mirror of https://github.com/axmolengine/axmol.git
772 lines
22 KiB
772 lines
22 KiB
local kTagLayer = 1
local function createLayerDemoLayer(title, subtitle)
local layer = CCLayer:create()
local titleStr = title == nil and "No title" or title
local subTitleStr = subtitle == nil and "drag the screen" or subtitle
-- local prev = {x = 0, y = 0}
-- local function onTouchEvent(eventType, x, y)
-- if eventType == "began" then
-- prev.x = x
-- prev.y = y
-- return true
-- elseif eventType == "moved" then
-- local node = layer:getChildByTag(kTagTileMap)
-- local newX = node:getPositionX()
-- local newY = node:getPositionY()
-- local diffX = x - prev.x
-- local diffY = y - prev.y
-- node:setPosition( ccpAdd(ccp(newX, newY), ccp(diffX, diffY)) )
-- prev.x = x
-- prev.y = y
-- end
-- end
-- layer:setTouchEnabled(true)
-- layer:registerScriptTouchHandler(onTouchEvent)
return layer
--#pragma mark - Cascading support extensions
local function setEnableRecursiveCascading(node, enable)
local rgba = tolua.cast(node, "CCRGBAProtocol")
if rgba ~= nil then
local obj = nil
local children = node:getChildren()
local i = 0
local len = children:count()
for i = 0, len-1, 1 do
local child = tolua.cast(children:objectAtIndex(i), "CCNode")
setEnableRecursiveCascading(child, enable)
-- LayerTestCascadingOpacityA
local function LayerTestCascadingOpacityA()
local ret = createLayerDemoLayer("LayerRGBA: cascading opacity")
local s = CCDirector:sharedDirector():getWinSize()
local layer1 = CCLayerRGBA:create()
local sister1 = CCSprite:create("Images/grossinis_sister1.png")
local sister2 = CCSprite:create("Images/grossinis_sister2.png")
local label = CCLabelBMFont:create("Test", "fonts/bitmapFontTest.nt")
ret:addChild( layer1, 0, kTagLayer)
sister1:setPosition( ccp( s.width*1/3, s.height/2))
sister2:setPosition( ccp( s.width*2/3, s.height/2))
label:setPosition( ccp( s.width/2, s.height/2))
local arr = CCArray:create()
arr:addObject(CCFadeTo:create(4, 0))
arr:addObject(CCFadeTo:create(4, 255))
CCFadeTo:create(2, 0),
CCFadeTo:create(2, 255),
CCFadeTo:create(2, 0),
CCFadeTo:create(2, 255),
-- Enable cascading in scene
setEnableRecursiveCascading(this, true)
local function title()
-- LayerTestCascadingOpacityB
-- local function onEnter()
-- LayerTest:onEnter()
-- local s = CCDirector:sharedDirector():getWinSize()
-- local layer1 = CCLayerColor:create(ccc4(192, 0, 0, 255), s.width, s.height/2)
-- layer1:setCascadeColorEnabled(false)
-- layer1:setPosition( ccp(0, s.height/2))
-- local sister1 = CCSprite:create("Images/grossinis_sister1.png")
-- local sister2 = CCSprite:create("Images/grossinis_sister2.png")
-- local label = CCLabelBMFont:create("Test", "fonts/bitmapFontTest.nt")
-- layer1:addChild(sister1)
-- layer1:addChild(sister2)
-- layer1:addChild(label)
-- this:addChild( layer1, 0, kTagLayer)
-- sister1:setPosition( ccp( s.width*1/3, 0))
-- sister2:setPosition( ccp( s.width*2/3, 0))
-- label:setPosition( ccp( s.width/2, 0))
-- layer1:runAction(
-- CCRepeatForever:create(
-- CCSequence:create(
-- CCFadeTo:create(4, 0),
-- CCFadeTo:create(4, 255),
-- CCDelayTime:create(1),
-- NULL)))
-- sister1:runAction(
-- CCRepeatForever:create(
-- CCSequence:create(
-- CCFadeTo:create(2, 0),
-- CCFadeTo:create(2, 255),
-- CCFadeTo:create(2, 0),
