActor._pauseAndRespond(aFrame, reason);
* Handle a protocol request to remove this breakpoint.
* @param aRequest object
* The protocol request object.
onDelete: function BA_onDelete(aRequest) {
// Remove from the breakpoint store.
// Remove the actual breakpoint from the associated scripts.
return { from: this.actorID };
BreakpointActor.prototype.requestTypes = {
"delete": BreakpointActor.prototype.onDelete
* Creates an EnvironmentActor. EnvironmentActors are responsible for listing
* the bindings introduced by a lexical environment and assigning new values to
* those identifier bindings.
* @param Debugger.Environment aEnvironment
* The lexical environment that will be used to create the actor.
* @param ThreadActor aThreadActor
* The parent thread actor that contains this environment.
function EnvironmentActor(aEnvironment, aThreadActor)
this.obj = aEnvironment;
this.threadActor = aThreadActor;
EnvironmentActor.prototype = {
actorPrefix: "environment",
* Return an environment form for use in a protocol message.
form: function EA_form() {
let form = { actor: this.actorID };
// What is this environment's type?
if (this.obj.type == "declarative") {
form.type = this.obj.callee ? "function" : "block";
} else {
form.type = this.obj.type;
// Does this environment have a parent?
if (this.obj.parent) {
form.parent = (this.threadActor
// Does this environment reflect the properties of an object as variables?
if (this.obj.type == "object" || this.obj.type == "with") {
form.object = this.threadActor.createValueGrip(this.obj.object);
// Is this the environment created for a function call?
if (this.obj.callee) {
form.function = this.threadActor.createValueGrip(this.obj.callee);
// Shall we list this environment's bindings?
if (this.obj.type == "declarative") {
form.bindings = this._bindings();
return form;
* Return the identifier bindings object as required by the remote protocol
* specification.
_bindings: function EA_bindings() {
let bindings = { arguments: [], variables: {} };
// TODO: this part should be removed in favor of the commented-out part
// below when getVariableDescriptor lands (bug 725815).
if (typeof this.obj.getVariable != "function") {
//if (typeof this.obj.getVariableDescriptor != "function") {
return bindings;
let parameterNames;
if (this.obj.callee) {
parameterNames = this.obj.callee.parameterNames;
for each (let name in parameterNames) {
let arg = {};
// TODO: this part should be removed in favor of the commented-out part
// below when getVariableDescriptor lands (bug 725815).
let desc = {
value: this.obj.getVariable(name),
configurable: false,
writable: true,
enumerable: true
// let desc = this.obj.getVariableDescriptor(name);
let descForm = {
enumerable: true,
configurable: desc.configurable
if ("value" in desc) {
descForm.value = this.threadActor.createValueGrip(desc.value);
descForm.writable = desc.writable;
} else {
descForm.get = this.threadActor.createValueGrip(desc.get);
descForm.set = this.threadActor.createValueGrip(desc.set);
arg[name] = descForm;
for each (let name in this.obj.names()) {
if (bindings.arguments.some(function exists(element) {
return !!element[name];
})) {
// TODO: this part should be removed in favor of the commented-out part
// below when getVariableDescriptor lands.
let desc = {
configurable: false,
writable: true,
enumerable: true
try {
desc.value = this.obj.getVariable(name);
} catch (e) {
// Avoid "Debugger scope is not live" errors for |arguments|, introduced
// in bug 746601.
if (name != "arguments") {
throw e;
//let desc = this.obj.getVariableDescriptor(name);
let descForm = {
enumerable: true,
configurable: desc.configurable
if ("value" in desc) {
descForm.value = this.threadActor.createValueGrip(desc.value);
descForm.writable = desc.writable;
} else {
descForm.get = this.threadActor.createValueGrip(desc.get);
descForm.set = this.threadActor.createValueGrip(desc.set);
bindings.variables[name] = descForm;
return bindings;
* Handle a protocol request to change the value of a variable bound in this
* lexical environment.
