mirror of https://github.com/axmolengine/axmol.git
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96 lines
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**This is another more radical fork of ```cocos2d-x v4```, use OpenAL for all platforms, single texture multi GPU texture handler, C++14/17, etc.**
### Purpose Summary:
* C++14/17
* Focus on native game dev (quick starting, easy to use, fast)
* Bugfixes ASAP
* Usefull PRs from **you** are welcome (review/merge ASAP)
### Highlight Features:
* Refactor AudioEngine, OpenAL for all platforms
* [openal-soft](https://github.com/kcat/openal-soft), pass -DBUILD_EXT_ALSOFT=ON to cmake to force enable it
* [OpenAL.framework](https://opensource.apple.com/tarballs/OpenAL), if no ```BUILD_EXT_ALSOFT``` option specified, cmake script will choose it on osx/ios, even through it was mark as deprecated, but still available.
* Refactor UserDefault with [mio](https://github.com/mandreyel/mio)
* Modularize all optional extension, move from engine core to folder extensions
* Implement all .wav formats supported by ```openal-soft```, such as MS-ADPCM, ADPCM, ...
* Use modern gl loader ```glad``` (instead of glew)
* Add google angle renderer backend support
* C++14 standard
* IOS SDK 9.0 as minimal deployment
* Use fast pugixml
* Using curl for transferring data with URL syntax
* Use SAX parser for all plist file
* Spine-3.8 support
* Add engine extension ```FairyGUI``` support
* Add ASTC 4x4/6x6/8x8 support, if hardware decoder not present, use software decoder
* Add ETC2 RGB/RGBA support, if hardware decoder not present, use software decoder
* **ImGui integrated, easy to write game embedded tools, very ease to use, please read [ImGuiEXT](extensions/ImGuiEXT/README.md)**
### [Roadmap](https://github.com/c4games/engine-x/issues/1)
### Quick Start
#### Common Requirement [python](https://www.python.org/downloads/)
* python-2.7.17+, python-3.7+
#### Windows
1. Install [CMake](https://cmake.org/) 3.6+
2. Install Visual Studio 2019 build(we strong recommend you use this version)
3. Execute follow command at command line(Console, Window Terminal or Powershell)
cd engine-x\
cmake -S . -B build -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A Win32
#### Android
1. Install Android Studio 4.0+
2. When first start Android Studio, It will guide you to install sdk and other tools, just install them
3. Start Android and choose [Open an existing Android Studio Project] to open ```engine-x\tests\cpp-tests\proj.android```
4. Start Android Studio and Open [Tools][SDKManager], then switch to ```SDK Tools```, check the ```Show Package Details```, choose follow tools and click the button ```Apply``` to install them:
* Android SDK Platform 28 r3
* Android SDK Build-Tools 29.0.2
* NDK r16b+
* CMake 3.6
5. Waiting for ```Gradle sync``` finish.
6. Remark: If you use non-sdk provided CMake edition, you need download ```ninja``` from https://github.com/ninja-build/ninja/releases, and copy ```ninja.exe``` to cmake's bin directory
#### iOS
1. Ensure xcode11+ & [cmake3.6+](https://github.com/Kitware/CMake/releases) installed, install cmake command line support: ```sudo "/Applications/CMake.app/Contents/bin/cmake-gui" --install```
2. Execute follow command
```sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer```
3. Generate xcode project
# for device arm64
cmake -S . -B build -GXcode -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/ios.mini.cmake
# for device combined armv7,arm64
# cmake -S . -B build -GXcode -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/ios.mini.cmake "-DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=armv7;arm64"
# for simulator x86_64
# cmake -S . -B build -GXcode -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/ios.mini.cmake -DCMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT=iphonesimulator
4. After cmake generate finish, you can open xcode project at ```build``` folder and run cpp-tests or other test targets.
5. Notes
a. **The code sign required to run ios app on device, just change bundle identifier until the auto manage siging solved**
b. **EGNX only provide armv7,arm64,x86_64 prebuilt libraries for ios**
### Pitfalls
* ThreadLocalStorage(TLS)
- ios x86 simulator ios>=10
- ios x64 or devices(armv7,arm64) ios sdk>=9.0
- the openal-soft maintained by kcat use TLS
### Reference links
* engine-x-3rd: https://github.com/c4games/engine-x-3rd
* official v4: https://github.com/cocos2d/cocos2d-x