mirror of https://github.com/axmolengine/axmol.git
227 lines
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227 lines
6.2 KiB
#ifndef __CC_HTTP_REQUEST_H_
#define __CC_HTTP_REQUEST_H_
#include "cocos2dx_extra.h"
#include "cocos2d.h"
#include "network/CCHTTPRequestDelegate.h"
#include "CCLuaEngine.h"
#ifdef _WINDOWS_
#include <Windows.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include "curl/curl.h"
using namespace std;
#define kCCHTTPRequestMethodGET 0
#define kCCHTTPRequestMethodPOST 1
#define kCCHTTPRequestAcceptEncodingIdentity 0
#define kCCHTTPRequestAcceptEncodingGzip 1
#define kCCHTTPRequestAcceptEncodingDeflate 2
#define kCCHTTPRequestStateIdle 0
#define kCCHTTPRequestStateCleared 1
#define kCCHTTPRequestStateInProgress 2
#define kCCHTTPRequestStateCompleted 3
#define kCCHTTPRequestStateCancelled 4
#define kCCHTTPRequestStateFailed 5
#define kCCHTTPRequestCURLStateIdle 0
#define kCCHTTPRequestCURLStateBusy 1
#define kCCHTTPRequestCURLStateClosed 2
typedef vector<string> HTTPRequestHeaders;
typedef HTTPRequestHeaders::iterator HTTPRequestHeadersIterator;
class HTTPRequest : public Ref
static HTTPRequest *createWithUrl(HTTPRequestDelegate *delegate,
const char *url,
int method = kCCHTTPRequestMethodGET);
static HTTPRequest* createWithUrlLua(LUA_FUNCTION listener,
const char *url,
int method = kCCHTTPRequestMethodGET);
/** @brief Set request url. */
void setRequestUrl(const char *url);
/** @brief Get request url. */
const string getRequestUrl(void);
/** @brief Add a custom header to the request. */
void addRequestHeader(const char *header);
/** @brief Add a POST variable to the request, POST only. */
void addPOSTValue(const char *key, const char *value);
/** @brief Set POST data to the request body, POST only. */
void setPOSTData(const char *data);
void addFormFile(const char *name, const char *filePath, const char *fileType="application/octet-stream");
void addFormContents(const char *name, const char *value);
/** @brief Set/Get cookie string. */
void setCookieString(const char *cookie);
const string getCookieString(void);
/** @brief Set accept encoding. */
void setAcceptEncoding(int acceptEncoding);
/** @brief Number of seconds to wait before timing out - default is 10. */
void setTimeout(int timeout);
/** @brief Execute an asynchronous request. */
bool start(void);
/** @brief Cancel an asynchronous request, clearing all delegates first. */
void cancel(void);
/** @brief Get the request state. */
int getState(void);
/** @brief Return HTTP status code. */
int getResponseStatusCode(void);
/** @brief Return HTTP response headers. */
const HTTPRequestHeaders &getResponseHeaders(void);
const string getResponseHeadersString(void);
/** @brief Returns the contents of the result. */
const string getResponseString(void);
/** @brief Alloc memory block, return response data. use free() release memory block */
void *getResponseData(void);
LUA_STRING getResponseDataLua(void);
/** @brief Get response data length (bytes). */
int getResponseDataLength(void);
/** @brief Save response data to file. */
size_t saveResponseData(const char *filename);
/** @brief Get error code. */
int getErrorCode(void);
/** @brief Get error message. */
const string getErrorMessage(void);
/** @brief Return HTTPRequestDelegate delegate. */
HTTPRequestDelegate* getDelegate(void);
/** @brief timer function. */
void checkCURLState(float dt);
virtual void update(float dt);
: _delegate(NULL)
, _listener(0)
, _state(kCCHTTPRequestStateIdle)
, _errorCode(0)
, _responseCode(0)
, _responseBuffer(NULL)
, _responseBufferLength(0)
, _responseDataLength(0)
, _curlState(kCCHTTPRequestCURLStateIdle)
, _formPost(NULL)
, _lastPost(NULL)
, _dltotal(0)
, _dlnow(0)
, _ultotal(0)
, _ulnow(0)
bool initWithDelegate(HTTPRequestDelegate* delegate, const char *url, int method);
bool initWithListener(LUA_FUNCTION listener, const char *url, int method);
bool initWithUrl(const char *url, int method);
enum {
DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 10, // 10 seconds
BUFFER_CHUNK_SIZE = 32768, // 32 KB
static unsigned int s_id;
string _url;
HTTPRequestDelegate* _delegate;
int _listener;
int _curlState;
CURL *_curl;
curl_httppost *_formPost;
curl_httppost *_lastPost;
int _state;
int _errorCode;
string _errorMessage;
// request
typedef map<string, string> Fields;
Fields _postFields;
HTTPRequestHeaders _headers;
// response
int _responseCode;
HTTPRequestHeaders _responseHeaders;
void *_responseBuffer;
size_t _responseBufferLength;
size_t _responseDataLength;
string _responseCookies;
double _dltotal;
double _dlnow;
double _ultotal;
double _ulnow;
// private methods
void cleanup(void);
void cleanupRawResponseBuff(void);
// instance callback
void onRequest(void);
size_t onWriteData(void *buffer, size_t bytes);
size_t onWriteHeader(void *buffer, size_t bytes);
int onProgress(double dltotal, double dlnow, double ultotal, double ulnow);
// curl callback
#ifdef _WINDOWS_
static DWORD WINAPI requestCURL(LPVOID userdata);
pthread_t _thread;
static void *requestCURL(void *userdata);
static size_t writeDataCURL(void *buffer, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userdata);
static size_t writeHeaderCURL(void *buffer, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userdata);
static int progressCURL(void *userdata, double dltotal, double dlnow, double ultotal, double ulnow);
#endif /* __CC_HTTP_REQUEST_H_ */