mirror of https://github.com/axmolengine/axmol.git
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/// \file
// Range v3 library
// Copyright Casey Carter 2016
// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the
// Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
// Project home: https://github.com/ericniebler/range-v3
#include <meta/meta.hpp>
#include <range/v3/algorithm/shuffle.hpp>
#include <range/v3/functional/bind_back.hpp>
#include <range/v3/functional/invoke.hpp>
#include <range/v3/iterator/concepts.hpp>
#include <range/v3/iterator/default_sentinel.hpp>
#include <range/v3/iterator/operations.hpp>
#include <range/v3/range/concepts.hpp>
#include <range/v3/utility/static_const.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view/all.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view/facade.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view/view.hpp>
#include <range/v3/detail/prologue.hpp>
namespace ranges
/// \cond
namespace detail
template<typename Rng,
bool = (bool)sized_sentinel_for<sentinel_t<Rng>, iterator_t<Rng>>>
class size_tracker
range_difference_t<Rng> size_;
CPP_assert(forward_range<Rng> || sized_range<Rng>);
size_tracker() = default;
size_tracker(Rng & rng)
: size_(ranges::distance(rng))
void decrement()
range_difference_t<Rng> get(Rng &, iterator_t<Rng> &) const
return size_;
// Impl for sized_sentinel_for (no need to store anything)
template<typename Rng>
class size_tracker<Rng, true>
size_tracker() = default;
size_tracker(Rng &)
void decrement()
range_difference_t<Rng> get(Rng & rng, iterator_t<Rng> const & it) const
return ranges::end(rng) - it;
} // namespace detail
/// \endcond
/// \addtogroup group-views
/// @{
// Take a random sampling from another view
template<typename Rng, typename URNG>
class sample_view : public view_facade<sample_view<Rng, URNG>, finite>
friend range_access;
using D = range_difference_t<Rng>;
Rng rng_;
// Mutable is OK here because sample_view is an Input view.
mutable range_difference_t<Rng> size_;
URNG * engine_;
template<bool IsConst>
class cursor
friend cursor<!IsConst>;
using Base = meta::const_if_c<IsConst, Rng>;
meta::const_if_c<IsConst, sample_view> * parent_;
iterator_t<Base> current_;
RANGES_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS detail::size_tracker<Base> size_;
D pop_size()
return size_.get(parent_->rng_, current_);
void advance()
if(parent_->size_ > 0)
using Dist = std::uniform_int_distribution<D>;
Dist dist{};
URNG & engine = *parent_->engine_;
for(;; ++current_, size_.decrement())
RANGES_ASSERT(current_ != ranges::end(parent_->rng_));
auto n = pop_size();
typename Dist::param_type const interval{0, n - 1};
if(dist(engine, interval) < parent_->size_)
using value_type = range_value_t<Rng>;
using difference_type = D;
cursor() = default;
explicit cursor(meta::const_if_c<IsConst, sample_view> * rng)
: parent_(rng)
, current_(ranges::begin(rng->rng_))
, size_{rng->rng_}
auto n = pop_size();
if(rng->size_ > n)
rng->size_ = n;
template(bool Other)(
requires IsConst AND CPP_NOT(Other)) //
cursor(cursor<Other> that)
: parent_(that.parent_)
, current_(std::move(that.current_))
, size_(that.size_)
range_reference_t<Rng> read() const
return *current_;
bool equal(default_sentinel_t) const
return parent_->size_ <= 0;
void next()
RANGES_EXPECT(parent_->size_ > 0);
RANGES_ASSERT(current_ != ranges::end(parent_->rng_));
cursor<false> begin_cursor()
return cursor<false>{this};
template(bool Const = true)(
requires Const AND
(sized_range<meta::const_if_c<Const, Rng>> ||
sized_sentinel_for<sentinel_t<meta::const_if_c<Const, Rng>>,
iterator_t<meta::const_if_c<Const, Rng>>> ||
forward_range<meta::const_if_c<Const, Rng>>)) //
cursor<Const> begin_cursor() const
return cursor<true>{this};
sample_view() = default;
explicit sample_view(Rng rng, D sample_size, URNG & generator)
: rng_(std::move(rng))
, size_(sample_size)
, engine_(std::addressof(generator))
RANGES_EXPECT(sample_size >= 0);
Rng base() const
return rng_;
template<typename Rng, typename URNG>
sample_view(Rng &&, range_difference_t<Rng>, URNG &)
->sample_view<views::all_t<Rng>, URNG>;
namespace views
/// Returns a random sample of a range of length `size(range)`.
struct sample_base_fn
template(typename Rng, typename URNG = detail::default_random_engine)(
requires viewable_range<Rng> AND input_range<Rng> AND
uniform_random_bit_generator<URNG> AND
convertible_to<invoke_result_t<URNG &>, range_difference_t<Rng>> AND
(sized_range<Rng> ||
sized_sentinel_for<sentinel_t<Rng>, iterator_t<Rng>> ||
forward_range<Rng>)) //
sample_view<all_t<Rng>, URNG> operator()(
Rng && rng,
range_difference_t<Rng> sample_size,
URNG & generator = detail::get_random_engine()) const
return sample_view<all_t<Rng>, URNG>{
all(static_cast<Rng &&>(rng)), sample_size, generator};
/// \cond
template<typename Rng, typename URNG>
invoke_result_t<sample_base_fn, Rng, range_difference_t<Rng>, URNG &> //
Rng && rng,
range_difference_t<Rng> sample_size,
detail::reference_wrapper_<URNG> r) const
return (*this)(static_cast<Rng &&>(rng), sample_size, r.get());
/// \endcond
struct sample_fn : sample_base_fn
using sample_base_fn::operator();
template(typename Size, typename URNG = detail::default_random_engine)(
requires integral<Size> AND uniform_random_bit_generator<URNG>)
constexpr auto operator()(
Size n,
URNG & urng = detail::get_random_engine()) const //
return make_view_closure(bind_back(
sample_base_fn{}, n, detail::reference_wrapper_<URNG>(urng)));
/// \relates sample_fn
/// \ingroup group-views
RANGES_INLINE_VARIABLE(sample_fn, sample)
} // namespace views
/// @}
} // namespace ranges
#include <range/v3/detail/epilogue.hpp>
#include <range/v3/detail/satisfy_boost_range.hpp>