* @param aRequest object
* The protocol request object.
onAssign: function EA_onAssign(aRequest) {
// TODO: enable the commented-out part when getVariableDescriptor lands
// (bug 725815).
/*let desc = this.obj.getVariableDescriptor(;
if (!desc.writable) {
return { error: "immutableBinding",
message: "Changing the value of an immutable binding is not " +
"allowed" };
try {
this.obj.setVariable(, aRequest.value);
} catch (e if e instanceof Debugger.DebuggeeWouldRun) {
return { error: "threadWouldRun",
cause: e.cause ? e.cause : "setter",
message: "Assigning a value would cause the debuggee to run" };
return { from: this.actorID };
* Handle a protocol request to fully enumerate the bindings introduced by the
* lexical environment.
* @param aRequest object
* The protocol request object.
onBindings: function EA_onBindings(aRequest) {
return { from: this.actorID,
bindings: this._bindings() };
EnvironmentActor.prototype.requestTypes = {
"assign": EnvironmentActor.prototype.onAssign,
"bindings": EnvironmentActor.prototype.onBindings
* Override the toString method in order to get more meaningful script output
* for debugging the debugger.
Debugger.Script.prototype.toString = function() {
let output = "";
if (this.url) {
output += this.url;
if (typeof this.startLine != "undefined") {
output += ":" + this.startLine;
if (this.lineCount && this.lineCount > 1) {
output += "-" + (this.startLine + this.lineCount - 1);
if (this.strictMode) {
output += ":strict";
return output;
* Helper property for quickly getting to the line number a stack frame is
* currently paused at.
Object.defineProperty(Debugger.Frame.prototype, "line", {
configurable: true,
get: function() {
if (this.script) {
return this.script.getOffsetLine(this.offset);
} else {
return null;
* Creates an actor for handling chrome debugging. ChromeDebuggerActor is a
* thin wrapper over ThreadActor, slightly changing some of its behavior.
* @param aConnection object
* The DebuggerServerConnection with which this ChromeDebuggerActor
* is associated. (Currently unused, but required to make this
* constructor usable with addGlobalActor.)
* @param aHooks object
* An object with preNest and postNest methods for calling when entering
* and exiting a nested event loop and also addToParentPool and
* removeFromParentPool methods for handling the lifetime of actors that
* will outlive the thread, like breakpoints.
function ChromeDebuggerActor(aConnection, aHooks)
{, aHooks);
ChromeDebuggerActor.prototype = Object.create(ThreadActor.prototype);
update(ChromeDebuggerActor.prototype, {
constructor: ChromeDebuggerActor,
// A constant prefix that will be used to form the actor ID by the server.
actorPrefix: "chromeDebugger",
* Override the eligibility check for scripts and sources to make sure every
* script and source with a URL is stored when debugging chrome.
_allowSource: function(aSourceURL) !!aSourceURL,
* An object that will be used by ThreadActors to tailor their behavior
* depending on the debugging context being required (chrome or content).
* The methods that this object provides must be bound to the ThreadActor
* before use.
globalManager: {
findGlobals: function CDA_findGlobals() {
// Add every global known to the debugger as debuggee.
* A function that the engine calls when a new global object has been
* created.
* @param aGlobal Debugger.Object
* The new global object that was created.
onNewGlobal: function CDA_onNewGlobal(aGlobal) {
// Notify the client.
from: this.actorID,
type: "newGlobal",
// TODO: after bug 801084 lands see if we need to JSONify this.
hostAnnotations: aGlobal.hostAnnotations
* Manages the sources for a thread. Handles source maps, locations in the
* sources, etc for ThreadActors.
function ThreadSources(aThreadActor, aUseSourceMaps, aAllowPredicate,
aOnNewSource) {
this._thread = aThreadActor;
this._useSourceMaps = aUseSourceMaps;
this._allow = aAllowPredicate;
this._onNewSource = aOnNewSource;
// generated source url --> promise of SourceMapConsumer
this._sourceMapsByGeneratedSource = Object.create(null);
// original source url --> promise of SourceMapConsumer
this._sourceMapsByOriginalSource = Object.create(null);
// source url --> SourceActor
this._sourceActors = Object.create(null);
// original url --> generated url
this._generatedUrlsByOriginalUrl = Object.create(null);
* Must be a class property because it needs to persist across reloads, same as
* the breakpoint store.
