mirror of https://github.com/axmolengine/axmol.git
260 lines
7.5 KiB
260 lines
7.5 KiB
# fetch pkg by url or manifest.json path
$uri, # the pkg uri
$prefix, # the prefix to store
$manifest_file = $null,
$name = $null,
$version = $null, # version hint
$revision = $null, # revision hint
# content of _1kiss with yaml format
# ver: 1.0
# branch: 1.x
# commits: 2802
# rev: 29b0b28
Set-Alias println Write-Host
if (!$uri -or !$prefix) {
throw 'fetch.ps1: missing parameters'
function download_file($uri, $out) {
if (Test-Path $out -PathType Leaf) { return }
println "Downloading $uri to $out ..."
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -OutFile $out
function mkdirs($path) {
if (!(Test-Path $path -PathType Container)) {
New-Item $path -ItemType Directory 1>$null
# ensure cachedir
$cache_dir = Join-Path (Resolve-Path $PSScriptRoot/..).Path 'cache'
if (!(Test-Path $cache_dir -PathType Container)) {
mkdirs $cache_dir
function fetch_repo($url, $name, $dest, $ext) {
if ($ext -eq '.git') {
git clone --progress $url $dest | Out-Host
else {
$out = Join-Path $cache_dir "$Script:url_pkg_name$ext"
download_file $url $out
try {
if ($ext -eq '.zip') {
Expand-Archive -Path $out -DestinationPath $prefix -Force
elseif ($Script:url_pkg_name -match '.+\.tar(\..*)?$'){
tar xf "$out" -C $prefix
catch {
Remove-Item $out -Force
throw "fetch.ps1: extract $out failed, try again"
if (!(Test-Path $dest -PathType Container)) {
$original_lib_src = Join-Path $prefix $Script:url_pkg_name
if (Test-Path $original_lib_src -PathType Container) {
Rename-Item $original_lib_src $dest
else {
throw "fetch.ps1: the package name mismatch for $out"
# parse url from $uri
$uriInfo = [array]$uri.Split('#')
$uri = $uriInfo[0]
if (!$version) {
$version = $uriInfo[1]
$url = $null
if ($uri -match '^([a-z]+://|git@)') {
$url = $uri
elseif ($uri.StartsWith('gh:')) {
$url = "https://github.com/$($uri.substring(3))"
if (!$url.EndsWith('.git')) { $url += '.git' }
elseif ($uri.StartsWith('gl:')) {
$url = "https://gitlab.com/$($uri.substring(3))"
if (!$url.EndsWith('.git')) { $url += '.git' }
else {
$name = $uri
# simple match url/ssh schema
if (!$url) {
# fetch package from manifest config
$lib_src = Join-Path $prefix $name
$mirror = if (!(Test-Path (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot '.gitee') -PathType Leaf)) { 'github' } else { 'gitee' }
$url_base = @{'github' = 'https://github.com/'; 'gitee' = 'https://gitee.com/' }[$mirror]
$manifest_map = ConvertFrom-Json (Get-Content $manifest_file -raw)
if (!$version) {
$version_map = $manifest_map.versions
$version = $version_map.PSObject.Properties[$name].Value
if ($version) {
$url_path = $manifest_map.mirrors.PSObject.Properties[$mirror].Value.PSObject.Properties[$name].Value
if ($url_path) {
$url = "$url_base/$url_path"
if (!$url.EndsWith('.git')) { $url += '.git' }
if (!$url) {
throw "fetch.ps1: can't determine package url of '$name'"
$url_pkg_ext = $null
$Script:url_pkg_name = $null
$match_info = [Regex]::Match($url, '(\.git)|(\.zip)|(\.tar\.(gz|bz2|xz))$')
if ($match_info.Success) {
$url_pkg_ext = $match_info.Value
$url_file_name = Split-Path $url -Leaf
$Script:url_pkg_name = $url_file_name.Substring(0, $url_file_name.Length - $url_pkg_ext.Length)
if (!$name) {
$name = $Script:url_pkg_name
else {
throw "fetch.ps1: invalid url, must be endswith .git, .zip, .tar.xx"