-- CCFadeTo:create(2, 255),
-- CCDelayTime:create(1),
-- NULL)))
-- -- Enable cascading in scene
-- setEnableRecursiveCascading(this, true)
-- end
-- local function title()
-- return "CCLayerColor: cascading opacity"
-- end
-- -- LayerTestCascadingOpacityC
-- local function onEnter()
-- LayerTest:onEnter()
-- local s = CCDirector:sharedDirector():getWinSize()
-- local layer1 = CCLayerColor:create(ccc4(192, 0, 0, 255), s.width, s.height/2)
-- layer1:setCascadeColorEnabled(false)
-- layer1:setCascadeOpacityEnabled(false)
-- layer1:setPosition( ccp(0, s.height/2))
-- local sister1 = CCSprite:create("Images/grossinis_sister1.png")
-- local sister2 = CCSprite:create("Images/grossinis_sister2.png")
-- local label = CCLabelBMFont:create("Test", "fonts/bitmapFontTest.nt")
-- layer1:addChild(sister1)
-- layer1:addChild(sister2)
-- layer1:addChild(label)
-- this:addChild( layer1, 0, kTagLayer)
-- sister1:setPosition( ccp( s.width*1/3, 0))
-- sister2:setPosition( ccp( s.width*2/3, 0))
-- label:setPosition( ccp( s.width/2, 0))
-- layer1:runAction(
-- CCRepeatForever:create(
-- CCSequence:create(
-- CCFadeTo:create(4, 0),
-- CCFadeTo:create(4, 255),
-- CCDelayTime:create(1),
-- NULL)))
-- sister1:runAction(
-- CCRepeatForever:create(
-- CCSequence:create(
-- CCFadeTo:create(2, 0),
-- CCFadeTo:create(2, 255),
-- CCFadeTo:create(2, 0),
-- CCFadeTo:create(2, 255),
-- CCDelayTime:create(1),
-- NULL)))
-- end
-- local function title()
-- return "CCLayerColor: non-cascading opacity"
-- end
-- --#pragma mark Example LayerTestCascadingColor
-- -- LayerTestCascadingColorA
-- local function onEnter()
-- LayerTest:onEnter()
-- local s = CCDirector:sharedDirector():getWinSize()
-- local layer1 = CCLayerRGBA:create()
-- local sister1 = CCSprite:create("Images/grossinis_sister1.png")
-- local sister2 = CCSprite:create("Images/grossinis_sister2.png")
-- local label = CCLabelBMFont:create("Test", "fonts/bitmapFontTest.nt")
-- layer1:addChild(sister1)
-- layer1:addChild(sister2)
-- layer1:addChild(label)
-- this:addChild( layer1, 0, kTagLayer)
-- sister1:setPosition( ccp( s.width*1/3, s.height/2))
-- sister2:setPosition( ccp( s.width*2/3, s.height/2))
-- label:setPosition( ccp( s.width/2, s.height/2))
-- layer1:runAction(
-- CCRepeatForever:create(
-- CCSequence:create(
-- CCTintTo:create(6, 255, 0, 255),
-- CCTintTo:create(6, 255, 255, 255),
-- CCDelayTime:create(1),
-- NULL)))
-- sister1:runAction(
-- CCRepeatForever:create(
-- CCSequence:create(
-- CCTintTo:create(2, 255, 255, 0),
-- CCTintTo:create(2, 255, 255, 255),
-- CCTintTo:create(2, 0, 255, 255),
-- CCTintTo:create(2, 255, 255, 255),
-- CCTintTo:create(2, 255, 0, 255),
-- CCTintTo:create(2, 255, 255, 255),
-- CCDelayTime:create(1),
-- NULL)))
-- -- Enable cascading in scene
-- setEnableRecursiveCascading(this, true)
-- end
-- local function title()
-- return "LayerRGBA: cascading color"
-- end
-- -- LayerTestCascadingColorB
-- local function onEnter()
-- LayerTest:onEnter()
-- local s = CCDirector:sharedDirector():getWinSize()
-- local layer1 = CCLayerColor:create(ccc4(255, 255, 255, 255), s.width, s.height/2)
-- layer1:setPosition( ccp(0, s.height/2))
-- local sister1 = CCSprite:create("Images/grossinis_sister1.png")
-- local sister2 = CCSprite:create("Images/grossinis_sister2.png")
