mirror of https://github.com/axmolengine/axmol.git
419 lines
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419 lines
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/// \file
// Range v3 library
// Copyright Eric Niebler 2014-present
// Copyright Casey Carter 2016
// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the
// Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
// Project home: https://github.com/ericniebler/range-v3
#include <cstddef>
#include <utility>
#include <meta/meta.hpp>
#include <concepts/concepts.hpp>
#include <range/v3/range_fwd.hpp>
#include <range/v3/iterator/concepts.hpp>
#include <range/v3/detail/prologue.hpp>
namespace ranges
/// \addtogroup group-views
/// @{
struct range_access
/// \cond
template<typename T>
static std::false_type single_pass_2_(long);
template<typename T>
static typename T::single_pass single_pass_2_(int);
template<typename T>
struct single_pass_
using type = decltype(range_access::single_pass_2_<T>(42));
template<typename T>
static std::false_type contiguous_2_(long);
template<typename T>
static typename T::contiguous contiguous_2_(int);
template<typename T>
struct contiguous_
using type = decltype(range_access::contiguous_2_<T>(42));
template<typename T>
static basic_mixin<T> mixin_base_2_(long);
template<typename T>
static typename T::mixin mixin_base_2_(int);
template<typename Cur>
struct mixin_base_
using type = decltype(range_access::mixin_base_2_<Cur>(42));
template<typename Cur>
using single_pass_t = meta::_t<single_pass_<Cur>>;
template<typename Cur>
using contiguous_t = meta::_t<contiguous_<Cur>>;
template<typename Cur>
using mixin_base_t = meta::_t<mixin_base_<Cur>>;
// clang-format off
template<typename Rng>
static constexpr auto CPP_auto_fun(begin_cursor)(Rng &rng)
return rng.begin_cursor()
template<typename Rng>
static constexpr auto CPP_auto_fun(end_cursor)(Rng &rng)
return rng.end_cursor()
template<typename Rng>
static constexpr auto CPP_auto_fun(begin_adaptor)(Rng &rng)
return rng.begin_adaptor()
template<typename Rng>
static constexpr auto CPP_auto_fun(end_adaptor)(Rng &rng)
return rng.end_adaptor()
template<typename Cur>
static constexpr auto CPP_auto_fun(read)(Cur const &pos)
return pos.read()
template<typename Cur>
static constexpr auto CPP_auto_fun(arrow)(Cur const &pos)
return pos.arrow()
template<typename Cur>
static constexpr auto CPP_auto_fun(move)(Cur const &pos)
return pos.move()
template<typename Cur, typename T>
static constexpr auto CPP_auto_fun(write)(Cur &pos, T &&t)
return pos.write((T &&) t)
template<typename Cur>
static constexpr auto CPP_auto_fun(next)(Cur & pos)
return pos.next()
template<typename Cur, typename O>
static constexpr auto CPP_auto_fun(equal)(Cur const &pos, O const &other)
return pos.equal(other)
template<typename Cur>
static constexpr auto CPP_auto_fun(prev)(Cur & pos)
return pos.prev()
template<typename Cur, typename D>
static constexpr auto CPP_auto_fun(advance)(Cur & pos, D n)
return pos.advance(n)
template<typename Cur, typename O>
static constexpr auto CPP_auto_fun(distance_to)(Cur const &pos, O const &other)
return pos.distance_to(other)
template<typename Cur>
using sized_cursor_difference_t = decltype(
range_access::distance_to(std::declval<Cur>(), std::declval<Cur>()));
// clang-format on
template<typename T>
static std::ptrdiff_t cursor_difference_2_(detail::ignore_t);
template<typename T>
static sized_cursor_difference_t<T> cursor_difference_2_(long);
template<typename T>
static typename T::difference_type cursor_difference_2_(int);
template<typename T>
using cursor_reference_t = decltype(std::declval<T const &>().read());
template<typename T>
static meta::id<uncvref_t<cursor_reference_t<T>>> cursor_value_2_(long);
template<typename T>
static meta::id<typename T::value_type> cursor_value_2_(int);
template<typename Cur>
struct cursor_difference
using type = decltype(range_access::cursor_difference_2_<Cur>(42));
template<typename Cur>
struct cursor_value : decltype(range_access::cursor_value_2_<Cur>(42))
template<typename Cur>
using cursor_difference_t = meta::_t<cursor_difference<Cur>>;
template<typename Cur>
using cursor_value_t = meta::_t<cursor_value<Cur>>;
#else // ^^^ workaround ^^^ / vvv no workaround vvv
template<typename Cur>
using cursor_difference_t = decltype(range_access::cursor_difference_2_<Cur>(42));
template<typename Cur>
using cursor_value_t = meta::_t<decltype(range_access::cursor_value_2_<Cur>(42))>;
template<typename Cur>
static constexpr Cur & pos(basic_iterator<Cur> & it) noexcept
return it.pos();
template<typename Cur>
static constexpr Cur const & pos(basic_iterator<Cur> const & it) noexcept
return it.pos();
template<typename Cur>
static constexpr Cur && pos(basic_iterator<Cur> && it) noexcept
return detail::move(it.pos());
template<typename Cur>
static constexpr Cur cursor(basic_iterator<Cur> it)
return std::move(it.pos());
/// endcond
/// @}
/// \cond
namespace detail
// Concepts that the range cursor must model
// clang-format off
/// \concept cursor
/// \brief The \c cursor concept
template<typename T>
CPP_concept cursor =
semiregular<T> && semiregular<range_access::mixin_base_t<T>> &&
constructible_from<range_access::mixin_base_t<T>, T> &&
constructible_from<range_access::mixin_base_t<T>, T const &>;
// Axiom: mixin_base_t<T> has a member get(), accessible to derived classes,
// which perfectly-returns the contained cursor object and does not throw
// exceptions.