$lib_src = Join-Path $prefix $name
$is_git_repo = $url_pkg_ext -eq '.git'
if (!$is_git_repo) {
$match_info = [Regex]::Match($url, '(\d+\.)+(-)?(\*|\d+)')
if ($match_info.Success) {
$version = $match_info.Value
if (!$version) {
throw "fetch.ps1: can't determine package version of '$name'"
Set-Variable -Name "${name}_src" -Value $lib_src -Scope global
$sentry = Join-Path $lib_src '_1kiss'
$is_rev_mod = $false # indicate whether rev already modfied or updated
# if sentry file missing, re-clone
if (!(Test-Path $sentry -PathType Leaf)) {
if (Test-Path $lib_src -PathType Container) {
Remove-Item $lib_src -Recurse -Force
fetch_repo -url $url -name $name -dest $lib_src -ext $url_pkg_ext
if (Test-Path $lib_src -PathType Container) {
New-Item $sentry -ItemType File 1>$null
else {
throw "fetch.ps1: fetch content from $url failed"
$is_rev_mod = $true
# re-check does valid local git repo
if (!(Test-Path "$lib_src/.git" -PathType Container)) { $is_git_repo = $false }
# checkout revision for git repo
if (!$revision) {
$ver_pair = [array]$version.Split('-')
$use_hash = $ver_pair.Count -gt 1
$revision = $ver_pair[$use_hash].Trim()
$version = $ver_pair[0]
$branch_name = $null
if ($is_git_repo) {
$old_rev_hash = $(git -C $lib_src rev-parse HEAD)
# The 'revision' can be branch name, tag or a commit id
$new_rev_hash = $(git -C $lib_src rev-parse --verify --quiet "$revision^{}")
if (!$new_rev_hash) {
git -C $lib_src fetch
$new_rev_hash = $(git -C $lib_src rev-parse --verify --quiet "$revision^{}")
if (!$new_rev_hash) {
throw "fetch.ps1: Could not found commit hash of $revision"
if ($old_rev_hash -ne $new_rev_hash) {
git -C $lib_src checkout $revision 1>$null 2>$null
$cur_rev_hash = $(git -C $lib_src rev-parse HEAD)
if ($cur_rev_hash -ne $new_rev_hash) {
println "fetch.ps1: warning: cur_rev_hash($cur_rev_hash) != new_rev_hash($new_rev_hash)"
$is_rev_mod = $true
$branch_name = $(git -C $lib_src branch --show-current)
if ($branch_name -and $pull_branch) {
git -C $lib_src pull
$new_rev_hash = $(git -C $lib_src rev-parse HEAD)
if ($cur_rev_hash -ne $new_rev_hash) {
$cur_rev_hash = $new_rev_hash
$is_rev_mod = $true
if ($is_rev_mod) {
$sentry_content = "ver: $version"
if ($is_git_repo) {
if ((Test-Path (Join-Path $lib_src '.gitmodules') -PathType Leaf)) {
git -C $lib_src submodule update --recursive --init
if ($branch_name) {
# tracking branch
$commits = $(git -C $lib_src rev-list --count HEAD)
$sentry_content += "`nbranch: $branch_name"
$sentry_content += "`ncommits: $commits"
$commit_id = $(git -C $lib_src rev-parse --short=7 HEAD)
$sentry_content += "`nrev: $commit_id"
println "fetch.ps1: HEAD is now at $branch_name@$commit_id"
else {
println "fetch.ps1: HEAD is now at $revision@$cur_rev_hash"
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllText($sentry, $sentry_content)
if ($is_git_repo) { git -C $lib_src add '_1kiss' }
# google gclient spec
if (Test-Path (Join-Path $lib_src '.gn') -PathType Leaf) {
# the repo use google gn build system manage deps and build
Push-Location $lib_src
# angle (A GLES native implementation by google)
if (Test-Path 'scripts/bootstrap.py' -PathType Leaf) {
python scripts/bootstrap.py
# darwin (A WebGPU native implementation by google)
if (Test-Path 'scripts/standalone.gclient' -PathType Leaf) {
Copy-Item scripts/standalone.gclient .gclient -Force
gclient sync -D