-- local label = CCLabelBMFont:create("Test", "fonts/bitmapFontTest.nt")
-- layer1:addChild(sister1)
-- layer1:addChild(sister2)
-- layer1:addChild(label)
-- this:addChild( layer1, 0, kTagLayer)
-- sister1:setPosition( ccp( s.width*1/3, 0))
-- sister2:setPosition( ccp( s.width*2/3, 0))
-- label:setPosition( ccp( s.width/2, 0))
-- layer1:runAction(
-- CCRepeatForever:create(
-- CCSequence:create(
-- CCTintTo:create(6, 255, 0, 255),
-- CCTintTo:create(6, 255, 255, 255),
-- CCDelayTime:create(1),
-- NULL)))
-- sister1:runAction(
-- CCRepeatForever:create(
-- CCSequence:create(
-- CCTintTo:create(2, 255, 255, 0),
-- CCTintTo:create(2, 255, 255, 255),
-- CCTintTo:create(2, 0, 255, 255),
-- CCTintTo:create(2, 255, 255, 255),
-- CCTintTo:create(2, 255, 0, 255),
-- CCTintTo:create(2, 255, 255, 255),
-- CCDelayTime:create(1),
-- NULL)))
-- -- Enable cascading in scene
-- setEnableRecursiveCascading(this, true)
-- end
-- local function title()
-- return "CCLayerColor: cascading color"
-- end
-- -- LayerTestCascadingColorC
-- local function onEnter()
-- LayerTest:onEnter()
-- local s = CCDirector:sharedDirector():getWinSize()
-- local layer1 = CCLayerColor:create(ccc4(255, 255, 255, 255), s.width, s.height/2)
-- layer1:setCascadeColorEnabled(false)
-- layer1:setPosition( ccp(0, s.height/2))
-- local sister1 = CCSprite:create("Images/grossinis_sister1.png")
-- local sister2 = CCSprite:create("Images/grossinis_sister2.png")
-- local label = CCLabelBMFont:create("Test", "fonts/bitmapFontTest.nt")
-- layer1:addChild(sister1)
-- layer1:addChild(sister2)
-- layer1:addChild(label)
-- this:addChild( layer1, 0, kTagLayer)
-- sister1:setPosition( ccp( s.width*1/3, 0))
-- sister2:setPosition( ccp( s.width*2/3, 0))
-- label:setPosition( ccp( s.width/2, 0))
-- layer1:runAction(
-- CCRepeatForever:create(
-- CCSequence:create(
-- CCTintTo:create(6, 255, 0, 255),
-- CCTintTo:create(6, 255, 255, 255),
-- CCDelayTime:create(1),
-- NULL)))
-- sister1:runAction(
-- CCRepeatForever:create(
-- CCSequence:create(
-- CCTintTo:create(2, 255, 255, 0),
-- CCTintTo:create(2, 255, 255, 255),
-- CCTintTo:create(2, 0, 255, 255),
-- CCTintTo:create(2, 255, 255, 255),
-- CCTintTo:create(2, 255, 0, 255),
-- CCTintTo:create(2, 255, 255, 255),
-- CCDelayTime:create(1),
-- NULL)))
-- end
-- local function title()
-- return "CCLayerColor: non-cascading color"
-- end
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- --
-- -- LayerTest1
-- --
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- local function onEnter()
-- LayerTest:onEnter()
-- setTouchEnabled(true)
-- local s = CCDirector:sharedDirector():getWinSize()
-- local layer = CCLayerColor:create( ccc4(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80), 200, 200)
-- layer:ignoreAnchorPointForPosition(false)
-- layer:setPosition( ccp(s.width/2, s.height/2) )
-- addChild(layer, 1, kTagLayer)
-- end
-- local function updateSize(CCPoint &touchLocation)
-- local s = CCDirector:sharedDirector():getWinSize()
-- local newSize = local Make( fabs(touchLocation.x - s.width/2)*2, fabs(touchLocation.y - s.height/2)*2)
-- local l = tolua.cast(getChildByTag(kTagLayer), "CCLayerColor")
-- l:setContentSize( newSize )
-- end
-- local function ccTouchesBegan(CCSet *pTouches, CCEvent *pEvent)
