
918 lines
42 KiB

// FontLabelStringDrawing.m
// FontLabel
// Created by Kevin Ballard on 5/5/09.
// Copyright © 2009 Zynga Game Networks
// Copyright (c) 2011
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#import "FontLabelStringDrawing.h"
#import "ZFont.h"
#import "ZAttributedStringPrivate.h"
@interface ZFont (ZFontPrivate)
@property (nonatomic, readonly) CGFloat ratio;
#define kUnicodeHighSurrogateStart 0xD800
#define kUnicodeHighSurrogateEnd 0xDBFF
#define kUnicodeHighSurrogateMask kUnicodeHighSurrogateStart
#define kUnicodeLowSurrogateStart 0xDC00
#define kUnicodeLowSurrogateEnd 0xDFFF
#define kUnicodeLowSurrogateMask kUnicodeLowSurrogateStart
#define kUnicodeSurrogateTypeMask 0xFC00
#define UnicharIsHighSurrogate(c) ((c & kUnicodeSurrogateTypeMask) == kUnicodeHighSurrogateMask)
#define UnicharIsLowSurrogate(c) ((c & kUnicodeSurrogateTypeMask) == kUnicodeLowSurrogateMask)
#define ConvertSurrogatePairToUTF32(high, low) ((UInt32)((high - 0xD800) * 0x400 + (low - 0xDC00) + 0x10000))
typedef enum {
kFontTableFormat4 = 4,
kFontTableFormat12 = 12,
} FontTableFormat;
typedef struct fontTable {
NSUInteger retainCount;
CFDataRef cmapTable;
FontTableFormat format;
union {
struct {
UInt16 segCountX2;
UInt16 *endCodes;
UInt16 *startCodes;
UInt16 *idDeltas;
UInt16 *idRangeOffsets;
} format4;
struct {
UInt32 nGroups;
struct {
UInt32 startCharCode;
UInt32 endCharCode;
UInt32 startGlyphCode;
} *groups;
} format12;
} cmap;
} fontTable;
static FontTableFormat supportedFormats[] = { kFontTableFormat4, kFontTableFormat12 };
static size_t supportedFormatsCount = sizeof(supportedFormats) / sizeof(FontTableFormat);
static fontTable *newFontTable(CFDataRef cmapTable, FontTableFormat format) {
fontTable *table = (struct fontTable *)malloc(sizeof(struct fontTable));
table->retainCount = 1;
table->cmapTable = CFRetain(cmapTable);
table->format = format;
return table;
static fontTable *retainFontTable(fontTable *table) {
if (table != NULL) {
return table;
static void releaseFontTable(fontTable *table) {
if (table != NULL) {
if (table->retainCount <= 1) {
} else {
static const void *fontTableRetainCallback(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const void *value) {
return retainFontTable((fontTable *)value);
static void fontTableReleaseCallback(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const void *value) {
releaseFontTable((fontTable *)value);
static const CFDictionaryValueCallBacks kFontTableDictionaryValueCallBacks = {
.version = 0,
.retain = &fontTableRetainCallback,
.release = &fontTableReleaseCallback,
.copyDescription = NULL,
.equal = NULL
// read the cmap table from the font
// we only know how to understand some of the table formats at the moment
static fontTable *readFontTableFromCGFont(CGFontRef font) {
CFDataRef cmapTable = CGFontCopyTableForTag(font, 'cmap');
NSCAssert1(cmapTable != NULL, @"CGFontCopyTableForTag returned NULL for 'cmap' tag in font %@",
(font ? [(id)CFCopyDescription(font) autorelease] : @"(null)"));
const UInt8 * const bytes = CFDataGetBytePtr(cmapTable);
NSCAssert1(OSReadBigInt16(bytes, 0) == 0, @"cmap table for font %@ has bad version number",
(font ? [(id)CFCopyDescription(font) autorelease] : @"(null)"));
UInt16 numberOfSubtables = OSReadBigInt16(bytes, 2);
const UInt8 *unicodeSubtable = NULL;
//UInt16 unicodeSubtablePlatformID;
UInt16 unicodeSubtablePlatformSpecificID;
FontTableFormat unicodeSubtableFormat;
const UInt8 * const encodingSubtables = &bytes[4];
for (UInt16 i = 0; i < numberOfSubtables; i++) {
const UInt8 * const encodingSubtable = &encodingSubtables[8 * i];
UInt16 platformID = OSReadBigInt16(encodingSubtable, 0);
UInt16 platformSpecificID = OSReadBigInt16(encodingSubtable, 2);
// find the best subtable
// best is defined by a combination of encoding and format
