
150 lines
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/// \file
// Range v3 library
// Copyright Eric Niebler 2013-present
// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the
// Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// Project home:
#include <utility>
#include <meta/meta.hpp>
#include <range/v3/range_fwd.hpp>
#include <range/v3/action/action.hpp>
#include <range/v3/action/insert.hpp>
#include <range/v3/detail/with_braced_init_args.hpp>
#include <range/v3/functional/bind_back.hpp>
#include <range/v3/utility/static_const.hpp>
#include <range/v3/detail/prologue.hpp>
namespace ranges
/// \addtogroup group-actions
/// @{
/// \cond
namespace adl_push_front_detail
/// \endcond
template<typename Cont, typename T>
using push_front_t = decltype(static_cast<void>(
unwrap_reference(std::declval<Cont &>()).push_front(std::declval<T>())));
template<typename Cont, typename Rng>
using insert_t = decltype(static_cast<void>(
ranges::insert(std::declval<Cont &>(), std::declval<iterator_t<Cont>>(),
template(typename Cont, typename T)(
requires lvalue_container_like<Cont> AND
(!range<T>) AND constructible_from<range_value_t<Cont>, T>)
push_front_t<Cont, T> push_front(Cont && cont, T && t)
unwrap_reference(cont).push_front(static_cast<T &&>(t));
template(typename Cont, typename Rng)(
requires lvalue_container_like<Cont> AND range<Rng>)
insert_t<Cont, Rng> push_front(Cont && cont, Rng && rng)
ranges::insert(cont, begin(cont), static_cast<Rng &&>(rng));
/// \cond
// clang-format off
/// \concept can_push_front_frag_
/// \brief The \c can_push_front_frag_ concept
template<typename Rng, typename T>
requires(Rng && rng, T && t) //
push_front(rng, (T &&) t)
/// \concept can_push_front_
/// \brief The \c can_push_front_ concept
template<typename Rng, typename T>
CPP_concept can_push_front_ =
CPP_requires_ref(adl_push_front_detail::can_push_front_frag_, Rng, T);
// clang-format on
/// \endcond
struct push_front_fn
template<typename T>
constexpr auto operator()(T && val) const
return make_action_closure(
bind_back(push_front_fn{}, static_cast<T &&>(val)));
template<typename T>
constexpr auto operator()(std::initializer_list<T> val) const
return make_action_closure(bind_back(push_front_fn{}, val));
template(typename T)(
requires range<T &>)
constexpr auto operator()(T & t) const
return make_action_closure(
bind_back(push_front_fn{}, detail::reference_wrapper_<T>(t)));
template(typename Rng, typename T)(
requires input_range<Rng> AND can_push_front_<Rng, T> AND
(range<T> || constructible_from<range_value_t<Rng>, T>)) //
Rng operator()(Rng && rng, T && t) const //
push_front(rng, static_cast<T &&>(t));
return static_cast<Rng &&>(rng);
template(typename Rng, typename T)(
requires input_range<Rng> AND
can_push_front_<Rng, std::initializer_list<T>> AND
constructible_from<range_value_t<Rng>, T const &>)
Rng operator()(Rng && rng, std::initializer_list<T> t) const //
push_front(rng, t);
return static_cast<Rng &&>(rng);
/// \cond
template<typename Rng, typename T>
invoke_result_t<push_front_fn, Rng, T &> //
operator()(Rng && rng, detail::reference_wrapper_<T> r) const
return (*this)(static_cast<Rng &&>(rng), r.get());
/// \endcond
/// \cond
} // namespace adl_push_front_detail
/// \endcond
namespace actions
RANGES_INLINE_VARIABLE(adl_push_front_detail::push_front_fn, push_front)
} // namespace actions
using actions::push_front;
/// @}
} // namespace ranges
#include <range/v3/detail/epilogue.hpp>