-- ccTouchesMoved(pTouches, pEvent)
-- end
-- local function ccTouchesMoved(CCSet *pTouches, CCEvent *pEvent)
-- local touch = tolua.cast(pTouches:anyObject(), "CCTouch")
-- local touchLocation = touch:getLocation()
-- updateSize(touchLocation)
-- end
-- local function ccTouchesEnded(CCSet *pTouches, CCEvent *pEvent)
-- ccTouchesMoved(pTouches, pEvent)
-- end
-- local function title()
-- return "ColorLayer resize (tap & move)"
-- end
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- --
-- -- LayerTest2
-- --
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- local function onEnter()
-- LayerTest:onEnter()
-- local s = CCDirector:sharedDirector():getWinSize()
-- local layer1 = CCLayerColor:create( ccc4(255, 255, 0, 80), 100, 300)
-- layer1:setPosition(ccp(s.width/3, s.height/2))
-- layer1:ignoreAnchorPointForPosition(false)
-- addChild(layer1, 1)
-- local layer2 = CCLayerColor:create( ccc4(0, 0, 255, 255), 100, 300)
-- layer2:setPosition(ccp((s.width/3)*2, s.height/2))
-- layer2:ignoreAnchorPointForPosition(false)
-- addChild(layer2, 1)
-- local actionTint = CCTintBy:create(2, -255, -127, 0)
-- local actionTintBack = actionTint:reverse()
-- local seq1 = CCSequence:create( actionTint, actionTintBack, NULL)
-- layer1:runAction(seq1)
-- local actionFade = CCFadeOut:create(2.0)
-- local actionFadeBack = actionFade:reverse()
-- local seq2 = CCSequence:create(actionFade, actionFadeBack, NULL)
-- layer2:runAction(seq2)
-- end
-- local function title()
-- return "ColorLayer: fade and tint"
-- end
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- --
-- -- LayerTestBlend
-- --
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- local function LayerTestBlend()
-- local s = CCDirector:sharedDirector():getWinSize()
-- local layer1 = CCLayerColor:create( ccc4(255, 255, 255, 80) )
-- local sister1 = CCSprite:create(s_pPathSister1)
-- local sister2 = CCSprite:create(s_pPathSister2)
-- addChild(sister1)
-- addChild(sister2)
-- addChild(layer1, 100, kTagLayer)
-- sister1:setPosition( ccp( s.width*1/3, s.height/2) )
-- sister2:setPosition( ccp( s.width*2/3, s.height/2) )
-- schedule( schedule_selector(LayerTestBlend:newBlend), 1.0)
-- end
-- local function newBlend(float dt)
-- local layer = tolua.cast(getChildByTag(kTagLayer), "CCLayerColor")
-- GLenum src
-- GLenum dst
-- if( layer:getBlendFunc().dst == GL_ZERO )
-- src = GL_SRC_ALPHA
-- end
-- else
-- dst = GL_ZERO
-- end
-- ccBlendFunc bf = src, dstend
-- layer:setBlendFunc( bf )
-- end
-- local function title()
-- return "ColorLayer: blend"
-- end
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- --
-- -- LayerGradient
-- --
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- local function LayerGradient()
-- local layer1 = CCLayerGradient:create(ccc4(255,0,0,255), ccc4(0,255,0,255), ccp(0.9, 0.9))
-- addChild(layer1, 0, kTagLayer)
-- setTouchEnabled(true)
-- local label1 = CCLabelTTF:create("Compressed Interpolation: Enabled", "Marker Felt", 26)
-- local label2 = CCLabelTTF:create("Compressed Interpolation: Disabled", "Marker Felt", 26)
-- local item1 = CCMenuItemLabel:create(label1)
-- local item2 = CCMenuItemLabel:create(label2)
-- local item = CCMenuItemToggle:createWithTarget(this, menu_selector(LayerGradient:toggleItem), item1, item2, NULL)