// At the moment we only support format 4, so ignore all other format tables
// We prefer platformID == 0, but we will also accept Microsoft's unicode format
if (platformID == 0 || (platformID == 3 && platformSpecificID == 1)) {
BOOL preferred = NO;
if (unicodeSubtable == NULL) {
preferred = YES;
} else if (platformID == 0 && platformSpecificID > unicodeSubtablePlatformSpecificID) {
preferred = YES;
if (preferred) {
UInt32 offset = OSReadBigInt32(encodingSubtable, 4);
const UInt8 *subtable = &bytes[offset];
UInt16 format = OSReadBigInt16(subtable, 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < supportedFormatsCount; i++) {
if (format == supportedFormats[i]) {
if (format >= 8) {
// the version is a fixed-point
UInt16 formatFrac = OSReadBigInt16(subtable, 2);
if (formatFrac != 0) {
// all the current formats with a Fixed version are always *.0
unicodeSubtable = subtable;
//unicodeSubtablePlatformID = platformID;
unicodeSubtablePlatformSpecificID = platformSpecificID;
unicodeSubtableFormat = format;
fontTable *table = NULL;
if (unicodeSubtable != NULL) {
table = newFontTable(cmapTable, unicodeSubtableFormat);
switch (unicodeSubtableFormat) {
case kFontTableFormat4:
// subtable format 4
//UInt16 length = OSReadBigInt16(unicodeSubtable, 2);
//UInt16 language = OSReadBigInt16(unicodeSubtable, 4);
table->cmap.format4.segCountX2 = OSReadBigInt16(unicodeSubtable, 6);
//UInt16 searchRange = OSReadBigInt16(unicodeSubtable, 8);
//UInt16 entrySelector = OSReadBigInt16(unicodeSubtable, 10);
//UInt16 rangeShift = OSReadBigInt16(unicodeSubtable, 12);
table->cmap.format4.endCodes = (UInt16*)&unicodeSubtable[14];
table->cmap.format4.startCodes = (UInt16*)&((UInt8*)table->cmap.format4.endCodes)[table->cmap.format4.segCountX2+2];
table->cmap.format4.idDeltas = (UInt16*)&((UInt8*)table->cmap.format4.startCodes)[table->cmap.format4.segCountX2];
table->cmap.format4.idRangeOffsets = (UInt16*)&((UInt8*)table->cmap.format4.idDeltas)[table->cmap.format4.segCountX2];
//UInt16 *glyphIndexArray = &idRangeOffsets[segCountX2];
case kFontTableFormat12:
table->cmap.format12.nGroups = OSReadBigInt32(unicodeSubtable, 12);
table->cmap.format12.groups = (void *)&unicodeSubtable[16];
table = NULL;
return table;
// outGlyphs must be at least size n
static void mapCharactersToGlyphsInFont(const fontTable *table, unichar characters[], size_t charLen, CGGlyph outGlyphs[], size_t *outGlyphLen) {
if (table != NULL) {
NSUInteger j = 0;
switch (table->format) {
case kFontTableFormat4: {
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < charLen; i++, j++) {
unichar c = characters[i];
UInt16 segOffset;
BOOL foundSegment = NO;
for (segOffset = 0; segOffset < table->cmap.format4.segCountX2; segOffset += 2) {
UInt16 endCode = OSReadBigInt16(table->cmap.format4.endCodes, segOffset);
if (endCode >= c) {
foundSegment = YES;
if (!foundSegment) {
// no segment
// this is an invalid font
outGlyphs[j] = 0;
} else {
UInt16 startCode = OSReadBigInt16(table->cmap.format4.startCodes, segOffset);
if (!(startCode <= c)) {
// the code falls in a hole between segments
outGlyphs[j] = 0;
} else {
UInt16 idRangeOffset = OSReadBigInt16(table->cmap.format4.idRangeOffsets, segOffset);
if (idRangeOffset == 0) {
UInt16 idDelta = OSReadBigInt16(table->cmap.format4.idDeltas, segOffset);
outGlyphs[j] = (c + idDelta) % 65536;
} else {
// use the glyphIndexArray
UInt16 glyphOffset = idRangeOffset + 2 * (c - startCode);
outGlyphs[j] = OSReadBigInt16(&((UInt8*)table->cmap.format4.idRangeOffsets)[segOffset], glyphOffset);
case kFontTableFormat12: {
UInt32 lastSegment = UINT32_MAX;
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < charLen; i++, j++) {
unichar c = characters[i];
UInt32 c32 = c;
if (UnicharIsHighSurrogate(c)) {
if (i+1 < charLen) { // do we have another character after this one?
