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-- @module GLProgramState
-- @extend Ref
-- @parent_module cc
-- Get the flag of vertex attribs used by OR operation.
-- @function [parent=#GLProgramState] getVertexAttribsFlags
-- @param self
-- @return unsigned int#unsigned int ret (return value: unsigned int)
-- @overload self, int, vec4_table
-- @overload self, string, vec4_table
-- @function [parent=#GLProgramState] setUniformVec4
-- @param self
-- @param #string uniformName
-- @param #vec4_table value
-- @return GLProgramState#GLProgramState self (return value: cc.GLProgramState)
-- Applies the specified custom auto-binding.<br>
-- param uniformName Name of the shader uniform.<br>
-- param autoBinding Name of the auto binding.
-- @function [parent=#GLProgramState] applyAutoBinding
-- @param self
-- @param #string uniformName
-- @param #string autoBinding
-- @return GLProgramState#GLProgramState self (return value: cc.GLProgramState)
-- @overload self, int, vec2_table
-- @overload self, string, vec2_table
-- @function [parent=#GLProgramState] setUniformVec2
-- @param self
-- @param #string uniformName
-- @param #vec2_table value
-- @return GLProgramState#GLProgramState self (return value: cc.GLProgramState)
-- @overload self, int, vec3_table
-- @overload self, string, vec3_table
-- @function [parent=#GLProgramState] setUniformVec3
-- @param self
-- @param #string uniformName
-- @param #vec3_table value
-- @return GLProgramState#GLProgramState self (return value: cc.GLProgramState)
-- Apply GLProgram, attributes and uniforms.<br>
-- param modelView The applied modelView matrix to shader.
-- @function [parent=#GLProgramState] apply
-- @param self
-- @param #mat4_table modelView
-- @return GLProgramState#GLProgramState self (return value: cc.GLProgramState)
-- Returns the Node bound to the GLProgramState
-- @function [parent=#GLProgramState] getNodeBinding
-- @param self
-- @return Node#Node ret (return value: cc.Node)
-- @overload self, int, long, vec4_table
-- @overload self, string, long, vec4_table
-- @function [parent=#GLProgramState] setUniformVec4v
-- @param self
-- @param #string uniformName
-- @param #long size
-- @param #vec4_table pointer
-- @return GLProgramState#GLProgramState self (return value: cc.GLProgramState)
-- Apply GLProgram, and built in uniforms.<br>
-- param modelView The applied modelView matrix to shader.
-- @function [parent=#GLProgramState] applyGLProgram
-- @param self
-- @param #mat4_table modelView
-- @return GLProgramState#GLProgramState self (return value: cc.GLProgramState)
-- Sets the node that this render state is bound to.<br>
-- The specified node is used to apply auto-bindings for the render state.<br>
-- This is typically set to the node of the model that a material is<br>
-- applied to.<br>
-- param node The node to use for applying auto-bindings.
-- @function [parent=#GLProgramState] setNodeBinding
-- @param self
-- @param #cc.Node node
-- @return GLProgramState#GLProgramState self (return value: cc.GLProgramState)
-- @overload self, int, int
-- @overload self, string, int
-- @function [parent=#GLProgramState] setUniformInt
-- @param self
-- @param #string uniformName
-- @param #int value
-- @return GLProgramState#GLProgramState self (return value: cc.GLProgramState)
-- Sets a uniform auto-binding.<br>
-- This method parses the passed in autoBinding string and attempts to convert it<br>
-- to an enumeration value. If it matches to one of the predefined strings, it will create a<br>
-- callback to get the correct value at runtime.<br>
-- param uniformName The name of the material parameter to store an auto-binding for.<br>
-- param autoBinding A string matching one of the built-in AutoBinding enum constants.
-- @function [parent=#GLProgramState] setParameterAutoBinding
-- @param self
-- @param #string uniformName
-- @param #string autoBinding
-- @return GLProgramState#GLProgramState self (return value: cc.GLProgramState)
-- @overload self, int, long, vec2_table
-- @overload self, string, long, vec2_table
-- @function [parent=#GLProgramState] setUniformVec2v
-- @param self
-- @param #string uniformName
-- @param #long size
-- @param #vec2_table pointer
-- @return GLProgramState#GLProgramState self (return value: cc.GLProgramState)
-- Get the number of user defined uniform count.
