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cocos2d-x v3.6 Release Notes
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Misc Information
- Full Changelog
- v3.0 Release Notes can be found here: v3.0 Release Notes
Runtime Requirements
- Android 2.3 or newer
- iOS 5.0 or newer
- OS X 10.7 or newer
- Windows 7 or newer
- Windows Phone 8 or newer
- Linux Ubuntu 14.04 or newer
Compiler Requirements
- Xcode 5.1 or newer for iOS or Mac
- gcc 4.9 or newer for Linux
- ndk-r10c for Android
- Visual Studio 2012 or newer for Windows (win32)
- Visual Studio 2012 or newer for Windows Phone 8
How to run tests
Mac OSX & iOS
- Enter
folder, opencocos2d_test.xcodeproj
- Select
orOS X
target in scheme toolbar - Click
You can run the samples...
Using command line:
$ cd cocos2d-x
$ ./setup.py
$ cd build
$ ./android-build.py cpp-empty-test -p 10
$ adb install cocos2d-x/tests/cpp-empty-test/proj.android/bin/CppEmptyTest-debug.apk
Then click item on Android device to run tests. Available value of -p
is the API level, cocos2d-x supports from level 10.
Using Eclipse:
$ cd cocos2d-x
$ ./setup.py
$ cd build
$ ./android-build.py cpp-empty-test -p 10
- Import cocos2d-x Android project into Eclipse, the path used to import is
- Import
Android project into Eclipse, the path used to import istests/cpp-empty-test/proj.android
- Build
Android project and run
- Enter
, and opencocos2d-win32.vs2012.sln
- Select
as running target - Click run button
$ cd cocos2d-x/build
$ ./install-deps-linux.sh
$ cd ../..
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ../cocos2d-x
$ make -j4
$ cd bin/cpp-empty-test
$ ./cpp-empty-test
How to start a new game
Please refer to this document: ReadMe
Highlights of v3.6alpha0
- 3D: added skybox support
- 3D: added terrian support
- uses luajit v2.1-20150331 on 64-bit iOS devices
- added test automation support for cpp-tests
Features in detail
3D TextureCube
TextureCube is useful for skybox and environment mapping. It uses 6 faces of a cube as map shape, and 6 pictures are projected onto the sides of a cube and stored as six square textures.
TexturesCube usage
auto texturecube = TextureCube::create("left.jpg", "right.jpg", "top.jpg", "bottom.jpg","front.jpg", "back.jpg");
//set texture parameters
Texture2D::TexParams tRepeatParams;
tRepeatParams.magFilter = GL_NEAREST;
tRepeatParams.minFilter = GL_NEAREST;
tRepeatParams.wrapS = GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT;
tRepeatParams.wrapT = GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT;
//create a GLProgramState using custom shader
auto shader = GLProgram::createWithFilenames("cube_map.vert", "cube_map.frag");
auto state = GLProgramState::create(shader);
// pass the texture sampler to our custom shader, state is a pointer of GLProgramState, u_cubeTex is a uniform in shader
state->setUniformTexture("u_cubeTex", texturecube);
Then the shader cube_map.frag can be something like this,
varying vec3 v_reflect; //reflect direction
uniform samplerCube u_cubeTex;
void main(void)
gl_FragColor = textureCube(u_cubeTex, v_reflect); //sample the color of reflection direction
For more information please refer to cpp-tests/Sprite3DTest/Sprite3DCubeMapTest.
3D Skybox
Skybox is a common component in 3D game. It is based on TextureCube.
Usage of skybox
// create a texture cube
auto textureCube = TextureCube::create("left.jpg", "right.jpg","top.jpg", "bottom.jpg","front.jpg", "back.jpg");
//create a skybox
auto skyBox = Skybox::create();
//set cube texture to the skybox
For more information please refer to cpp-tests/Sprite3DTest/Sprite3DCubeMapTest.
Animate3D Quality Control
In order to make Animate3D
run fast, you can use low quality animation.
std::string fileName = "Sprite3DTest/orc.c3b";
auto sprite = Sprite3D::create(fileName);
auto animation = Animation3D::create(fileName);
if (animation)
auto animate = Animate3D::create(animation);
//use low quality animation
The animation quality is also configurable in config.plist, the key is cocos2d.x.3d.animate_high_quality. All the created Animate3D
base on this key if exist. You can modify it using the above method.
luajit arm64
The version of the luajit is v2.1-20150331. We have consulted the author of luajit, he said it was stability enough to be used. We will update to v2.1 when it is released.
Using luajit arm64 version is that because it can improve the performance. In previous versions of cocos2d-x, it uses lua on iOS 64-bit devices.
Bytecode of luajit and luajit arm64 are not compatible, which means you can not use one version of bytecode on iOS 32-bit devices and iOS 64-bit devices.
As there is not mandatory requirement of having arm64 bit bin on Android, so we don't use luajit arm64 on Android as its bytecode is not compatible with luajit arm32.