unichar cc = characters[i+1];
if (UnicharIsLowSurrogate(cc)) {
c32 = ConvertSurrogatePairToUTF32(c, cc);
// Start the heuristic search
// If this is an ASCII char, just do a linear search
// Otherwise do a hinted, modified binary search
// Start the first pivot at the last range found
// And when moving the pivot, limit the movement by increasing
// powers of two. This should help with locality
__typeof__(table->cmap.format12.groups[0]) *foundGroup = NULL;
if (c32 <= 0x7F) {
for (UInt32 idx = 0; idx < table->cmap.format12.nGroups; idx++) {
__typeof__(table->cmap.format12.groups[idx]) *group = &table->cmap.format12.groups[idx];
if (c32 < OSSwapBigToHostInt32(group->startCharCode)) {
// we've fallen into a hole
} else if (c32 <= OSSwapBigToHostInt32(group->endCharCode)) {
// this is the range
foundGroup = group;
} else {
// heuristic search
UInt32 maxJump = (lastSegment == UINT32_MAX ? UINT32_MAX / 2 : 8);
UInt32 lowIdx = 0, highIdx = table->cmap.format12.nGroups; // highIdx is the first invalid idx
UInt32 pivot = (lastSegment == UINT32_MAX ? lowIdx + (highIdx - lowIdx) / 2 : lastSegment);
while (highIdx > lowIdx) {
__typeof__(table->cmap.format12.groups[pivot]) *group = &table->cmap.format12.groups[pivot];
if (c32 < OSSwapBigToHostInt32(group->startCharCode)) {
highIdx = pivot;
} else if (c32 > OSSwapBigToHostInt32(group->endCharCode)) {
lowIdx = pivot + 1;
} else {
// we've hit the range
foundGroup = group;
if (highIdx - lowIdx > maxJump * 2) {
if (highIdx == pivot) {
pivot -= maxJump;
} else {
pivot += maxJump;
maxJump *= 2;
} else {
pivot = lowIdx + (highIdx - lowIdx) / 2;
if (foundGroup != NULL) lastSegment = pivot;
if (foundGroup == NULL) {
outGlyphs[j] = 0;
} else {
outGlyphs[j] = (CGGlyph)(OSSwapBigToHostInt32(foundGroup->startGlyphCode) +
(c32 - OSSwapBigToHostInt32(foundGroup->startCharCode)));
if (outGlyphLen != NULL) *outGlyphLen = j;
} else {
// we have no table, so just null out the glyphs
bzero(outGlyphs, charLen*sizeof(CGGlyph));
if (outGlyphLen != NULL) *outGlyphLen = 0;
static BOOL mapGlyphsToAdvancesInFont(ZFont *font, size_t n, CGGlyph glyphs[], CGFloat outAdvances[]) {
int advances[n];
if (CGFontGetGlyphAdvances(font.cgFont, glyphs, n, advances)) {
CGFloat ratio = font.ratio;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
outAdvances[i] = advances[i]*ratio;
return YES;
} else {
bzero(outAdvances, n*sizeof(CGFloat));
return NO;
static id getValueOrDefaultForRun(ZAttributeRun *run, NSString *key) {
id value = [run.attributes objectForKey:key];
if (value == nil) {
static NSDictionary *defaultValues = nil;
if (defaultValues == nil) {
defaultValues = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:
[ZFont fontWithUIFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:12]], ZFontAttributeName,
[UIColor blackColor], ZForegroundColorAttributeName,
[UIColor clearColor], ZBackgroundColorAttributeName,
[NSNumber numberWithInt:ZUnderlineStyleNone], ZUnderlineStyleAttributeName,
value = [defaultValues objectForKey:key];
return value;
static void readRunInformation(NSArray *attributes, NSUInteger len, CFMutableDictionaryRef fontTableMap,
NSUInteger index, ZAttributeRun **currentRun, NSUInteger *nextRunStart,
ZFont **currentFont, fontTable **currentTable) {
*currentRun = [attributes objectAtIndex:index];
*nextRunStart = ([attributes count] > index+1 ? [[attributes objectAtIndex:index+1] index] : len);
*currentFont = getValueOrDefaultForRun(*currentRun, ZFontAttributeName);
if (!CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(fontTableMap, (*currentFont).cgFont, (const void **)currentTable)) {
*currentTable = readFontTableFromCGFont((*currentFont).cgFont);
CFDictionarySetValue(fontTableMap, (*currentFont).cgFont, *currentTable);