ThreadSources._blackBoxedSources = new Set(["self-hosted"]);
ThreadSources._prettyPrintedSources = new Map();
ThreadSources.prototype = {
* Return the source actor representing |url|, creating one if none
* exists already. Returns null if |url| is not allowed by the 'allow'
* predicate.
* Right now this takes a URL, but in the future it should
* take a Debugger.Source. See bug 637572.
* @param String url
* The source URL.
* @param optional SourceMapConsumer sourceMap
* The source map that introduced this source, if any.
* @param optional String generatedSource
* The generated source url that introduced this source via source map,
* if any.
* @param optional String text
* The text content of the source, if immediately available.
* @param optional String contentType
* The content type of the source, if immediately available.
* @returns a SourceActor representing the source at aURL or null.
source: function TS_source({ url, sourceMap, generatedSource, text,
contentType }) {
if (!this._allow(url)) {
return null;
if (url in this._sourceActors) {
return this._sourceActors[url];
let actor = new SourceActor({
url: url,
thread: this._thread,
sourceMap: sourceMap,
generatedSource: generatedSource,
text: text,
contentType: contentType
this._sourceActors[url] = actor;
try {
} catch (e) {
return actor;
* Only to be used when we aren't source mapping.
_sourceForScript: function TS__sourceForScript(aScript) {
const spec = {
url: aScript.url
// XXX bug 915433: We can't rely on Debugger.Source.prototype.text if the
// source is an HTML-embedded <script> tag. Since we don't have an API
// implemented to detect whether this is the case, we need to be
// conservative and only use Debugger.Source.prototype.text if we get a
// normal .js file.
if (aScript.url) {
try {
const url =, null, null)
if (url.fileExtension === "js") {
spec.contentType = "text/javascript";
spec.text = aScript.source.text;
} catch(ex) {
// Not a valid URI.
return this.source(spec);
* Return a promise of an array of source actors representing all the
* sources of |aScript|.
* If source map handling is enabled and |aScript| has a source map, then
* use it to find all of |aScript|'s *original* sources; return a promise
* of an array of source actors for those.
sourcesForScript: function TS_sourcesForScript(aScript) {
if (!this._useSourceMaps || !aScript.sourceMapURL) {
return resolve([this._sourceForScript(aScript)].filter(isNotNull));
return this.sourceMap(aScript)
.then((aSourceMap) => {
return [
this.source({ url: s,
sourceMap: aSourceMap,
generatedSource: aScript.url })
for (s of aSourceMap.sources)
.then(null, (e) => {
delete this._sourceMapsByGeneratedSource[aScript.url];
return [this._sourceForScript(aScript)];
.then(ss => ss.filter(isNotNull));
* Return a promise of a SourceMapConsumer for the source map for
* |aScript|; if we already have such a promise extant, return that.
* |aScript| must have a non-null sourceMapURL.
sourceMap: function TS_sourceMap(aScript) {
dbg_assert(aScript.sourceMapURL, "Script should have a sourceMapURL");
let sourceMapURL = this._normalize(aScript.sourceMapURL, aScript.url);
let map = this._fetchSourceMap(sourceMapURL, aScript.url)
.then(aSourceMap => this.saveSourceMap(aSourceMap, aScript.url));
this._sourceMapsByGeneratedSource[aScript.url] = map;
return map;
* Save the given source map so that we can use it to query source locations
* down the line.
saveSourceMap: function TS_saveSourceMap(aSourceMap, aGeneratedSource) {
if (!aSourceMap) {
delete this._sourceMapsByGeneratedSource[aGeneratedSource];
return null;
this._sourceMapsByGeneratedSource[aGeneratedSource] = resolve(aSourceMap);
for (let s of aSourceMap.sources) {
this._generatedUrlsByOriginalUrl[s] = aGeneratedSource;
this._sourceMapsByOriginalSource[s] = resolve(aSourceMap);
return aSourceMap;
* Return a promise of a SourceMapConsumer for the source map located at
* |aAbsSourceMapURL|, which must be absolute. If there is already such a
* promise extant, return it.