-- local menu = CCMenu:create(item, NULL)
-- addChild(menu)
-- local s = CCDirector:sharedDirector():getWinSize()
-- menu:setPosition(ccp(s.width / 2, 100))
-- end
-- local function toggleItem(CCObject *sender)
-- local gradient = tolua.cast(getChildByTag(kTagLayer), "CCLayerGradient")
-- gradient:setCompressedInterpolation(! gradient:isCompressedInterpolation())
-- end
-- local function ccTouchesMoved(CCSet * touches, CCEvent *event)
-- local s = CCDirector:sharedDirector():getWinSize()
-- CCSetIterator it = touches:begin()
-- local touch = (CCTouch*)(*it)
-- local start = touch:getLocation()
-- local diff = ccpSub( ccp(s.width/2,s.height/2), start)
-- diff = ccpNormalize(diff)
-- local gradient = tolua.cast(getChildByTag(1), "CCLayerGradient")
-- gradient:setVector(diff)
-- end
-- local function title()
-- return "LayerGradient"
-- end
-- local function subtitle()
-- return "Touch the screen and move your finger"
-- end
-- -- LayerIgnoreAnchorPointPos
-- #define kLayerIgnoreAnchorPoint 1000
-- local function onEnter()
-- LayerTest:onEnter()
-- local s = CCDirector:sharedDirector():getWinSize()
-- local l = CCLayerColor:create(ccc4(255, 0, 0, 255), 150, 150)
-- l:setAnchorPoint(ccp(0.5, 0.5))
-- l:setPosition(ccp( s.width/2, s.height/2))
-- local move = CCMoveBy:create(2, ccp(100,2))
-- local back = tolua.cast(move:reverse(), "CCMoveBy")
-- local seq = CCSequence:create(move, back, NULL)
-- l:runAction(CCRepeatForever:create(seq))
-- this:addChild(l, 0, kLayerIgnoreAnchorPoint)
-- local child = CCSprite:create("Images/grossini.png")
-- l:addChild(child)
-- local lsize = l:getContentSize()
-- child:setPosition(ccp(lsize.width/2, lsize.height/2))
-- local item = CCMenuItemFont:create("Toggle ignore anchor point", this, menu_selector(LayerIgnoreAnchorPointPos:onToggle))
-- local menu = CCMenu:create(item, NULL)
-- this:addChild(menu)
-- menu:setPosition(ccp(s.width/2, s.height/2))
-- end
-- local function onToggle(CCObject* pObject)
-- local pLayer = this:getChildByTag(kLayerIgnoreAnchorPoint)
-- bool ignore = pLayer:isIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition()
-- pLayer:ignoreAnchorPointForPosition(! ignore)
-- end
-- local function title()
-- return "IgnoreAnchorPoint - Position"
-- end
-- local function subtitle()
-- return "Ignoring Anchor Point for position"
-- end
-- -- LayerIgnoreAnchorPointRot
-- local function onEnter()
-- LayerTest:onEnter()
-- local s = CCDirector:sharedDirector():getWinSize()
-- local l = CCLayerColor:create(ccc4(255, 0, 0, 255), 200, 200)
-- l:setAnchorPoint(ccp(0.5, 0.5))
-- l:setPosition(ccp( s.width/2, s.height/2))
-- this:addChild(l, 0, kLayerIgnoreAnchorPoint)
-- local rot = CCRotateBy:create(2, 360)
-- l:runAction(CCRepeatForever:create(rot))
-- local child = CCSprite:create("Images/grossini.png")
-- l:addChild(child)
-- local lsize = l:getContentSize()
-- child:setPosition(ccp(lsize.width/2, lsize.height/2))
-- local item = CCMenuItemFont:create("Toogle ignore anchor point", this, menu_selector(LayerIgnoreAnchorPointRot:onToggle))
-- local menu = CCMenu:create(item, NULL)
-- this:addChild(menu)
-- menu:setPosition(ccp(s.width/2, s.height/2))
-- end
-- local function onToggle(CCObject* pObject)
-- local pLayer = this:getChildByTag(kLayerIgnoreAnchorPoint)