static CGSize drawOrSizeTextConstrainedToSize(BOOL performDraw, NSString *string, NSArray *attributes, CGSize constrainedSize, NSUInteger maxLines,
UILineBreakMode lineBreakMode, UITextAlignment alignment, BOOL ignoreColor) {
NSUInteger len = [string length];
NSUInteger idx = 0;
CGPoint drawPoint = CGPointZero;
CGSize retValue = CGSizeZero;
CGContextRef ctx = (performDraw ? UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() : NULL);
BOOL convertNewlines = (maxLines == 1);
// Extract the characters from the string
// Convert newlines to spaces if necessary
unichar *characters = (unichar *)malloc(sizeof(unichar) * len);
if (convertNewlines) {
NSCharacterSet *charset = [NSCharacterSet newlineCharacterSet];
NSRange range = NSMakeRange(0, len);
size_t cIdx = 0;
while (range.length > 0) {
NSRange newlineRange = [string rangeOfCharacterFromSet:charset options:0 range:range];
if (newlineRange.location == NSNotFound) {
[string getCharacters:&characters[cIdx] range:range];
cIdx += range.length;
} else {
NSUInteger delta = newlineRange.location - range.location;
if (newlineRange.location > range.location) {
[string getCharacters:&characters[cIdx] range:NSMakeRange(range.location, delta)];
cIdx += delta;
characters[cIdx] = (unichar)' ';
delta += newlineRange.length;
range.location += delta, range.length -= delta;
if (newlineRange.length == 1 && range.length >= 1 &&
[string characterAtIndex:newlineRange.location] == (unichar)'\r' &&
[string characterAtIndex:range.location] == (unichar)'\n') {
// CRLF sequence, skip the LF
range.location += 1, range.length -= 1;
len = cIdx;
} else {
[string getCharacters:characters range:NSMakeRange(0, len)];
// Create storage for glyphs and advances
CGGlyph *glyphs;
CGFloat *advances;
NSUInteger maxRunLength = 0;
ZAttributeRun *a = [attributes objectAtIndex:0];
for (NSUInteger i = 1; i < [attributes count]; i++) {
ZAttributeRun *b = [attributes objectAtIndex:i];
maxRunLength = MAX(maxRunLength, b.index - a.index);
a = b;
maxRunLength = MAX(maxRunLength, len - a.index);
maxRunLength++; // for a potential ellipsis
glyphs = (CGGlyph *)malloc(sizeof(CGGlyph) * maxRunLength);
advances = (CGFloat *)malloc(sizeof(CGFloat) * maxRunLength);
// Use this table to cache all fontTable objects
CFMutableDictionaryRef fontTableMap = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks,
// Fetch initial style values
NSUInteger currentRunIdx = 0;
ZAttributeRun *currentRun;
NSUInteger nextRunStart;
ZFont *currentFont;
fontTable *currentTable;
#define READ_RUN() readRunInformation(attributes, len, fontTableMap, \
currentRunIdx, &currentRun, &nextRunStart, \
&currentFont, &currentTable)
// fetch the glyphs for the first run
size_t glyphCount;
NSUInteger glyphIdx;
#define READ_GLYPHS() do { \
mapCharactersToGlyphsInFont(currentTable, &characters[currentRun.index], (nextRunStart - currentRun.index), glyphs, &glyphCount); \
mapGlyphsToAdvancesInFont(currentFont, (nextRunStart - currentRun.index), glyphs, advances); \
glyphIdx = 0; \
} while (0)
NSMutableCharacterSet *alphaCharset = [NSMutableCharacterSet alphanumericCharacterSet];
[alphaCharset addCharactersInString:@"([{'\"\u2019\u02BC"];
// scan left-to-right looking for newlines or until we hit the width constraint
// When we hit a wrapping point, calculate truncation as follows:
// If we have room to draw at least one more character on the next line, no truncation
// Otherwise apply the truncation algorithm to the current line.
// After calculating any truncation, draw.
// Each time we hit the end of an attribute run, calculate the new font and make sure
// it fits (vertically) within the size constraint. If not, truncate this line.