* @param string aAbsSourceMapURL
* The source map URL, in absolute form, not relative.
* @param string aScriptURL
* When the source map URL is a data URI, there is no sourceRoot on the
* source map, and the source map's sources are relative, we resolve
* them from aScriptURL.
_fetchSourceMap: function TS__fetchSourceMap(aAbsSourceMapURL, aScriptURL) {
return fetch(aAbsSourceMapURL, { loadFromCache: false })
.then(({ content }) => {
let map = new SourceMapConsumer(content);
this._setSourceMapRoot(map, aAbsSourceMapURL, aScriptURL);
return map;
* Sets the source map's sourceRoot to be relative to the source map url.
_setSourceMapRoot: function TS__setSourceMapRoot(aSourceMap, aAbsSourceMapURL,
aScriptURL) {
const base = this._dirname(
aAbsSourceMapURL.indexOf("data:") === 0
? aScriptURL
: aAbsSourceMapURL);
aSourceMap.sourceRoot = aSourceMap.sourceRoot
? this._normalize(aSourceMap.sourceRoot, base)
: base;
_dirname: function TS__dirname(aPath) {
".", null,, null, null)).spec;
* Returns a promise of the location in the original source if the source is
* source mapped, otherwise a promise of the same location.
getOriginalLocation: function TS_getOriginalLocation({ url, line, column }) {
if (url in this._sourceMapsByGeneratedSource) {
return this._sourceMapsByGeneratedSource[url]
.then((aSourceMap) => {
let { source: aSourceURL, line: aLine, column: aColumn } = aSourceMap.originalPositionFor({
line: line,
column: column
return {
url: aSourceURL,
line: aLine,
column: aColumn
.then(null, error => {
if (!DevToolsUtils.reportingDisabled) {
return { url: null, line: null, column: null };
// No source map
return resolve({
url: url,
line: line,
column: column
* Returns a promise of the location in the generated source corresponding to
* the original source and line given.
* When we pass a script S representing generated code to |sourceMap|,
* above, that returns a promise P. The process of resolving P populates
* the tables this function uses; thus, it won't know that S's original
* source URLs map to S until P is resolved.
getGeneratedLocation: function TS_getGeneratedLocation({ url, line, column }) {
if (url in this._sourceMapsByOriginalSource) {
return this._sourceMapsByOriginalSource[url]
.then((aSourceMap) => {
let { line: aLine, column: aColumn } = aSourceMap.generatedPositionFor({
source: url,
line: line,
column: column == null ? Infinity : column
return {
url: this._generatedUrlsByOriginalUrl[url],
line: aLine,
column: aColumn
// No source map
return resolve({
url: url,
line: line,
column: column
* Returns true if URL for the given source is black boxed.
* @param aURL String
* The URL of the source which we are checking whether it is black
* boxed or not.
isBlackBoxed: function TS_isBlackBoxed(aURL) {
return ThreadSources._blackBoxedSources.has(aURL);
* Add the given source URL to the set of sources that are black boxed.
* @param aURL String
* The URL of the source which we are black boxing.
blackBox: function TS_blackBox(aURL) {
* Remove the given source URL to the set of sources that are black boxed.
* @param aURL String
* The URL of the source which we are no longer black boxing.
unblackBox: function TS_unblackBox(aURL) {
* Returns true if the given URL is pretty printed.