/// \concept has_cursor_next_
/// \brief The \c has_cursor_next_ concept
template<typename T>
requires(T & t)
/// \concept has_cursor_next
/// \brief The \c has_cursor_next concept
template<typename T>
CPP_concept has_cursor_next = CPP_requires_ref(detail::has_cursor_next_, T);
/// \concept sentinel_for_cursor_
/// \brief The \c sentinel_for_cursor_ concept
template<typename S, typename C>
requires(S & s, C & c) //
range_access::equal(c, s),
range_access::equal(c, s)), bool>>
/// \concept sentinel_for_cursor
/// \brief The \c sentinel_for_cursor concept
template<typename S, typename C>
CPP_concept sentinel_for_cursor =
semiregular<S> &&
cursor<C> &&
CPP_requires_ref(detail::sentinel_for_cursor_, S, C);
/// \concept readable_cursor_
/// \brief The \c readable_cursor_ concept
template<typename T>
requires(T & t) //
/// \concept readable_cursor
/// \brief The \c readable_cursor concept
template<typename T>
CPP_concept readable_cursor = CPP_requires_ref(detail::readable_cursor_, T);
/// \concept has_cursor_arrow_
/// \brief The \c has_cursor_arrow_ concept
template<typename T>
requires(T const & t) //
/// \concept has_cursor_arrow
/// \brief The \c has_cursor_arrow concept
template<typename T>
CPP_concept has_cursor_arrow = CPP_requires_ref(detail::has_cursor_arrow_, T);
/// \concept writable_cursor_
/// \brief The \c writable_cursor_ concept
template<typename T, typename U>
requires(T & t, U && u) //
range_access::write(t, (U &&) u)
/// \concept writable_cursor
/// \brief The \c writable_cursor concept
template<typename T, typename U>
CPP_concept writable_cursor =
CPP_requires_ref(detail::writable_cursor_, T, U);
/// \concept sized_sentinel_for_cursor_
/// \brief The \c sized_sentinel_for_cursor_ concept
template<typename S, typename C>
requires(S & s, C & c) //
range_access::distance_to(c, s),
range_access::distance_to(c, s))>>
/// \concept sized_sentinel_for_cursor
/// \brief The \c sized_sentinel_for_cursor concept
template<typename S, typename C>
CPP_concept sized_sentinel_for_cursor =
sentinel_for_cursor<S, C> &&
CPP_requires_ref(detail::sized_sentinel_for_cursor_, S, C);
/// \concept output_cursor
/// \brief The \c output_cursor concept
template<typename T, typename U>
CPP_concept output_cursor =
writable_cursor<T, U> && cursor<T>;
/// \concept input_cursor
/// \brief The \c input_cursor concept
template<typename T>
CPP_concept input_cursor =
readable_cursor<T> && cursor<T> && has_cursor_next<T>;
/// \concept forward_cursor
/// \brief The \c forward_cursor concept
template<typename T>
CPP_concept forward_cursor =
input_cursor<T> && sentinel_for_cursor<T, T> &&
/// \concept bidirectional_cursor_
/// \brief The \c bidirectional_cursor_ concept
template<typename T>
requires(T & t) //
/// \concept bidirectional_cursor
/// \brief The \c bidirectional_cursor concept
template<typename T>
CPP_concept bidirectional_cursor =
forward_cursor<T> &&
CPP_requires_ref(detail::bidirectional_cursor_, T);
/// \concept random_access_cursor_
/// \brief The \c random_access_cursor_ concept
template<typename T>
requires(T & t) //
range_access::advance(t, range_access::distance_to(t, t))
/// \concept random_access_cursor
/// \brief The \c random_access_cursor concept
template<typename T>
CPP_concept random_access_cursor =
bidirectional_cursor<T> && //
sized_sentinel_for_cursor<T, T> && //
CPP_requires_ref(detail::random_access_cursor_, T);
template(class T)(
requires std::is_lvalue_reference<T>::value)
void is_lvalue_reference(T&&);
/// \concept contiguous_cursor_
/// \brief The \c contiguous_cursor_ concept
template<typename T>
requires(T & t) //
/// \concept contiguous_cursor
/// \brief The \c contiguous_cursor concept
template<typename T>
CPP_concept contiguous_cursor =
random_access_cursor<T> && //
range_access::contiguous_t<uncvref_t<T>>::value && //
CPP_requires_ref(detail::contiguous_cursor_, T);
// clang-format on
template<typename Cur, bool IsReadable>
RANGES_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_writable_cursor_ = true;
template<typename Cur>
RANGES_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_writable_cursor_<Cur, true> =
(bool) writable_cursor<Cur, range_access::cursor_value_t<Cur>>;
template<typename Cur>
RANGES_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_writable_cursor_v =
is_writable_cursor_<Cur, (bool)readable_cursor<Cur>>;
} // namespace detail
/// \endcond
} // namespace ranges
#include <range/v3/detail/epilogue.hpp>