samuele3hu afa6b81ba7 issue #2103 add cocosbuilder lua bind and add a simple sample 2013-06-03 13:47:12 +08:00
jni issue #1847: Adding sources of Luajit2.0.1-hotfix, and adding android support. 2013-04-16 17:34:58 +08:00
res/values issue #1603: Moved the position of some projects. 2012-12-20 12:58:21 +08:00
src/org/cocos2dx/testlua issue #1603: Moved the position of some projects. 2012-12-20 12:58:21 +08:00
.classpath delete parameter(-o igncr) when running in eclipse project 2013-03-19 13:48:32 +08:00
.cproject add c project setting for lua samples 2013-03-19 16:49:16 +08:00
.project add c project setting for lua samples 2013-03-19 16:49:16 +08:00
AndroidManifest.xml Added <uses-feature android:glEsVersion="0x00020000" /> to AndroidManifest.xml 2013-01-21 13:03:55 +04:00 issue #1603: Moved the position of some projects. 2012-12-20 12:58:21 +08:00
build.xml issue #1603: Moved the position of some projects. 2012-12-20 12:58:21 +08:00 issue #2103 add cocosbuilder lua bind and add a simple sample 2013-06-03 13:47:12 +08:00
proguard-project.txt issue #1603: Moved the position of some projects. 2012-12-20 12:58:21 +08:00 issue #1603:change pathes of android codes 2012-12-21 17:28:14 +08:00