
156 lines
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-- @module PageView
-- @extend Layout
-- @parent_module ccui
-- brief Return user defined scroll page threshold
-- @function [parent=#PageView] getCustomScrollThreshold
-- @param self
-- @return float#float ret (return value: float)
-- Gets current page index.<br>
-- return current page index.
-- @function [parent=#PageView] getCurPageIndex
-- @param self
-- @return long#long ret (return value: long)
-- Add a widget to a page of pageview.<br>
-- param widget widget to be added to pageview.<br>
-- param pageIdx index of page.<br>
-- param forceCreate if force create and there is no page exsit, pageview would create a default page for adding widget.
-- @function [parent=#PageView] addWidgetToPage
-- @param self
-- @param #ccui.Widget widget
-- @param #long pageIdx
-- @param #bool forceCreate
-- brief Query whether we are using user defined scroll page threshold or not
-- @function [parent=#PageView] isUsingCustomScrollThreshold
-- @param self
-- @return bool#bool ret (return value: bool)
-- @function [parent=#PageView] getPage
-- @param self
-- @param #long index
-- @return Layout#Layout ret (return value: ccui.Layout)
-- Remove a page of pageview.<br>
-- param page page which will be removed.
-- @function [parent=#PageView] removePage
-- @param self
-- @param #ccui.Layout page
-- @function [parent=#PageView] addEventListener
-- @param self
-- @param #function callback
-- brief Set using user defined scroll page threshold or not<br>
-- If you set it to false, then the default scroll threshold is pageView.width / 2
-- @function [parent=#PageView] setUsingCustomScrollThreshold
-- @param self
-- @param #bool flag
-- brief If you don't specify the value, the pageView will scroll when half pageview width reached
-- @function [parent=#PageView] setCustomScrollThreshold
-- @param self
-- @param #float threshold
-- Insert a page to pageview.<br>
-- param page page to be added to pageview.
-- @function [parent=#PageView] insertPage
-- @param self
-- @param #ccui.Layout page
-- @param #int idx
-- scroll pageview to index.<br>
-- param idx index of page.
-- @function [parent=#PageView] scrollToPage
-- @param self
-- @param #long idx
-- Remove a page at index of pageview.<br>
-- param index index of page.
-- @function [parent=#PageView] removePageAtIndex
-- @param self
-- @param #long index
-- @function [parent=#PageView] getPages
-- @param self
-- @return array_table#array_table ret (return value: array_table)
-- @function [parent=#PageView] removeAllPages
-- @param self
-- Push back a page to pageview.<br>
-- param page page to be added to pageview.
-- @function [parent=#PageView] addPage
-- @param self
-- @param #ccui.Layout page
-- Allocates and initializes.
-- @function [parent=#PageView] create
-- @param self
-- @return PageView#PageView ret (return value: ccui.PageView)
-- @function [parent=#PageView] createInstance
-- @param self
-- @return Ref#Ref ret (return value: cc.Ref)
-- Gets LayoutType.<br>
-- see LayoutType<br>
-- return LayoutType
-- @function [parent=#PageView] getLayoutType
-- @param self
-- @return int#int ret (return value: int)
-- Returns the "class name" of widget.
-- @function [parent=#PageView] getDescription
-- @param self
-- @return string#string ret (return value: string)
-- @function [parent=#PageView] update
-- @param self
-- @param #float dt
-- Sets LayoutType.<br>
-- see LayoutType<br>
-- param type LayoutType
-- @function [parent=#PageView] setLayoutType
-- @param self
-- @param #int type
-- Default constructor
-- @function [parent=#PageView] PageView
-- @param self
return nil