
26 KiB

cocos2d-x v3.0 Release Notes

Table of Contents generated with DocToc

Misc Information


Runtime Requirements

  • Android 2.3 or newer
  • iOS 5.0 or newer
  • OS X 10.7 or newer
  • Windows 7 or newer
  • Windows Phone 8 or newer N/A for the moment
  • Linux Ubuntu 12.04 (or newer)
  • Browsers via Emscripten N/A for the moment
  • Marmalade N/A for the moment
  • BlackBerry N/A for the moment

Compiler Requirements

  • Xcode 4.6 (for iOS or Mac)
  • gcc 4.7 for Linux or Android. For Android ndk-r9 or newer is required.
  • Visual Studio 2012 (for Windows)

How to run TestCpp

Mac OSX & iOS

  • Enter cocos2d-x/build folder, open cocos2d_test.xcodeproj
  • Select iOS or OS X target in scheme toolbar
  • Click run button


Can run sample on Android in two ways:

  • Use command to run
  • Use Eclipse to run

By commnad

$ cd cocos2d-x
$ ./
$ cd build
$ ./ -p 10
$ adb install cocos2d-x/tests/

Then click item on Android device to run tests. Available value of -p is the API level, cocos2d-x supports from level 10.

Using Eclipse

$ cd cocos2d-x
$ ./
$ cd build
$ ./


  • Import cocos2d-x Android project into Eclipse, the path used to import is cocos/2d/platform/android
  • Import tests Android project into Eclipse, the path used to import is tests/
  • Build tests Android project and run


  • Enter cocos2d-x/build, and open cocos2d-win32.vs2012.sln
  • Select TestCpp as running target
  • Click run button


$ cd cocos2d-x/build
$ ./
$ cd ../..


$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make -j4


$ cd bin/testcpp
$ ./testcpp

How to start a new game

$ cd cocos2d-x
$ ./

FILE_TO_RECORD_SYSTEM_VARIABLE may be ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login or ~./.profile

$ cocos new MyGame -p com.MyCompany.MyGame -l cpp -d directory_to_save

Because cocos run command is not ready, so you should do it manually as running TestCpp. After cocos run command is finished, can just run cocos run to run the new game on demand target.

Highlights of v3.0

  • Replaced Objective-C patters with C++ (C++11) patterns and best practices
  • Improved Labels
  • Improved renderer
  • New Event Dispatcher
  • Physics integration
  • New GUI
  • JavaScript remote debugger
  • Remote Console support
  • Refactor Image - release memory in time and uniform the api of supported file format
  • Automatically generated Lua bindings, add LuaJavaBridge and LuaObjcBridge
  • Templated containers
    • CCDictionary is replaced by cocos2d::Map<>, usage
    • CCArray is replaced by cocos2d::Vector<>, usage
    • CCBool, CCFLoat, CCDouble are replaced with cocos2d::Value, usage

Features in detail

C++11 features

Feature added in v3.0-pre-alpha0

A subset of C++11 features are being used in cocos2d-x:

  • std::function, including lambda objects for callbacks
  • strongly typed enums, for most of the cocos2d-x enums and constants
  • std::thread for threading
  • override context keyword, for overriden methods


  • CallFunc can be created with an std::function<void()>
  • CallFuncN can be created with an std::function<void(Node*)>
  • CallFuncND and CallFuncO were removed since it can be created with simulated with CallFuncN and CallFunc. See ActionsTest.cpp for more examples
  • MenuItem supports std::function<void(Node*)> as callbacks

CallFunc example:

// in v2.1
CCCallFunc *action1 = CCCallFunc::create( this, callfunc_selector( MyClass::callback_0 ) );

// in v3.0 (short version)
auto action1 = CallFunc::create( CC_CALLBACK_0(MyClass::callback_0,this));
auto action2 = CallFunc::create( CC_CALLBACK_0(MyClass::callback_1,this, additional_parameters));