-- @function [parent=#GLProgramState] getUniformCount
-- @param self
-- @return long#long ret (return value: long)
-- Apply attributes.<br>
-- param applyAttribFlags Call GL::enableVertexAttribs(_vertexAttribsFlags) or not.
-- @function [parent=#GLProgramState] applyAttributes
-- @param self
-- @return GLProgramState#GLProgramState self (return value: cc.GLProgramState)
-- Returns a new copy of the GLProgramState. The GLProgram is reused
-- @function [parent=#GLProgramState] clone
-- @param self
-- @return GLProgramState#GLProgramState ret (return value: cc.GLProgramState)
-- @{ <br>
-- Setter and Getter of the owner GLProgram binded in this program state.
-- @function [parent=#GLProgramState] setGLProgram
-- @param self
-- @param #cc.GLProgram glprogram
-- @return GLProgramState#GLProgramState self (return value: cc.GLProgramState)
-- @overload self, int, long, float
-- @overload self, string, long, float
-- @function [parent=#GLProgramState] setUniformFloatv
-- @param self
-- @param #string uniformName
-- @param #long size
-- @param #float pointer
-- @return GLProgramState#GLProgramState self (return value: cc.GLProgramState)
-- @function [parent=#GLProgramState] getGLProgram
-- @param self
-- @return GLProgram#GLProgram ret (return value: cc.GLProgram)
-- @overload self, string, unsigned int
-- @overload self, string, cc.Texture2D
-- @overload self, int, cc.Texture2D
-- @overload self, int, unsigned int
-- @function [parent=#GLProgramState] setUniformTexture
-- @param self
-- @param #int uniformLocation
-- @param #unsigned int textureId
-- @return GLProgramState#GLProgramState self (return value: cc.GLProgramState)
-- Apply user defined uniforms.
-- @function [parent=#GLProgramState] applyUniforms
-- @param self
-- @return GLProgramState#GLProgramState self (return value: cc.GLProgramState)
-- @overload self, int, float
-- @overload self, string, float
-- @function [parent=#GLProgramState] setUniformFloat
-- @param self
-- @param #string uniformName
-- @param #float value
-- @return GLProgramState#GLProgramState self (return value: cc.GLProgramState)
-- @overload self, int, mat4_table
-- @overload self, string, mat4_table
-- @function [parent=#GLProgramState] setUniformMat4
-- @param self
-- @param #string uniformName
-- @param #mat4_table value
-- @return GLProgramState#GLProgramState self (return value: cc.GLProgramState)
-- @overload self, int, long, vec3_table
-- @overload self, string, long, vec3_table
-- @function [parent=#GLProgramState] setUniformVec3v
-- @param self
-- @param #string uniformName
-- @param #long size
-- @param #vec3_table pointer
-- @return GLProgramState#GLProgramState self (return value: cc.GLProgramState)
-- Get the number of vertex attributes.
-- @function [parent=#GLProgramState] getVertexAttribCount
-- @param self
-- @return long#long ret (return value: long)
-- returns a new instance of GLProgramState for a given GLProgram
-- @function [parent=#GLProgramState] create
-- @param self
-- @param #cc.GLProgram glprogram
-- @return GLProgramState#GLProgramState ret (return value: cc.GLProgramState)
-- @overload self, string, cc.Texture2D
-- @overload self, string
-- @function [parent=#GLProgramState] getOrCreateWithGLProgramName
-- @param self
-- @param #string glProgramName
-- @param #cc.Texture2D texture
-- @return GLProgramState#GLProgramState ret (return value: cc.GLProgramState)
-- gets-or-creates an instance of GLProgramState for a given GLProgram
-- @function [parent=#GLProgramState] getOrCreateWithGLProgram
-- @param self
-- @param #cc.GLProgram glprogram
-- @return GLProgramState#GLProgramState ret (return value: cc.GLProgramState)
-- gets-or-creates an instance of GLProgramState for given shaders
-- @function [parent=#GLProgramState] getOrCreateWithShaders
-- @param self
-- @param #string vertexShader
-- @param #string fragShader
-- @param #string compileTimeDefines
-- @return GLProgramState#GLProgramState ret (return value: cc.GLProgramState)
return nil