
430 lines
16 KiB
Executable File

` # \
# PowerShell Param statement : every line must end in #\ except the last line must with <#\
# And, you can't use backticks in this section #\
# refer #\
param( [string]$gradlewVersion #\
) <#\
#^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `
# Bash Start ------------------------------------------------------------
scriptdir="`dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}"`"
if ! command -v pwsh > /dev/null; then
pwsh $scriptdir/setup.ps1 "$@"
# Bash End --------------------------------------------------------------
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# emit powershell code, in bash:
# the here document key can be any, but out-null is valid powershell nop cmdlet
# echo > /dev/null don't output line-end to termainl
echo > /dev/null <<"out-null"
# Powershell Start ----------------------------------------------------#>
$myRoot = $PSScriptRoot
$AX_ROOT = $myRoot
$Global:is_axmol_app = $true
function println($message) { Write-Host "axmol: $message" }
# import VersionEx
. (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot '1k/extensions.ps1')
$pwsh_ver = [VersionEx]$PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString()
function mkdirs([string]$path) {
if (!(Test-Path $path -PathType Container)) {
if ($pwsh_ver -ge [VersionEx]'5.0') {
New-Item $path -ItemType Directory 1>$null
else {
mkdir $path
if ($pwsh_ver -lt [VersionEx]'5.0') {
# try setup WMF5.1, require reboot, try run setup.ps1 several times
Write-Host "Installing WMF5.1 ..."
$osVer = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version
if ($osVer.Major -ne 6) {
throw "Unsupported OSVersion: $($osVer.ToString())"
if ($osVer.Minor -ne 1 -and $osVer -ne 3) {
throw "Only win7 SP1 or win8 supported"
$is_win7 = $osVer.Minor -eq 1
# [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 5.1 non-win10
$prefix = Join-Path (Get-Location).Path 'tmp'
mkdirs $prefix
$curl = (New-Object Net.WebClient)
# .net 4.5.2 prereq by WMF5.1
$pkg_out = Join-Path $prefix 'NDP452-KB2901907-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe'
if (!(Test-Path $pkg_out -PathType Leaf)) {
Write-Host "Downloading $pkg_out ..."
$curl.DownloadFile('', $pkg_out)
if (!$?) {
del $pkg_out
.\tmp\NDP452-KB2901907-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe /q /norestart
# WMF5.1:
if ($is_win7) {
$wmf_pkg = ''
else {
$wmf_pkg = 'Win8.1AndW2K12R2-KB3191564-x64.msu'
$pkg_out = Join-Path $prefix "$wmf_pkg"
if (!(Test-Path $pkg_out -PathType Leaf)) {
Write-Host "Downloading $pkg_out ..."
$curl.DownloadFile("$wmf_pkg", $pkg_out)
if (!$?) {
del $pkg_out
if ($is_win7) {
echo "Expanding $pkg_out to $prefix"
function Expand-Zip($Path, $DestinationPath) {
mkdirs $DestinationPath
$shell = new-object -com shell.application
$zip = $shell.NameSpace($Path)
foreach ($item in $zip.items()) {
Expand-Zip -Path $pkg_out -DestinationPath $prefix\WMF51
& "$prefix\WMF51\Install-WMF5.1.ps1"
else {
wusa.exe $pkg_out /quiet /norestart
throw "PowerShell 5.0+ required, installed is: $pwsh_ver, after install WMF5.1 and restart computer, try again"
# powershell 7 require mark as global explicit if want access in function via $Global:xxx
$Global:AX_CLI_ROOT = Join-Path $AX_ROOT 'tools/cmdline'
$IsWin = $IsWindows -or ("$env:OS" -eq 'Windows_NT')
if ($IsWin) {
if ("$env:AX_ROOT" -ne "$AX_ROOT") {
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('AX_ROOT', $AX_ROOT, 'User')
# checking evaluated env:PATH with system + user
$Global:isMeInPath = $env:PATH.Contains($AX_CLI_ROOT)
$Global:oldCmdRoot = $null
$Global:cmdInfo = Get-Command 'axmol' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($cmdInfo) {
$cmdRootTmp = Split-Path $cmdInfo.Source -Parent
if ($cmdRootTmp -ne $AX_CLI_ROOT) {
$oldCmdRoot = $cmdRootTmp
function RefreshPath ($strPathList) {
if ($strPathList) {
$pathList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]($strPathList.Split(';', [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries))
else {
$pathList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
if ($Global:oldCmdRoot) {
if ($Global:isMeInPath) {
if ($pathList[0] -ne $Global:AX_CLI_ROOT) {
$pathList.Insert(0, $Global:AX_CLI_ROOT)
else {