// When we draw, iterate over the attribute runs for this line and draw each run separately
BOOL lastLine = NO; // used to indicate truncation and to stop the iterating
NSUInteger lineCount = 1;
while (idx < len && !lastLine) {
if (maxLines > 0 && lineCount == maxLines) {
lastLine = YES;
// scan left-to-right
struct {
NSUInteger index;
NSUInteger glyphIndex;
NSUInteger currentRunIdx;
} indexCache = { idx, glyphIdx, currentRunIdx };
CGSize lineSize = CGSizeMake(0, currentFont.leading);
CGFloat lineAscender = currentFont.ascender;
struct {
NSUInteger index;
NSUInteger glyphIndex;
NSUInteger currentRunIdx;
CGSize lineSize;
} lastWrapCache = {0, 0, 0, CGSizeZero};
BOOL inAlpha = NO; // used for calculating wrap points
BOOL finishLine = NO;
for (;idx <= len && !finishLine;) {
NSUInteger skipCount = 0;
if (idx == len) {
finishLine = YES;
lastLine = YES;
} else {
if (idx >= nextRunStart) {
// cycle the font and table and grab the next set of glyphs
do {
} while (idx >= nextRunStart);
// re-scan the characters to synchronize the glyph index
for (NSUInteger j = currentRun.index; j < idx; j++) {
if (UnicharIsHighSurrogate(characters[j]) && j+1<len && UnicharIsLowSurrogate(characters[j+1])) {
if (currentFont.leading > lineSize.height) {
lineSize.height = currentFont.leading;
if (retValue.height + currentFont.ascender > constrainedSize.height) {
lastLine = YES;
finishLine = YES;
lineAscender = MAX(lineAscender, currentFont.ascender);
unichar c = characters[idx];
// Mark a wrap point before spaces and after any stretch of non-alpha characters
BOOL markWrap = NO;
if (c == (unichar)' ') {
markWrap = YES;
} else if ([alphaCharset characterIsMember:c]) {
if (!inAlpha) {
markWrap = YES;
inAlpha = YES;
} else {
inAlpha = NO;
if (markWrap) {
lastWrapCache = (__typeof__(lastWrapCache)){
.index = idx,
.glyphIndex = glyphIdx,
.currentRunIdx = currentRunIdx,
.lineSize = lineSize
// process the line
if (c == (unichar)'\n' || c == 0x0085) { // U+0085 is the NEXT_LINE unicode character
finishLine = YES;
skipCount = 1;
} else if (c == (unichar)'\r') {
finishLine = YES;
// check for CRLF
if (idx+1 < len && characters[idx+1] == (unichar)'\n') {
skipCount = 2;
} else {
skipCount = 1;
} else if (lineSize.width + advances[glyphIdx] > constrainedSize.width) {
finishLine = YES;
if (retValue.height + lineSize.height + currentFont.ascender > constrainedSize.height) {
lastLine = YES;
// walk backwards if wrapping is necessary
if (lastWrapCache.index > indexCache.index && lineBreakMode != UILineBreakModeCharacterWrap &&
(!lastLine || lineBreakMode != UILineBreakModeClip)) {
// we're doing some sort of word wrapping
idx = lastWrapCache.index;
lineSize = lastWrapCache.lineSize;
if (!lastLine) {
// re-check if this is the last line
if (lastWrapCache.currentRunIdx != currentRunIdx) {
currentRunIdx = lastWrapCache.currentRunIdx;
if (retValue.height + lineSize.height + currentFont.ascender > constrainedSize.height) {
lastLine = YES;
glyphIdx = lastWrapCache.glyphIndex;
// skip any spaces
for (NSUInteger j = idx; j < len && characters[j] == (unichar)' '; j++) {
if (finishLine) {
// TODO: support head/middle truncation
if (lastLine && idx < len && lineBreakMode == UILineBreakModeTailTruncation) {
// truncate
unichar ellipsis = 0x2026; // ellipsis (…)
CGGlyph ellipsisGlyph;
mapCharactersToGlyphsInFont(currentTable, &ellipsis, 1, &ellipsisGlyph, NULL);
CGFloat ellipsisWidth;
mapGlyphsToAdvancesInFont(currentFont, 1, &ellipsisGlyph, &ellipsisWidth);
while ((idx - indexCache.index) > 1 && lineSize.width + ellipsisWidth > constrainedSize.width) {
// we have more than 1 character and we're too wide, so back up
if (UnicharIsHighSurrogate(characters[idx]) && UnicharIsLowSurrogate(characters[idx+1])) {
if (idx < currentRun.index) {
ZFont *oldFont = currentFont;
do {
} while (idx < currentRun.index);
glyphIdx = glyphCount-1;
if (oldFont != currentFont) {