// in v3.0 (long version)
auto action1 = CallFunc::create( std::bind( &MyClass::callback_0, this));
auto action2 = CallFunc::create( std::bind( &MyClass::callback_1, this, additional_parameters));

// in v3.0 you can also use lambdas or any other "Function" object
auto action1 = CallFunc::create(
                     auto s = Director::sharedDirector()->getWinSize();
                     auto label = LabelTTF::create("called:lambda callback", "Marker Felt", 16);
                     label->setPosition(ccp( s.width/4*1,s.height/2-40));
                 }  );

MenuItem example:

// in v2.1
CCMenuItemLabel *item = CCMenuItemLabel::create(label, this, menu_selector(MyClass::callback));

// in v3.0 (short version)
auto item = MenuItemLabel::create(label, CC_CALLBACK_1(MyClass::callback, this));

// in v3.0 (long version)
auto item = MenuItemLabel::create(label, std::bind(&MyClass::callback, this, std::placeholders::_1));

// in v3.0 you can use lambdas or any other "Function" object
auto item = MenuItemLabel::create(label,
                 [&](Object *sender) {
                     // do something. Item "sender" clicked

strongly typed enums

Feature added in v3.0-pre-alpha0

Constants and enums that started with k, and that usually were defined as int or as simple enum where replaced with strongly typed enums ( enum class ) to prevent collisions and type errors. The new format is:

| v2.1       | v3.0        |
| kTypeValue | Type::VALUE |


| v2.1                             | v3.0                             |
| kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_RGBA8888 | Texture2D::PixelFormat::RGBA8888 |
| kCCDirectorProjectionCustom      | Director::Projection::CUSTOM     |
| ccGREEN                          | Color3B::GREEN                   |
| CCPointZero                      | Point::ZERO                      |
| CCSizeZero                       | Size::ZERO                       |

The old values can still be used, but are deprecated.


To catch possible errors while overriding methods, subclasses with override methods have the override context keyword. Example:

class Sprite : public Node {
    bool isFlipY(void) const;
    void setFlipY(bool bFlipY);

    // Overrides
    virtual void setTexture(Texture2D *texture) override;
    virtual Texture2D* getTexture() const override;
    inline void setBlendFunc(const BlendFunc &blendFunc) override;
    inline const BlendFunc& getBlendFunc() const override;

Removed Objective-C patterns

Feature added in v3.0-pre-alpha0

No more 'CC' prefix for C++ classes and free functions

Changes in classes

Since cocos2d-x already uses the cocos2d namespace, there is not need to add the prefix CC to all its classes.


| v2.1       | v3.0     |
| CCSprite   | Sprite   |
| CCNode     | Node     |
| CCDirector | Director |
| etc...                |

v2.1 class names are still available, but they were tagged as deprecated.

Changes in free functions

For the drawing primitives:

  • They were added in the DrawPrimitives namespace
  • The cc prefix was removed

For the gl proxy functions:

  • They were added in the GL namespace
  • The ccGL prefix was removed


| v2.1                | v3.0                         |
| ccDrawPoint()       | DrawPrimitives::drawPoint()  |
| ccDrawCircle()      | DrawPrimitives::drawCircle() |
| ccGLBlendFunc()     | GL::blendFunc()              |
| ccGLBindTexture2D() | GL::bindTexture2D()          |
| etc...                       				          |

v2.1 free functions are still available, but they were tagged as deprecated.

clone() instead of copy()

clone() returns an autoreleased version of the copy.

copy() is no longer supported. If you use it, it will compile, but the code will crash.


// v2.1
CCMoveBy *action = (CCMoveBy*) move->copy();

// v3.0
// No need to do autorelease, no need to do casting.
auto action = move->clone();

Singletons use getInstance() and destroyInstance()

All singletons use getInstance() and destroyInstance() (if applicable) to get and destroy the instance.


| v2.1                          | v3.0                        |
| CCDirector->sharedDirector()  | Director->getInstance()     |
| CCDirector->endDirector()     | Director->destroyInstance() |
| etc...                                                      |

v2.1 methods are still available, but they were tagged as deprecated.