$pathList.Insert(0, $Global:AX_CLI_ROOT)
return $pathList -join ';'
if (!$isMeInPath -or $oldCmdRoot) {
# Add cmdline bin to User PATH
$strPathList = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('PATH', 'User')
$strPathList = RefreshPath $strPathList
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('PATH', $strPathList, 'User')
# Re-eval env:PATH to system + users
$env:PATH = RefreshPath $env:PATH # sync to PowerShell Terminal
$execPolicy = powershell -Command 'Get-ExecutionPolicy'
if ($execPolicy -ne 'Bypass') {
println "Setting system installed powershell execution policy '$execPolicy'==>'Bypass', please click 'YES' on UAC dialog"
Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList '-Command "Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Force"' -WindowStyle Hidden -Wait -Verb runas
else {
println "Nice, the system installed powershell execution policy is '$execPolicy'"
else {
# update pwsh profile
if (Test-Path $PROFILE -PathType Leaf) {
$profileContent = Get-Content $PROFILE -raw
else {
$profileContent = ''
$profileMods = 0
$matchRet = [Regex]::Match($profileContent, "env\:AX_ROOT\s+\=\s+.*")
if (!$matchRet.Success) {
$profileContent += "# Add environment variable AX_ROOT for axmol`n"
$profileContent += '$env:AX_ROOT = "{0}"{1}' -f $AX_ROOT, "`n"
elseif ($env:AX_ROOT -ne $AX_ROOT) {
# contains AX_ROOT statement, but not equal us
Write-Host "Updating env AX_ROOT from ${env:AX_ROOT} to $AX_ROOT"
$profileContent = [Regex]::Replace($profileContent, "env\:AX_ROOT\s+\=\s+.*", "env:AX_ROOT = '$AX_ROOT'")
if ($profileMods) { $env:AX_ROOT = $AX_ROOT }
if (!($axmolCmdInfo = (Get-Command axmol -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) -or $axmolCmdInfo.Source -ne "$AX_CLI_ROOT/axmol") {
$stmt_export = '$env:PATH = "${env:AX_ROOT}/tools/cmdline:${env:PATH}"'
if (!$profileContent.Contains($stmt_export)) {
$profileContent += "# Add axmol cmdline tool to PATH`n"
$profileContent += '$env:PATH = "${env:AX_ROOT}/tools/cmdline:${env:PATH}"'
$profileContent += "`n"
$env:PATH = "${env:AX_ROOT}/tools/cmdline:${env:PATH}"
$profileDir = Split-Path $PROFILE -Parent
if (!(Test-Path $profileDir -PathType Container)) {
mkdirs $profileDir
if ($profileMods) {
Set-Content $PROFILE -Value $profileContent
# update ~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc
function updateUnixProfile($profileFile) {
$profileMods = 0
$profileContent = Get-Content $profileFile -raw
$matchRet = [Regex]::Match($profileContent, "export AX_ROOT\=.*")
if (!$matchRet.Success) {
$profileContent += "# Add environment variable AX_ROOT for axmol`n"
$profileContent += 'export AX_ROOT="{0}"{1}' -f $AX_ROOT, "`n"
else {
$stmtLine = 'export AX_ROOT="{0}"' -f $AX_ROOT
if ($matchRet.Value -ne $stmtLine) {
$profileContent = [Regex]::Replace($profileContent, "export AX_ROOT\=.*", $stmtLine)
if (!$profileContent.Contains('export PATH=$AX_ROOT/tools/cmdline:')) {
$profileContent += "# Add axmol cmdline tool to PATH`n"
$profileContent += 'export PATH=$AX_ROOT/tools/cmdline:$PATH' -f "`n"
if ($profileMods) {
Set-Content $profileFile -Value $profileContent
if (Test-Path ~/.bashrc -PathType Leaf) {
updateUnixProfile ~/.bashrc
if (Test-Path ~/.zshrc -PathType Leaf) {
updateUnixProfile ~/.zshrc
# update macos launchctl
if ($IsMacOS) {
# for GUI app, android studio can find AX_ROOT
launchctl setenv AX_ROOT $env:AX_ROOT
if ($IsLinux) {
if ($(Get-Command 'dpkg' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
$LinuxDistro = 'Debian'
elseif ($(Get-Command 'pacman' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
$LinuxDistro = 'Arch'
else {
$LinuxDistro = 'Linux'
Write-Host "Are you continue install linux dependencies for axmol? (y/N) " -NoNewline
$answer = Read-Host
if ($answer -like 'y*') {
if ($LinuxDistro -eq 'Debian') {
println "It will take few minutes"
sudo apt update
# for vm, libxxf86vm-dev also required
$DEPENDS = @()
$DEPENDS += 'libx11-dev'
$DEPENDS += 'automake'
$DEPENDS += 'libtool'
$DEPENDS += 'cmake'
$DEPENDS += 'libxmu-dev'
$DEPENDS += 'libglu1-mesa-dev'
$DEPENDS += 'libgl2ps-dev'
$DEPENDS += 'libxi-dev'
$DEPENDS += 'libfontconfig1-dev'
$DEPENDS += 'libgtk-3-dev'
$DEPENDS += 'libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev'
