
108 lines
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* Author : Angus Johnson *
* Date : 15 October 2022 *
* Website : *
* Copyright : Angus Johnson 2010-2022 *
* Purpose : Path Offset (Inflate/Shrink) *
* License : *
#include "clipper.core.h"
namespace Clipper2Lib {
enum class JoinType { Square, Round, Miter };
enum class EndType {Polygon, Joined, Butt, Square, Round};
//Butt : offsets both sides of a path, with square blunt ends
//Square : offsets both sides of a path, with square extended ends
//Round : offsets both sides of a path, with round extended ends
//Joined : offsets both sides of a path, with joined ends
//Polygon: offsets only one side of a closed path
class ClipperOffset {
class Group {
Paths64 paths_in_;
Paths64 paths_out_;
Path64 path_;
bool is_reversed_ = false;
JoinType join_type_;
EndType end_type_;
Group(const Paths64& paths, JoinType join_type, EndType end_type) :
paths_in_(paths), join_type_(join_type), end_type_(end_type) {}
double group_delta_ = 0.0;
double abs_group_delta_ = 0.0;
double temp_lim_ = 0.0;
double steps_per_rad_ = 0.0;
PathD norms;
Paths64 solution;
std::vector<Group> groups_;
JoinType join_type_ = JoinType::Square;
double miter_limit_ = 0.0;
double arc_tolerance_ = 0.0;
bool merge_groups_ = true;
bool preserve_collinear_ = false;
bool reverse_solution_ = false;
void DoSquare(Group& group, const Path64& path, size_t j, size_t k);
void DoMiter(Group& group, const Path64& path, size_t j, size_t k, double cos_a);
void DoRound(Group& group, const Path64& path, size_t j, size_t k, double angle);
void BuildNormals(const Path64& path);
void OffsetPolygon(Group& group, Path64& path);
void OffsetOpenJoined(Group& group, Path64& path);
void OffsetOpenPath(Group& group, Path64& path, EndType endType);
void OffsetPoint(Group& group, Path64& path, size_t j, size_t& k);
void DoGroupOffset(Group &group, double delta);
ClipperOffset(double miter_limit = 2.0,
double arc_tolerance = 0.0,
bool preserve_collinear = false,
bool reverse_solution = false) :
miter_limit_(miter_limit), arc_tolerance_(arc_tolerance),
reverse_solution_(reverse_solution) { };
~ClipperOffset() { Clear(); };
void AddPath(const Path64& path, JoinType jt_, EndType et_);
void AddPaths(const Paths64& paths, JoinType jt_, EndType et_);
void AddPath(const PathD &p, JoinType jt_, EndType et_);
void AddPaths(const PathsD &p, JoinType jt_, EndType et_);
void Clear() { groups_.clear(); norms.clear(); };
Paths64 Execute(double delta);
double MiterLimit() const { return miter_limit_; }
void MiterLimit(double miter_limit) { miter_limit_ = miter_limit; }
//ArcTolerance: needed for rounded offsets (See offset_triginometry2.svg)
double ArcTolerance() const { return arc_tolerance_; }
void ArcTolerance(double arc_tolerance) { arc_tolerance_ = arc_tolerance; }
//MergeGroups: A path group is one or more paths added via the AddPath or
//AddPaths methods. By default these path groups will be offset
//independently of other groups and this may cause overlaps (intersections).
//However, when MergeGroups is enabled, any overlapping offsets will be
//merged (via a clipping union operation) to remove overlaps.
bool MergeGroups() const { return merge_groups_; }
void MergeGroups(bool merge_groups) { merge_groups_ = merge_groups; }
bool PreserveCollinear() const { return preserve_collinear_; }
void PreserveCollinear(bool preserve_collinear){preserve_collinear_ = preserve_collinear;}
bool ReverseSolution() const { return reverse_solution_; }
void ReverseSolution(bool reverse_solution) {reverse_solution_ = reverse_solution;}
#endif /* CLIPPER_OFFSET_H_ */