Object is replaced with Ref

Because the name Object is confused, so rename it to Ref, and remove functions that are not related with referenct count. All classes that inherit from Object now inherit from Ref.


Getters now use the get prefix.


| v2.1                            | v3.0* 				 		       |
| node->boundingBox()             | node->getBoundingBox() 			   |
| sprite->nodeToParentTransform() | sprite->getNodeToParentTransform() |
| etc...                                                               |

And getters were also tagged as const in their declaration. Example:

// v2.1
virtual float getScale();

// v3.0
virtual float getScale() const;

v2.1 methods are still available, but they were tagged as deprecated.

POD types

Methods that were receiving POD types as arguments (eg: TexParams, Point, Size, etc.) are being passed as const reference.


// v2.1
void setTexParameters(ccTexParams* texParams);

// v3.0
void setTexParameters(const ccTexParams& texParams);

New Renderer

Feature added in v3.0-beta and improved in v3.0-beta2

The renderer functionality has been decoupled from the Scene graph / Node logic. A new object called Renderer is responsible for rendering the object.

Auto-batching and auto-culling support have been added.

Please, see this document for detail information about its internal funcitonality: Renderer Specification document

Renderer features




With auto-culling, sprites that outside screen will be thrown away.

Global Z order

A new method called setGlobalZOrder() / getGlobalZOrder() was added to Node, and the old methods setZOrder() / getZOrder() were renamed to setLocalZOrder() / getLocalZOrder().

globalZOrder receives a float (and not an int) as argument. And this value is used to sort the Nodes in the Renderer. Lower values have higher priority over higher values. That means that a Node with a globalZOrder of -10 is going to be drawn BEFORE a Node with globalZOrder of 10.

Nodes that have a globalZOrder of 0 (default value) will be drawn according to the Scene Graph order.

So, if the globalZOrder is not changed, cocos2d-x v3.0 will behave exaclty as cocos2d-x v2.2.

globalZOrder() vs. localZOrder():

  • globalZOrder is used to sort the "draw commands" in the Renderer
  • localZOrder is used to sort the Node in its parent's children Array



Improved LabelTTF / LabelBMFont / LabelAtlas

Feature added in v3.0-alpha0

LabelTTF, LabelBMFont and LabelAtlas will be replaced by new Label. The benifits of new Label are:

  • uniform api to create LabelTTF, LabelBMFont and LabelAtlas
  • use freetype to generate texture for labels, which make sure that labels have the same effect on different platforms
  • will cache textures to improve performance

New EventDispatcher

Feature added in v3.0-alpha0

All events such as touch event, keyboard event, acceleration event and custom event are dispatched by EventDispatcher. TouchDispatcher, KeypadDispatcher, KeyboardDispatcher, AccelerometerDispatcher were removed.

Features of EventDispatcher are:

  • dispatch events based on rendering sequence
  • all events are dispatched by EventDispatcher
  • can use EventDispatcher to dispatch custom events
  • can register a lambda as call back function

Detail information of EventDispatcher can refer to this document.

Physics Integration

Feature added in v3.0-pre-alpha0

In v3.0, we integrate physics engien into cocos2d-x based on Chipmunk2D. By using this feature, you can create physics based games without understanding physics engine.