$DEPENDS += 'binutils'
$DEPENDS += 'g++'
$DEPENDS += 'libasound2-dev'
$DEPENDS += 'libxxf86vm-dev'
$DEPENDS += 'libvlc-dev', 'libvlccore-dev', 'vlc'
# if vlc encouter codec error, install
# sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras
sudo apt install --allow-unauthenticated --yes $DEPENDS > /dev/null
elseif ($LinuxDistro -eq 'Arch') {
$mirror_list = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText('/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist')
$tsinghua_mirror = '$repo/os/$arch'
if (!$mirror_list.Contains($tsinghua_mirror)) {
Write-Host "Are want add tsinghua mirror for speed up package install in china region? (y/N)" -NoNewline
$answer = Read-Host
if ($answer -like 'y*') {
$mirror_list = "$tsinghua_mirror`n$mirror_list"
$mirror_list_tmp_file = (Join-Path $AX_ROOT 'mirrorlist')
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllText($mirror_list_tmp_file, $mirror_list)
sudo mv -f $mirror_list_tmp_file /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
sudo pacman -Syyu --noconfirm
sudo pacman -S --needed --noconfirm @DEPENDS
else {
println "Warning: current Linux distro isn't officially supported by axmol community"
$1k_script = Join-Path $myRoot '1k/1kiss.ps1'
$prefix = Join-Path $myRoot 'tools/external'
if (!(Test-Path $prefix -PathType Container)) {
mkdirs $prefix
# setup toolchains: glslcc, cmake, ninja, ndk, jdk, ...
. $1k_script -setupOnly -prefix $prefix @args
if ($gradlewVersion) {
$aproj_source_root = Join-Path $AX_ROOT 'templates/common/'
$aproj_source_gradle = Join-Path $aproj_source_root 'build.gradle'
$aproj_source_gradle_wrapper = Join-Path $aproj_source_root 'gradle/wrapper/'
$vernums = $gradlewVersion.Split('.')
if ($vernums.Count -lt 3) {
$gradle_tag = "v$gradlewVersion.0"
else {
$gradle_tag = "v$gradlewVersion"
$gradle_settings_file = Join-Path $aproj_source_gradle_wrapper ''
$settings_content = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($gradle_settings_file)
$settings_content = [Regex]::Replace($settings_content, '', "gradle-$")
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllText($gradle_settings_file, $settings_content)
# download gradle-wrapper.jar gradlew and gradlew.bat from upstream
download_file "$gradle_tag/gradlew" $aproj_source_root
download_file "$gradle_tag/gradlew.bat" $aproj_source_root
download_file "$gradle_tag/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar" $aproj_source_gradle_wrapper
function update_gradle_for_test($testName) {
$aproj_root = Join-Path $AX_ROOT "tests/$testName/"
Copy-Item $aproj_source_gradle $aproj_root -Force
Copy-Item "${aproj_source_gradle_wrapper}*" (Join-Path $aproj_root 'gradle/wrapper') -Force
Copy-Item (Join-Path $aproj_source_root 'gradlew') $aproj_root -Force
Copy-Item (Join-Path $aproj_source_root 'gradlew.bat') $aproj_root -Force
update_gradle_for_test 'cpp-tests'
update_gradle_for_test 'fairygui-tests'
update_gradle_for_test 'live2d-tests'
update_gradle_for_test 'lua-tests'
if ($IsLinux -and (Test-Path '/etc/wsl.conf' -PathType Leaf)) {
$wsl_conf = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText('/etc/wsl.conf')
$wsl_mods = 0
if (!$wsl_conf.Contains('appendWindowsPath')) {
Write-Host "Are want remove host windows path from WSL? (Y/n)" -NoNewline
$answer = Read-Host
if ($answer -notlike 'n*') {
$wsl_conf += "`n[interop]`nappendWindowsPath=false"
if ($LinuxDistro -eq 'Arch') {
if ($wsl_conf -match 'systemd.*=.*true') {
Write-Host "Are want disable systemd to solve Arch WSL graphics issue? (Y/n) " -NoNewline
$answer = Read-Host
if ($answer -notlike 'n*') {
$wsl_conf = $wsl_conf -replace 'systemd.*=.*true', 'systemd=false'
if ($wsl_mods) {
$wsl_conf_tmp_file = (Join-Path $AX_ROOT 'wsl.conf')
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllText($wsl_conf_tmp_file, $wsl_conf)
sudo mv -f $wsl_conf_tmp_file /etc/wsl.conf
println "Update /etc/wsl.conf success, please run 'wsl --shutdown' on your host windows, then re-enter wsl"
$1k.pause("setup successfully, please restart the terminal to make added system variables take effect")
# Powershell End -------------------------------------------------------
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^