mapCharactersToGlyphsInFont(currentTable, &ellipsis, 1, &ellipsisGlyph, NULL);
mapGlyphsToAdvancesInFont(currentFont, 1, &ellipsisGlyph, &ellipsisWidth);
} else {
lineSize.width -= advances[glyphIdx];
// skip any spaces before truncating
while ((idx - indexCache.index) > 1 && characters[idx-1] == (unichar)' ') {
if (idx < currentRun.index) {
glyphIdx = glyphCount-1;
} else {
lineSize.width -= advances[glyphIdx];
lineSize.width += ellipsisWidth;
glyphs[glyphIdx] = ellipsisGlyph;
retValue.width = MAX(retValue.width, lineSize.width);
retValue.height += lineSize.height;
// draw
if (performDraw) {
switch (alignment) {
case UITextAlignmentLeft:
drawPoint.x = 0;
case UITextAlignmentCenter:
drawPoint.x = (constrainedSize.width - lineSize.width) / 2.0f;
case UITextAlignmentRight:
drawPoint.x = constrainedSize.width - lineSize.width;
// NSTextAlignmentJuestified and NSTextAlignmentNatural are not handled here
NSUInteger stopGlyphIdx = glyphIdx;
NSUInteger lastRunIdx = currentRunIdx;
NSUInteger stopCharIdx = idx;
idx = indexCache.index;
if (currentRunIdx != indexCache.currentRunIdx) {
currentRunIdx = indexCache.currentRunIdx;
glyphIdx = indexCache.glyphIndex;
for (NSUInteger drawIdx = currentRunIdx; drawIdx <= lastRunIdx; drawIdx++) {
if (drawIdx != currentRunIdx) {
currentRunIdx = drawIdx;
NSUInteger numGlyphs;
if (drawIdx == lastRunIdx) {
numGlyphs = stopGlyphIdx - glyphIdx;
idx = stopCharIdx;
} else {
numGlyphs = glyphCount - glyphIdx;
idx = nextRunStart;
CGContextSetFont(ctx, currentFont.cgFont);
CGContextSetFontSize(ctx, currentFont.pointSize);
// calculate the fragment size
CGFloat fragmentWidth = 0;
for (NSUInteger g = 0; g < numGlyphs; g++) {
fragmentWidth += advances[glyphIdx + g];
if (!ignoreColor) {
UIColor *foregroundColor = getValueOrDefaultForRun(currentRun, ZForegroundColorAttributeName);
UIColor *backgroundColor = getValueOrDefaultForRun(currentRun, ZBackgroundColorAttributeName);
if (backgroundColor != nil && ![backgroundColor isEqual:[UIColor clearColor]]) {
[backgroundColor setFill];
UIRectFillUsingBlendMode((CGRect){ drawPoint, { fragmentWidth, lineSize.height } }, kCGBlendModeNormal);
[foregroundColor setFill];
CGContextShowGlyphsAtPoint(ctx, drawPoint.x, drawPoint.y + lineAscender, &glyphs[glyphIdx], numGlyphs);
NSNumber *underlineStyle = getValueOrDefaultForRun(currentRun, ZUnderlineStyleAttributeName);
if ([underlineStyle integerValue] & ZUnderlineStyleMask) {
// we only support single for the time being
UIRectFill(CGRectMake(drawPoint.x, drawPoint.y + lineAscender, fragmentWidth, 1));
drawPoint.x += fragmentWidth;
glyphIdx += numGlyphs;
drawPoint.y += lineSize.height;
idx += skipCount;
glyphIdx += skipCount;
} else {
lineSize.width += advances[glyphIdx];
if (idx < len && UnicharIsHighSurrogate(characters[idx-1]) && UnicharIsLowSurrogate(characters[idx])) {
// skip the second half of the surrogate pair
#undef READ_RUN
return retValue;
static NSArray *attributeRunForFont(ZFont *font) {
return [NSArray arrayWithObject:[ZAttributeRun attributeRunWithIndex:0
attributes:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:font
static CGSize drawTextInRect(CGRect rect, NSString *text, NSArray *attributes, UILineBreakMode lineBreakMode,
UITextAlignment alignment, NSUInteger numberOfLines, BOOL ignoreColor) {
CGContextRef ctx = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
// flip it upside-down because our 0,0 is upper-left, whereas ttfs are for screens where 0,0 is lower-left
CGAffineTransform textTransform = CGAffineTransformMake(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
CGContextSetTextMatrix(ctx, textTransform);
CGContextTranslateCTM(ctx, rect.origin.x, rect.origin.y);
CGContextSetTextDrawingMode(ctx, kCGTextFill);
CGSize size = drawOrSizeTextConstrainedToSize(YES, text, attributes, rect.size, numberOfLines, lineBreakMode, alignment, ignoreColor);
return size;
@implementation NSString (FontLabelStringDrawing)