More detail information of this feature, please refer to this document

Misc API Changes


Remove cc prefix for structure names in ccTypes.h, move global functions into static member functions, and move global constants into const static member variables.

| v2.1 struct names       | v3.0 struct names |
| ccColor3B 	          | Color3B |
| ccColor4B 		      | Color4B |
| ccColor4F 		      | Color4F |
| ccVertex2F 		      | Vertex2F |
| ccVertex3F 		      | Vertex3F |
| ccTex2F 			      | Tex2F |
| ccPointSprite 	      | PointSprite |
| ccQuad2 			      | Quad2 |
| ccQuad3 			      | Quad3 |
| ccV2F_C4B_T2F 	      | V2F_C4B_T2F |
| ccV2F_C4F_T2F 	      | V2F_C4F_T2F |
| ccV3F_C4B_T2F 	      | V3F_C4B_T2F |
| ccV2F_C4B_T2F_Triangle  | V2F_C4B_T2F_Triangle |
| ccV2F_C4B_T2F_Quad      | V2F_C4B_T2F_Quad |
| ccV3F_C4B_T2F_Quad      | V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad |
| ccV2F_C4F_T2F_Quad      | V2F_C4F_T2F_Quad |
| ccBlendFunc 		      | BlendFunc |
| ccT2F_Quad 		      | T2F_Quad |
| ccAnimationFrameData    | AnimationFrameData |

Global functions changed example

// in v2.1
ccColor3B color3B = ccc3(0, 0, 0);
ccc3BEqual(color3B, ccc3(1, 1, 1));
ccColor4B color4B = ccc4(0, 0, 0, 0);
ccColor4F color4F = ccc4f(0, 0, 0, 0);
color4F = ccc4FFromccc3B(color3B);
color4F = ccc4FFromccc4B(color4B);
ccc4FEqual(color4F, ccc4F(1, 1, 1, 1));
color4B = ccc4BFromccc4F(color4F);

color3B = ccWHITE;

// in v3.0
Color3B color3B = Color3B(0, 0, 0);
color3B.equals(Color3B(1, 1, 1));
Color4B color4B = Color4B(0, 0, 0, 0);
Color4F color4F = Color4F(0, 0, 0, 0);
color4F = Color4F(color3B);
color4F = Color4F(color4B);
color4F.equals(Color4F(1, 1, 1, 1));
color4B = Color4B(color4F);

color3B = Color3B::WHITE;

