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-- @module ParticleSystem3D
-- @extend Node,BlendProtocol
-- @parent_module cc
-- @function [parent=#ParticleSystem3D] setKeepLocal
-- @param self
-- @param #bool keepLocal
-- @return ParticleSystem3D#ParticleSystem3D self (return value: cc.ParticleSystem3D)
-- get particle quota
-- @function [parent=#ParticleSystem3D] getParticleQuota
-- @param self
-- @return unsigned int#unsigned int ret (return value: unsigned int)
-- override function
-- @function [parent=#ParticleSystem3D] getBlendFunc
-- @param self
-- @return BlendFunc#BlendFunc ret (return value: cc.BlendFunc)
-- set particle quota
-- @function [parent=#ParticleSystem3D] setParticleQuota
-- @param self
-- @param #unsigned int quota
-- @return ParticleSystem3D#ParticleSystem3D self (return value: cc.ParticleSystem3D)
-- particle system play control
-- @function [parent=#ParticleSystem3D] startParticleSystem
-- @param self
-- @return ParticleSystem3D#ParticleSystem3D self (return value: cc.ParticleSystem3D)
-- override function
-- @function [parent=#ParticleSystem3D] setBlendFunc
-- @param self
-- @param #cc.BlendFunc blendFunc
-- @return ParticleSystem3D#ParticleSystem3D self (return value: cc.ParticleSystem3D)
-- set particle render, can set your own particle render
-- @function [parent=#ParticleSystem3D] setRender
-- @param self
-- @param #cc.Particle3DRender render
-- @return ParticleSystem3D#ParticleSystem3D self (return value: cc.ParticleSystem3D)
-- is enabled
-- @function [parent=#ParticleSystem3D] isEnabled
-- @param self
-- @return bool#bool ret (return value: bool)
-- stop particle
-- @function [parent=#ParticleSystem3D] stopParticleSystem
-- @param self
-- @return ParticleSystem3D#ParticleSystem3D self (return value: cc.ParticleSystem3D)
-- Enables or disables the system.
-- @function [parent=#ParticleSystem3D] setEnabled
-- @param self
-- @param #bool enabled
-- @return ParticleSystem3D#ParticleSystem3D self (return value: cc.ParticleSystem3D)
-- set emitter for particle system, can set your own particle emitter
-- @function [parent=#ParticleSystem3D] setEmitter
-- @param self
-- @param #cc.Particle3DEmitter emitter
-- @return ParticleSystem3D#ParticleSystem3D self (return value: cc.ParticleSystem3D)
-- remove affector by index
-- @function [parent=#ParticleSystem3D] removeAffector
-- @param self
-- @param #int index
-- @return ParticleSystem3D#ParticleSystem3D self (return value: cc.ParticleSystem3D)
-- pause particle
-- @function [parent=#ParticleSystem3D] pauseParticleSystem
-- @param self
-- @return ParticleSystem3D#ParticleSystem3D self (return value: cc.ParticleSystem3D)
-- resume particle
-- @function [parent=#ParticleSystem3D] resumeParticleSystem
-- @param self
-- @return ParticleSystem3D#ParticleSystem3D self (return value: cc.ParticleSystem3D)
-- get particle playing state
-- @function [parent=#ParticleSystem3D] getState
-- @param self
-- @return int#int ret (return value: int)
-- @function [parent=#ParticleSystem3D] isKeepLocal
-- @param self
-- @return bool#bool ret (return value: bool)
-- remove all particle affector
-- @function [parent=#ParticleSystem3D] removeAllAffector
-- @param self
-- @return ParticleSystem3D#ParticleSystem3D self (return value: cc.ParticleSystem3D)
-- add particle affector
-- @function [parent=#ParticleSystem3D] addAffector
-- @param self
-- @param #cc.Particle3DAffector affector
-- @return ParticleSystem3D#ParticleSystem3D self (return value: cc.ParticleSystem3D)
-- get alive particles count
-- @function [parent=#ParticleSystem3D] getAliveParticleCount
-- @param self
-- @return int#int ret (return value: int)
-- override function
-- @function [parent=#ParticleSystem3D] draw
-- @param self
-- @param #cc.Renderer renderer
-- @param #mat4_table transform
-- @param #unsigned int flags
-- @return ParticleSystem3D#ParticleSystem3D self (return value: cc.ParticleSystem3D)
-- override function
-- @function [parent=#ParticleSystem3D] update
-- @param self
-- @param #float delta
-- @return ParticleSystem3D#ParticleSystem3D self (return value: cc.ParticleSystem3D)
return nil