
4.6 KiB


Build Status Windows Build Status dev

This is another more radical fork of cocos2d-x v4, use OpneAL for all platforms, single texture multi GPU texture handler, C++14/17 etc.


Purpose Summary:

  • C++14/17
  • Focus on native game dev
  • Bugfixes ASAP
  • Review/Merge PR ASAP
  • Excellent PRs from you are welcome.

Highlight Features:

  • Refactor AudioEngine, OpenAL for all platforms
    • openal-soft, pass -DBUILD_EXT_ALSOFT=ON to cmake to force enable it
    • OpenAL.framework, if no BUILD_EXT_ALSOFT option specified, cmake script will choose it on osx/ios, even through it was mark as deprecated, but still available.
  • Refactor UserDefault with mio, very fast
  • Modularize all optional extension, all move from engine core to folder extensions
  • Implement all .wav formats supported by openal-soft, such as MS-ADPCM, ADPCM...
  • Use modern gl loader glad to instead glew
  • Add google angle renderer backend support
  • C++14 standard
  • IOS SDK 9.0 as minimal deployment
  • Use fast pugixml instead of tinyxml2
  • Using curl for transferring data with URL syntax
  • Use SAX parser for all plist file, remove apple platform spec for getValueMapFromFile stubs
  • Spine-3.8 support
  • Add engine extension FairyGUI support
  • Add ASTC 4x4/8x8 support, if hardware decoder not present, use software decoder
  • Add ETC2 RGB/RGBA support, if hardware decoder not present, use software decoder


Quick Start

Common Requirement python

  • python-2.7.17+, python-3.7+ also works


  1. Install CMake 3.6+
  2. Install Visual Studio 2019 build(we strong recommend you install this version)
  3. Execute follow command at command line(Console, Window Terminal or Powershell)
cd engine-x\
cmake -S . -B build -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A Win32


  1. Install Android Studio 4.0+

  2. When first start Android Studio, It will guide you to install sdk and other tools, just install them

  3. Start Android and choose [Open an existing Android Studio Project] to open engine-x\tests\cpp-tests\

  4. Start Android Studio and Open [Tools][SDKManager], then switch to SDK Tools, check the Show Package Details, choose follow tools and click the button Apply to install them:

    • Android SDK Platform 28 r3
    • Android SDK Build-Tools 29.0.2
    • NDK r16b+
    • CMake 3.6
  5. Waiting for Gradle sync finish.

  6. Remark: If you use non-sdk provided CMake edition, you need download ninja from, and copy ninja.exe to cmake's bin directory


  1. Ensure xcode11+ & cmake3.6+ installed, install cmake command line support: sudo "/Applications/" --install
  2. Execute follow command
    sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/
  3. Generate xcode project
  # for device arm64
  cmake -S . -B build -GXcode -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/

  # for device combined armv7,arm64
  # cmake -S . -B build -GXcode -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/ "-DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=armv7;arm64"

  # for simulator x86_64
  # cmake -S . -B build -GXcode -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/ -DCMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT=iphonesimulator
  1. After cmake generate finish, you can open xcode project at build folder and run cpp-tests or other test targets.

  2. Notes
    a. The code sign required to run ios app on device, just change bundle identifier until the auto manage siging solved
    b. EGNX only provide armv7,arm64,x86_64 prebuilt libraries for ios


  • ThreadLocalStorage(TLS)
    • ios x86 simulator ios>=10
    • ios x64 or devices(armv7,arm64) ios sdk>=9.0
    • the openal-soft maintained by kcat use TLS