// CGFontRef-based methods
- (CGSize)sizeWithCGFont:(CGFontRef)font pointSize:(CGFloat)pointSize {
return [self sizeWithZFont:[ZFont fontWithCGFont:font size:pointSize]];
- (CGSize)sizeWithCGFont:(CGFontRef)font pointSize:(CGFloat)pointSize constrainedToSize:(CGSize)size {
return [self sizeWithZFont:[ZFont fontWithCGFont:font size:pointSize] constrainedToSize:size];
- (CGSize)sizeWithCGFont:(CGFontRef)font pointSize:(CGFloat)pointSize constrainedToSize:(CGSize)size
lineBreakMode:(UILineBreakMode)lineBreakMode {
return [self sizeWithZFont:[ZFont fontWithCGFont:font size:pointSize] constrainedToSize:size lineBreakMode:lineBreakMode];
- (CGSize)drawAtPoint:(CGPoint)point withCGFont:(CGFontRef)font pointSize:(CGFloat)pointSize {
return [self drawAtPoint:point withZFont:[ZFont fontWithCGFont:font size:pointSize]];
- (CGSize)drawInRect:(CGRect)rect withCGFont:(CGFontRef)font pointSize:(CGFloat)pointSize {
return [self drawInRect:rect withZFont:[ZFont fontWithCGFont:font size:pointSize]];
- (CGSize)drawInRect:(CGRect)rect withCGFont:(CGFontRef)font pointSize:(CGFloat)pointSize lineBreakMode:(UILineBreakMode)lineBreakMode {
return [self drawInRect:rect withZFont:[ZFont fontWithCGFont:font size:pointSize] lineBreakMode:lineBreakMode];
- (CGSize)drawInRect:(CGRect)rect withCGFont:(CGFontRef)font pointSize:(CGFloat)pointSize
lineBreakMode:(UILineBreakMode)lineBreakMode alignment:(UITextAlignment)alignment {
return [self drawInRect:rect withZFont:[ZFont fontWithCGFont:font size:pointSize] lineBreakMode:lineBreakMode alignment:alignment];
// ZFont-based methods
- (CGSize)sizeWithZFont:(ZFont *)font {
CGSize size = drawOrSizeTextConstrainedToSize(NO, self, attributeRunForFont(font), CGSizeMake(CGFLOAT_MAX, CGFLOAT_MAX), 1,
UILineBreakModeClip, UITextAlignmentLeft, YES);
return CGSizeMake(ceilf(size.width), ceilf(size.height));
- (CGSize)sizeWithZFont:(ZFont *)font constrainedToSize:(CGSize)size {
return [self sizeWithZFont:font constrainedToSize:size lineBreakMode:UILineBreakModeWordWrap];
According to experimentation with UIStringDrawing, this can actually return a CGSize whose height is greater
than the one passed in. The two cases are as follows:
1. If the given size parameter's height is smaller than a single line, the returned value will
be the height of one line.
2. If the given size parameter's height falls between multiples of a line height, and the wrapped string
actually extends past the size.height, and the difference between size.height and the previous multiple
of a line height is >= the font's ascender, then the returned size's height is extended to the next line.
To put it simply, if the baseline point of a given line falls in the given size, the entire line will
be present in the output size.
- (CGSize)sizeWithZFont:(ZFont *)font constrainedToSize:(CGSize)size lineBreakMode:(UILineBreakMode)lineBreakMode {
size = drawOrSizeTextConstrainedToSize(NO, self, attributeRunForFont(font), size, 0, lineBreakMode, UITextAlignmentLeft, YES);
return CGSizeMake(ceilf(size.width), ceilf(size.height));
- (CGSize)sizeWithZFont:(ZFont *)font constrainedToSize:(CGSize)size lineBreakMode:(UILineBreakMode)lineBreakMode
numberOfLines:(NSUInteger)numberOfLines {
size = drawOrSizeTextConstrainedToSize(NO, self, attributeRunForFont(font), size, numberOfLines, lineBreakMode, UITextAlignmentLeft, YES);
return CGSizeMake(ceilf(size.width), ceilf(size.height));
- (CGSize)drawAtPoint:(CGPoint)point withZFont:(ZFont *)font {
return [self drawAtPoint:point forWidth:CGFLOAT_MAX withZFont:font lineBreakMode:UILineBreakModeClip];
- (CGSize)drawAtPoint:(CGPoint)point forWidth:(CGFloat)width withZFont:(ZFont *)font lineBreakMode:(UILineBreakMode)lineBreakMode {
return drawTextInRect((CGRect){ point, { width, CGFLOAT_MAX } }, self, attributeRunForFont(font), lineBreakMode, UITextAlignmentLeft, 1, YES);
- (CGSize)drawInRect:(CGRect)rect withZFont:(ZFont *)font {