* @param aURL String
* The URL of the source that might be pretty printed.
isPrettyPrinted: function TS_isPrettyPrinted(aURL) {
return ThreadSources._prettyPrintedSources.has(aURL);
* Add the given URL to the set of sources that are pretty printed.
* @param aURL String
* The URL of the source to be pretty printed.
prettyPrint: function TS_prettyPrint(aURL, aIndent) {
ThreadSources._prettyPrintedSources.set(aURL, aIndent);
* Return the indent the given URL was pretty printed by.
prettyPrintIndent: function TS_prettyPrintIndent(aURL) {
return ThreadSources._prettyPrintedSources.get(aURL);
* Remove the given URL from the set of sources that are pretty printed.
* @param aURL String
* The URL of the source that is no longer pretty printed.
disablePrettyPrint: function TS_disablePrettyPrint(aURL) {
* Normalize multiple relative paths towards the base paths on the right.
_normalize: function TS__normalize(...aURLs) {
dbg_assert(aURLs.length > 1, "Should have more than 1 URL");
let base =, null, null);
let url;
while ((url = aURLs.pop())) {
base =, null, base);
return base.spec;
iter: function TS_iter() {
for (let url in this._sourceActors) {
yield this._sourceActors[url];
// Utility functions.
// TODO bug 863089: use Debugger.Script.prototype.getOffsetColumn when it is
// implemented.
function getOffsetColumn(aOffset, aScript) {
let bestOffsetMapping = null;
for (let offsetMapping of aScript.getAllColumnOffsets()) {
if (!bestOffsetMapping ||
(offsetMapping.offset <= aOffset &&
offsetMapping.offset > bestOffsetMapping.offset)) {
bestOffsetMapping = offsetMapping;
if (!bestOffsetMapping) {
// XXX: Try not to completely break the experience of using the debugger for
// the user by assuming column 0. Simultaneously, report the error so that
// there is a paper trail if the assumption is bad and the debugging
// experience becomes wonky.
reportError(new Error("Could not find a column for offset " + aOffset
+ " in the script " + aScript));
return 0;
return bestOffsetMapping.columnNumber;
* Return the non-source-mapped location of the given Debugger.Frame. If the
* frame does not have a script, the location's properties are all null.
* @param Debugger.Frame aFrame
* The frame whose location we are getting.
* @returns Object
* Returns an object of the form { url, line, column }
function getFrameLocation(aFrame) {
if (!aFrame || !aFrame.script) {
return { url: null, line: null, column: null };
return {
url: aFrame.script.url,
line: aFrame.script.getOffsetLine(aFrame.offset),
column: getOffsetColumn(aFrame.offset, aFrame.script)
* Utility function for updating an object with the properties of another
* object.
* @param aTarget Object
* The object being updated.
* @param aNewAttrs Object
* The new attributes being set on the target.
function update(aTarget, aNewAttrs) {
for (let key in aNewAttrs) {
let desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(aNewAttrs, key);
if (desc) {
Object.defineProperty(aTarget, key, desc);
* Returns true if its argument is not null.
function isNotNull(aThing) {
return aThing !== null;
* Performs a request to load the desired URL and returns a promise.
* @param aURL String
* The URL we will request.
* @returns Promise
* A promise of the document at that URL, as a string.
* XXX: It may be better to use nsITraceableChannel to get to the sources
* without relying on caching when we can (not for eval, etc.):
function fetch(aURL, aOptions={ loadFromCache: true }) {
let deferred = defer();
let scheme;
let url = aURL.split(" -> ").pop();
let charset;
let filePath = url;
let contentType;
// try {
// scheme =;
// } catch (e) {
// In the xpcshell tests, the script url is the absolute path of the test
// file, which will make a malformed URI error be thrown. Add the file
// scheme prefix ourselves.