deprecated functions and global variables

| v2.1 names 	| v3.0 names |
| ccp 			| Point |
| ccpNeg 		| Point::- |
| ccpAdd 		| Point::+ |
| ccpSub 		| Point::- |
| ccpMult 		| Point::* |
| ccpMidpoint 	| Point::getMidpoint |
| ccpDot 		| Point::dot |
| ccpCrosss 	| Point::cross |
| ccpPerp 		| Point::getPerp |
| ccpRPerp 		| Point::getRPerp |
| ccpProject 	| Point::project |
| ccpRotate 	| Point::rotate |
| ccpUnrotate 	| Point::unrotate |
| ccpLengthSQ 	| Point::getLengthSq() |
| ccpDistanceSQ | Point::getDistanceSq |
| ccpLength 	| Point::getLength |
| ccpDistance 	| Point::getDistance |
| ccpNormalize 	| Point::normalize |
| ccpForAngle 	| Point::forAngle |
| ccpToAngle 	| Point::getAngle |
| ccpClamp 		| Point::getClampPoint |
| ccpFromSize 	| Point::Point |
| ccpCompOp		| Point::compOp |
| ccpLerp 		| Point::lerp |
| ccpFuzzyEqual | Point::fuzzyEqual |
| ccpCompMult 	| Point::Point |
| ccpAngleSigned | Point::getAngle |
| ccpAngle 		| Point::getAngle |
| ccpRotateByAngle | Point::rotateByAngle |
| ccpLineInersect | Point::isLineIntersect |
| ccpSegmentIntersect | Point::isSegmentIntersect |
| ccpIntersectPoint | Point::getIntersectPoint |
| CCPointMake	| Point::Point |
| CCSizeMake	| Size::Size |
| CCRectMake 	| Rect::Rect |
| PointZero 	| Point::ZERO |
| SizeZero 		| Size::ZERO |
| RectZero 		| Rect::ZERO |
| TiledGrid3DAction::tile | TiledGrid3DAction::getTile |
| TiledGrid3DAction::originalTile | TiledGrid3DAction::getOriginalTile |
| TiledGrid3D::tile | TiledGrid3D::getTile |
| TiledGrid3D::originalTile | TiledGrid3D::getOriginalTile |
| Grid3DAction::vertex | Grid3DAction::getVertex |
| Grid3DAction::originalVertex | Grid3DAction::getOriginalVertex |
| Grid3D::vertex | Grid3D::getVertex |
| Grid3D::originalVertex | Grid3D::getOriginalVertex |
| Configuration::sharedConfiguration | Configuration::getInstance |
| Configuration::purgeConfiguration | Configuration::destroyInstance() |
| Director::sharedDirector() | Director::getInstance() |
| FileUtils::sharedFileUtils | FileUtils::getInstance |
| FileUtils::purgeFileUtils | FileUtils::destroyInstance |
| GLView::sharedOpenGLView | GLView::getInstance |
| ShaderCache::sharedShaderCache | ShaderCache::getInstance |
| ShaderCache::purgeSharedShaderCache | ShaderCache::destroyInstance |
| AnimationCache::sharedAnimationCache | AnimationCache::getInstance |
| AnimationCache::purgeSharedAnimationCache | AnimationCache::destroyInstance |
| SpriteFrameCache::sharedSpriteFrameCache | SpriteFrameCache::getInstance |
| SpriteFrameCache:: purgeSharedSpriteFrameCache | SpriteFrameCache::destroyInstance |
| NotificationCenter::sharedNotificationCenter | NotificationCenter::getInstance |
| NotificationCenter:: purgeNotificationCenter | NotificationCenter::destroyInstance |
| Profiler::sharedProfiler | Profiler::getInstance |
| UserDefault::sharedUserDefault | UserDefault::getInstance |
| UserDefault::purgeSharedUserDefault | UserDefault::destroyInstance |
| Application::sharedApplication | Application::getInstance |
| ccc3() 		| Color3B() |
| ccc3BEqual() 	| Color3B::equals() |
| ccc4() 		| Color4B() |
| ccc4FFromccc3B() | Color4F() |
| ccc4f() 		| Color4F() |
| ccc4FFromccc4B() | Color4F() |
| ccc4BFromccc4F() | Color4B() |
| ccc4FEqual() 	| Color4F::equals() |
| ccWHITE 		| Color3B::WHITE |
| ccYELLOW 		| Color3B::YELLOW |
| ccBLUE 		| Color3B::BLUE |
| ccGREEN 		| Color3B::GREEN |
| ccRED 		| Color3B::RED |
| ccMAGENTA 	| Color3B::MAGENTA |
| ccBLACK 		| Color3B::BLACK |
| ccORANGE 		| Color3B::ORANGE |
| ccGRAY 		| Color3B::GRAY |
| kBlendFuncDisable | BlendFunc::BLEND_FUNC_DISABLE |

Changes in the Lua bindings

Use bindings-generator tool for lua binding

Only have to write an ini file for a module, don't have to write a lot of .pkg files

Bind the classes with namespace to lua

In previous, the lua binding can not bind classes that have the same class name but different namespaces. In order to resolve this issue, now the metatable name of a class is changed. For example, CCNode will be changed to cc.Node. This modification will affect some APIs as follows:

|           v2.x                   |                  v3.0             |
| tolua_usertype(tolua_S,"CCNode") | tolua_usertype(tolua_S,"cc.Node") |
| tolua_isusertable(tolua_S,1,"CCNode",0,&tolua_err 		| tolua_isusertable(tolua_S,1,"cc.Node",0,&tolua_err  |
| tolua_isusertype(tolua_S,1,"CCNode",0,&tolua_err) 		| tolua_isusertype(tolua_S,1,"cc.Node",0,&tolua_err)  |
| toluafix_pushusertype_ccobject(tolua_S, nID, pLuaID, (void*)tolua_ret,"CCNode") 		| toluafix_pushusertype_ccobject(tolua_S, nID, pLuaID, (void*)tolua_ret,"cc.Node")  |
| tolua_pushusertype(tolua_S,(void*)tolua_ret,"CCFileUtils") 		| tolua_pushusertype(tolua_S,(void*)tolua_ret,"cc.FileUtils")  |
| tolua.cast(pChildren[i + 1], "CCNode") 			| tolua.cast(pChildren[i + 1], "cc.Node") |