return [self drawInRect:rect withZFont:font lineBreakMode:UILineBreakModeWordWrap];
- (CGSize)drawInRect:(CGRect)rect withZFont:(ZFont *)font lineBreakMode:(UILineBreakMode)lineBreakMode {
return [self drawInRect:rect withZFont:font lineBreakMode:lineBreakMode alignment:UITextAlignmentLeft];
- (CGSize)drawInRect:(CGRect)rect withZFont:(ZFont *)font lineBreakMode:(UILineBreakMode)lineBreakMode
alignment:(UITextAlignment)alignment {
return drawTextInRect(rect, self, attributeRunForFont(font), lineBreakMode, alignment, 0, YES);
- (CGSize)drawInRect:(CGRect)rect withZFont:(ZFont *)font lineBreakMode:(UILineBreakMode)lineBreakMode
alignment:(UITextAlignment)alignment numberOfLines:(NSUInteger)numberOfLines {
return drawTextInRect(rect, self, attributeRunForFont(font), lineBreakMode, alignment, numberOfLines, YES);
@implementation ZAttributedString (ZAttributedStringDrawing)
- (CGSize)size {
CGSize size = drawOrSizeTextConstrainedToSize(NO, self.string, self.attributes, CGSizeMake(CGFLOAT_MAX, CGFLOAT_MAX), 1,
UILineBreakModeClip, UITextAlignmentLeft, NO);
return CGSizeMake(ceilf(size.width), ceilf(size.height));
- (CGSize)sizeConstrainedToSize:(CGSize)size {
return [self sizeConstrainedToSize:size lineBreakMode:UILineBreakModeWordWrap];
- (CGSize)sizeConstrainedToSize:(CGSize)size lineBreakMode:(UILineBreakMode)lineBreakMode {
size = drawOrSizeTextConstrainedToSize(NO, self.string, self.attributes, size, 0, lineBreakMode, UITextAlignmentLeft, NO);
return CGSizeMake(ceilf(size.width), ceilf(size.height));
- (CGSize)sizeConstrainedToSize:(CGSize)size lineBreakMode:(UILineBreakMode)lineBreakMode
numberOfLines:(NSUInteger)numberOfLines {
size = drawOrSizeTextConstrainedToSize(NO, self.string, self.attributes, size, numberOfLines, lineBreakMode, UITextAlignmentLeft, NO);
return CGSizeMake(ceilf(size.width), ceilf(size.height));
- (CGSize)drawAtPoint:(CGPoint)point {
return [self drawAtPoint:point forWidth:CGFLOAT_MAX lineBreakMode:UILineBreakModeClip];
- (CGSize)drawAtPoint:(CGPoint)point forWidth:(CGFloat)width lineBreakMode:(UILineBreakMode)lineBreakMode {
return drawTextInRect((CGRect){ point, { width, CGFLOAT_MAX } }, self.string, self.attributes, lineBreakMode, UITextAlignmentLeft, 1, NO);
- (CGSize)drawInRect:(CGRect)rect {
return [self drawInRect:rect withLineBreakMode:UILineBreakModeWordWrap];
- (CGSize)drawInRect:(CGRect)rect withLineBreakMode:(UILineBreakMode)lineBreakMode {
return [self drawInRect:rect withLineBreakMode:lineBreakMode alignment:UITextAlignmentLeft];
- (CGSize)drawInRect:(CGRect)rect withLineBreakMode:(UILineBreakMode)lineBreakMode alignment:(UITextAlignment)alignment {
return drawTextInRect(rect, self.string, self.attributes, lineBreakMode, alignment, 0, NO);
- (CGSize)drawInRect:(CGRect)rect withLineBreakMode:(UILineBreakMode)lineBreakMode alignment:(UITextAlignment)alignment
numberOfLines:(NSUInteger)numberOfLines {
return drawTextInRect(rect, self.string, self.attributes, lineBreakMode, alignment, numberOfLines, NO);
@implementation FontLabelStringDrawingHelper
+ (CGSize)sizeWithZFont:(NSString*)string zfont:(ZFont *)font {
CGSize size = drawOrSizeTextConstrainedToSize(NO, string, attributeRunForFont(font), CGSizeMake(CGFLOAT_MAX, CGFLOAT_MAX), 1,
UILineBreakModeClip, UITextAlignmentLeft, YES);
return CGSizeMake(ceilf(size.width), ceilf(size.height));
+ (CGSize)sizeWithZFont:(NSString *)string zfont:(ZFont *)font constrainedToSize:(CGSize)size {
CGSize s = drawOrSizeTextConstrainedToSize(NO, string, attributeRunForFont(font), size, 0, UILineBreakModeWordWrap, UITextAlignmentLeft, YES);
return CGSizeMake(ceilf(s.width), ceilf(s.height));
+ (CGSize)drawInRect:(NSString*)string rect:(CGRect)rect withZFont:(ZFont *)font lineBreakMode:(UILineBreakMode)lineBreakMode
alignment:(UITextAlignment)alignment {
return [string drawInRect:rect withZFont:font lineBreakMode:lineBreakMode alignment:alignment];