-- bool ignore = pLayer:isIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition()
-- pLayer:ignoreAnchorPointForPosition(! ignore)
-- end
-- local function title()
-- return "IgnoreAnchorPoint - Rotation"
-- end
-- local function subtitle()
-- return "Ignoring Anchor Point for rotations"
-- end
-- -- LayerIgnoreAnchorPointScale
-- local function onEnter()
-- LayerTest:onEnter()
-- local s = CCDirector:sharedDirector():getWinSize()
-- local l = CCLayerColor:create(ccc4(255, 0, 0, 255), 200, 200)
-- l:setAnchorPoint(ccp(0.5, 1.0))
-- l:setPosition(ccp( s.width/2, s.height/2))
-- local scale = CCScaleBy:create(2, 2)
-- local back = tolua.cast(scale:reverse(), "CCScaleBy")
-- local seq = CCSequence:create(scale, back, NULL)
-- l:runAction(CCRepeatForever:create(seq))
-- this:addChild(l, 0, kLayerIgnoreAnchorPoint)
-- local child = CCSprite:create("Images/grossini.png")
-- l:addChild(child)
-- local lsize = l:getContentSize()
-- child:setPosition(ccp(lsize.width/2, lsize.height/2))
-- local item = CCMenuItemFont:create("Toogle ignore anchor point", this, menu_selector(LayerIgnoreAnchorPointScale:onToggle))
-- local menu = CCMenu:create(item, NULL)
-- this:addChild(menu)
-- menu:setPosition(ccp(s.width/2, s.height/2))
-- end
-- local function onToggle(CCObject* pObject)
-- local pLayer = this:getChildByTag(kLayerIgnoreAnchorPoint)
-- bool ignore = pLayer:isIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition()
-- pLayer:ignoreAnchorPointForPosition(! ignore)
-- end
-- local function title()
-- return "IgnoreAnchorPoint - Scale"
-- end
-- local function subtitle()
-- return "Ignoring Anchor Point for scale"
-- end
-- local function runThisTest()
-- sceneIdx = -1
-- local pLayer = nextAction()
-- addChild(pLayer)
-- CCDirector:sharedDirector():replaceScene(this)
-- end
-- local function LayerExtendedBlendOpacityTest()
-- local layer1 = CCLayerGradient:create(ccc4(255, 0, 0, 255), ccc4(255, 0, 255, 255))
-- layer1:setContentSize(local Make(80, 80))
-- layer1:setPosition(ccp(50,50))
-- addChild(layer1)
-- local layer2 = CCLayerGradient:create(ccc4(0, 0, 0, 127), ccc4(255, 255, 255, 127))
-- layer2:setContentSize(local Make(80, 80))
-- layer2:setPosition(ccp(100,90))
-- addChild(layer2)
-- local layer3 = CCLayerGradient:create()
-- layer3:setContentSize(local Make(80, 80))
-- layer3:setPosition(ccp(150,140))
-- layer3:setStartColor(ccc3(255, 0, 0))
-- layer3:setEndColor(ccc3(255, 0, 255))
-- layer3:setStartOpacity(255)
-- layer3:setEndOpacity(255)
-- ccBlendFunc blend
-- blend.src = GL_SRC_ALPHA
-- blend.dst = GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA
-- layer3:setBlendFunc(blend)
-- addChild(layer3)
-- end
-- local function title()
-- return "Extended Blend & Opacity"
-- end
-- local function subtitle()
-- return "You should see 3 layers"
-- end
function LayerTestMain()
Helper.index = 1
local scene = CCScene:create()
Helper.createFunctionTable = {
-- LayerTestCascadingOpacityB,
-- LayerTestCascadingOpacityC,
-- LayerTestCascadingColorA,
-- LayerTestCascadingColorB,
-- LayerTestCascadingColorC,
-- LayerTest1,
-- LayerTest2,
-- LayerTestBlend,
-- LayerGradient,
-- LayerIgnoreAnchorPointPos,
-- LayerIgnoreAnchorPointRot,
-- LayerIgnoreAnchorPointScale,
-- LayerExtendedBlendOpacityTest
return scene