mirror of https://github.com/axmolengine/axmol.git
64 lines
2.3 KiB
64 lines
2.3 KiB
ASTC Texture Decompression.
#include "base/astc.h"
#include "astc/astcenc.h"
#include "astc/astcenc_internal.h"
uint8_t astc_decompress_image(
const uint8_t* in, uint32_t inlen, uint8_t* out, uint32_t dim_x, uint32_t dim_y, uint32_t block_x, uint32_t block_y) {
static std::once_flag once_flag;
std::call_once(once_flag, init_quant_mode_table);
const unsigned int dim_z = 1;
const unsigned int block_z = 1;
unsigned int xblocks = (dim_x + block_x - 1) / block_x;
unsigned int yblocks = (dim_y + block_y - 1) / block_y;
unsigned int zblocks = (dim_z + block_z - 1) / block_z;
int row_blocks = xblocks;
int plane_blocks = xblocks * yblocks;
// Check we have enough output space (16 bytes per block)
size_t size_needed = xblocks * yblocks * zblocks * 16;
if (inlen < size_needed) {
block_size_descriptor* bsd = new block_size_descriptor(); // 3.3MB
init_block_size_descriptor(block_x, block_y, 1, false, 0 /*unused for decompress*/, *bsd);
image_block blk;
astcenc_image image_out{dim_x, dim_y, 1, ASTCENC_TYPE_U8, (void**) &out};
const int total_blocks = zblocks * yblocks * xblocks;
const astcenc_swizzle swz_decode{ASTCENC_SWZ_R, ASTCENC_SWZ_G, ASTCENC_SWZ_B, ASTCENC_SWZ_A};
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < total_blocks; ++i) {
// Decode i into x, y, z block indices
int z = i / plane_blocks;
unsigned int rem = i - (z * plane_blocks);
int y = rem / row_blocks;
int x = rem - (y * row_blocks);
unsigned int offset = (((z * yblocks + y) * xblocks) + x) * 16;
const uint8_t* bp = in + offset;
physical_compressed_block pcb = *(const physical_compressed_block*) bp;
symbolic_compressed_block scb;
physical_to_symbolic(*bsd, pcb, scb);
decompress_symbolic_block(ASTCENC_PRF_LDR_SRGB, *bsd, x * block_x, y * block_y, z * block_z, scb, blk);
write_image_block(image_out, blk, *bsd, x * block_x, y * block_y, z * block_z, swz_decode);
delete bsd;