pengfei tong a37fd743e0 [FIX] testjs 2012-08-02 16:23:31 +08:00
.. issue #1399: Adjust folder structure, made it built successfully on win32. 2012-07-20 14:05:52 +08:00
ScriptingCore.cpp issue #1399: Adjust folder structure, made it built successfully on win32. 2012-07-20 14:05:52 +08:00
ScriptingCore.h [LOG] add linux port 2012-08-02 13:02:59 +08:00
cocos2d_generated.cpp.REMOVED.git-id Fix a compile error in TestJavascript project. 2012-07-27 14:16:23 +08:00
cocos2d_generated.hpp.REMOVED.git-id issue #1399: Adjust folder structure, made it built successfully on win32. 2012-07-20 14:05:52 +08:00
cocos2d_manual_bindings.cpp [FIX] testjs 2012-08-02 16:23:31 +08:00
cocos_denshion_generated.cpp issue #1399: Adjust folder structure, made it built successfully on win32. 2012-07-20 14:05:52 +08:00
cocos_denshion_generated.hpp issue #1399: Adjust folder structure, made it built successfully on win32. 2012-07-20 14:05:52 +08:00


Simple iOS (and soon Android) example of cocos2d-x game running javascript bindings

NOTE This is a WIP and the bindings are not yet complete! What's working:

CCPoint CCSize _ccGridSize CCRect CCDirector CCNode CCSprite CCScene CCSpriteFrameCache
CCSpriteFrame CCAction CCAnimate CCAnimation CCRepeatForever CCLayer CCTouch
CCSet CCMoveBy CCMoveTo CCRotateTo CCRotateBy CCRenderTexture CCMenu CCMenuItem
CCMenuItemLabel CCMenuItemSprite CCMenuItemImage CCLabelTTF CCSequence
CCActionInterval CCFiniteTimeAction CCFileUtils
CCEaseBackInOut CCEaseBackOut CCEaseElasticIn CCEaseElastic CCEaseElasticOut CCEaseElasticInOut
CCEaseBounceIn CCEaseBounce CCEaseBounceInOut CCEaseBackIn CCEaseBounceOut CCEaseIn CCEaseOut
CCEaseExponentialIn CCEaseInOut CCEaseExponentialOut CCEaseExponentialInOut CCEaseSineIn
CCEaseSineOut CCEaseSineInOut CCActionEase CCEaseRateAction CCParticleSystem CCParticleSystemQuad
CCParticleSystemPoint CCDelayTime CCTexture2D CCTextureCache CCSpriteBatchNode CCTextureAtlas
CCParallaxNode CCTintTo CCTintBy CCLayerColor CCBlink CCSpeed CCWaves3D CCGridAction CCGrid3DAction
CCTransitionScene CCTransitionSceneOriented CCTransitionRotoZoom CCTransitionFadeDown
CCTransitionJumpZoom CCTransitionMoveInL CCTransitionMoveInR CCTransitionMoveInT CCTransitionMoveInB
CCTransitionSlideInL CCTransitionSlideInR CCTransitionSlideInB CCTransitionSlideInT CCTransitionShrinkGrow
CCTransitionFlipX CCTransitionFlipY CCTransitionFlipAngular CCTransitionZoomFlipX CCTransitionZoomFlipY
CCTransitionZoomFlipAngular CCTransitionFade CCTransitionCrossFade CCTransitionTurnOffTiles
CCTransitionSplitCols CCTransitionSplitRows CCTransitionFadeTR CCTransitionFadeBL CCTransitionFadeUp
CCFadeOutBLTiles CCProgressFromTo CCFadeOutUpTiles CCAnimationCache CCPlace CCLabelBMFont CCReverseTime
CCFadeOutTRTiles CCCamera CCProgressTo CCWavesTiles3D CCMotionStreak CCTransitionRadialCCW CCFadeOutDownTiles
CCTurnOffTiles CCDeccelAmplitude CCProgressTimer CCActionInstant CCReuseGrid CCStopGrid CCTwirl
CCShakyTiles3D CCTransitionRadialCW CCAtlasNode CCWaves CCShow CCOrbitCamera CCShatteredTiles3D CCHide
CCToggleVisibility CCActionCamera CCShuffleTiles CCLayerGradient CCFlipX CCRepeat CCFlipY CCBezierBy
CCPageTurn3D CCLens3D CCRipple3D CCApplication CCFlipX3D CCJumpTo CCTransitionPageTurn CCFlipY3D
CCLiquid CCTiledGrid3DAction CCJumpBy CCFollow CCSkewBy CCAccelDeccelAmplitude CCLabelAtlas CCAccelAmplitude
CCSkewTo CCShaky3D CCSplitCols CCFadeOut CCTileMapAtlas CCFadeTo CCJumpTiles3D CCFadeIn CCSplitRows
CCScaleBy CCScaleTo CCBezierTo CCTMXTiledMap CCTMXLayer CCApplication CCUserDefault

This is just a proof of concept and there are plans around this in order to make a more js-friendly API, right now the bindings were created automatically and the final idea is not to use them as they are but to create a higher level wrapper.

You can follow the progress of the js-bindings in the current development fork.

For a sneak peak, you can take a look at what's in the JS directory.

How to Build

Before hitting the "Build" button

In debug mode, (when there's a #define DEBUG somewhere), the javascript code will be read from somewhere else and not from the JS directory in the app bundle. To make sure this works, modify the absolute path in ScriptingCore.cpp:

void ScriptingCore::runScript(const char *path)
#ifdef DEBUG
	std::string dpath("/Users/rabarca/Desktop/testjs/testjs/"); // <~ this is what you want to modify!
	dpath += path;
	const char *realPath = dpath.c_str();
	const char *realPath = CCFileUtils::fullPathFromRelativePath(path);

Basically, the dpath string should point to wherever the JS directory is located. This affects every script run through the runScript function from ScriptingCore. If you don't want that behaviour, then just set the dpath string to "". It also allows for the "reload script" button to work on the demo:

screenshot 1

If you set the dpath string to "" (empty string, the default setting) then the reload button will try to reload the script from inside the bundle.

In the test scenes the buttons represent:

  • top left: will reload the current script
  • left arrow: previous test scene in the script
  • center button: will reload the current scene
  • right arrow: next test scene in the script

The current test script can be changed in the AppDelegate (or by modifying the source and then hitting reload script):

# AppDelegate.cpp
bool AppDelegate::applicationDidFinishLaunching()
	// run the main script
//	ScriptingCore::getInstance().runScript("JS/1to1/test_layer.js");

	return true;

Change the script name there and relaunch the simulator.


Just open the xcode project and run. It's using the latest spidermonkey and js-bindings for cocos2d-x


Instructions to be added here