Use ScriptHandlerMgr to manage the register and unregister of Lua function

When we want to add register and unregister functions of Lua function for class, we need to change the declarative and defined files and then bind to Lua. In v3.0, we use the ScriptHandlerMgr. As an example, lets see the MenuItem class: In the 2.x version, we needed to add a declaration in the MenuItem header file:

 virtual void registerScriptTapHandler(int nHandler);
 virtual void unregisterScriptTapHandler(void);

then implement them in the .cpp file. In the Lua script ,we use it as follow:


In v3.0 version, we only need to add the HandlerType enum in the ScriptHandlerMgr, and the implementation in luascript as follow:

ScriptHandlerMgr:getInstance():registerScriptHandler(menuItem, luafunction,cc.HANDLERTYPE_MENU_CLICKED)

Misc API changes

Use ccccsccui gl and sp as module name

Now classes are binded into different modules instead of using global module. This will avoid conflicts with other codes.

  • classes in cocos2dcocos2d::extensionCocosDenshion and cocosbuilder were bound to cc module
  • classes in cocos2d::gui were bound to ccui module
  • classes in spine were bound to sp module
  • classes in cocostudio were bound to ccs module
  • global variables are binded to corresponding modules
  • all funcionts and constants about openGl were bound to gl module


| v2.1                    | v3.0                    |
| CCDirector              | cc.Director             |
| CCArmature              | ccs.Armature            |
| kCCTextAlignmentLeft    | cc.kCCTextAlignmentLeft |

Modified functions

Some global function names are renamed:


| v2.1                    | v3.0                    |
| CCPoint/ccp             | cc.p                    |
| CCRect                  | cc.rect                 |
| CCColor3B               | cc.c3b                  |
| CCColor4B               | cc.c4b                  |
| CCColor4F               | cc.c4f                  |

Add some modules

In the version 3.0, more modules were bound to lua, specific as follows:

  • physics
  • spine
  • XMLHttpRequest
  • OpenGL

The XMLHttpRequest and physics are in the cc module, the spine is in the sp module, and the OpenGl is in the gl module. Related test cases located in:

  • physics ---> TestLua/PhysicsTest
  • spine ---> TestLua/SpineTest
  • XMLHttpRequest ---> TestLua/XMLHttpRequestTest
  • openGL ---> TestLua/OpenGLTest

Add more lua bindings

Such as: New Label、New EventDispatcher and AssetsManager,etc.Related test cases located in:

  • New Lable ---> TestLua/LabelTestNew
  • New EventDispatcher --->TestLua/NewEventDispatcherTest
  • AssetsManager ---> TestLua/AssetsManagerTest

Replace some lua-bindings of Class or Struct with lua table

In the version 3.0, all the lua-binding of Struct type were replaced with the lua table


| v2.1                    | v3.0                    |
| CCPoint                 | lua table               |
| CCRect                  | lua table               |
| CCColor3B               | lua table               |
| CCColor4B               | lua table               |
| CCColor4F               | lua table               |
| CCAffineTransform       | lua table               |
| CCArray                 | lua table               |    
| CCDictionary            | lua table               |
| CCPointArray            | lua table               |

Support lua script codes call Object-C codes and Java codes

LuaObjcBridge and LuaJavaBridge bound to lua surpported lua script codes calls Object-C codes and java codes.

Add some lua files to store the constants of different modules

  • Cocos2DConstants.lua store the constants of cc moudle
  • StudioConstants.lua store the constants of ccs moudle
  • GuiConstants.lua store the constants of ccui moudle
  • OpenglConstants.lua store the constants of gl moudle