url = "file://" + url;
// scheme =;
// }
scheme = "file";
switch (scheme) {
case "file":
case "chrome":
case "resource":
try {
let jsb = globalDebuggee.jsb;
let fileUtils = jsb.fileUtils;
let source = fileUtils.getStringFromFile(filePath);//NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(aStream, aStream.available());
if (!source)
deferred.reject("Request failed: " + url);
} catch (ex) {
let channel;
try {
channel =, null, null);
} catch (e if == "NS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL") {
// On Windows xpcshell tests, c:/foo/bar can pass as a valid URL, but
// newChannel won't be able to handle it.
url = "file:///" + url;
channel =, null, null);
let chunks = [];
let streamListener = {
onStartRequest: function(aRequest, aContext, aStatusCode) {
if (!Components.isSuccessCode(aStatusCode)) {
deferred.reject(new Error("Request failed with status code = "
+ aStatusCode
+ " in onStartRequest handler for url = "
+ url));
onDataAvailable: function(aRequest, aContext, aStream, aOffset, aCount) {
chunks.push(NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(aStream, aCount));
onStopRequest: function(aRequest, aContext, aStatusCode) {
if (!Components.isSuccessCode(aStatusCode)) {
deferred.reject(new Error("Request failed with status code = "
+ aStatusCode
+ " in onStopRequest handler for url = "
+ url));
charset = channel.contentCharset;
contentType = channel.contentType;
channel.loadFlags = aOptions.loadFromCache
channel.asyncOpen(streamListener, null);
return deferred.promise.then(source => {
return {
content: convertToUnicode(source, charset),
contentType: contentType
* Convert a given string, encoded in a given character set, to unicode.
* @param string aString
* A string.
* @param string aCharset
* A character set.
function convertToUnicode(aString, aCharset=null) {
// Decoding primitives.
// let converter = Cc[""]
// .createInstance(Ci.nsIScriptableUnicodeConverter);
// try {
// converter.charset = aCharset || "UTF-8";
// return converter.ConvertToUnicode(aString);
// } catch(e) {
return aString;
// }
* Report the given error in the error console and to stdout.
* @param Error aError
* The error object you wish to report.
* @param String aPrefix
* An optional prefix for the reported error message.
function reportError(aError, aPrefix="") {
dbg_assert(aError instanceof Error, "Must pass Error objects to reportError");
let msg = aPrefix + aError.message + ":\n" + aError.stack;
// Cu.reportError(msg);
// The following are copied here verbatim from css-logic.js, until we create a
// server-friendly helper module.
* Find a unique CSS selector for a given element
* @returns a string such that ele.ownerDocument.querySelector(reply) === ele
* and ele.ownerDocument.querySelectorAll(reply).length === 1
function findCssSelector(ele) {
var document = ele.ownerDocument;
if ( && document.getElementById( === ele) {
return '#' +;
// Inherently unique by tag name
var tagName = ele.tagName.toLowerCase();
if (tagName === 'html') {
return 'html';
if (tagName === 'head') {
return 'head';
if (tagName === 'body') {
return 'body';
if (ele.parentNode == null) {
console.log('danger: ' + tagName);
// We might be able to find a unique class name
var selector, index, matches;
if (ele.classList.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < ele.classList.length; i++) {
// Is this className unique by itself?
selector = '.' + ele.classList.item(i);
matches = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
if (matches.length === 1) {
return selector;
// Maybe it's unique with a tag name?
selector = tagName + selector;
matches = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
if (matches.length === 1) {
return selector;
// Maybe it's unique using a tag name and nth-child
index = positionInNodeList(ele, ele.parentNode.children) + 1;
selector = selector + ':nth-child(' + index + ')';
matches = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
if (matches.length === 1) {
return selector;
// So we can be unique w.r.t. our parent, and use recursion
index = positionInNodeList(ele, ele.parentNode.children) + 1;
selector = findCssSelector(ele.parentNode) + ' > ' +
tagName + ':nth-child(' + index + ')';
return selector;
* Find the position of [element] in [nodeList].
* @returns an index of the match, or -1 if there is no match
function positionInNodeList(element, nodeList) {
for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; i++) {
if (element === nodeList[i]) {
return i;
return -1;