
340 lines
12 KiB

import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.Paths
import java.util.regex.Pattern
class VersionComparator implements Comparator<String> {
static private final List<String> SNAPSHOT_SUFFIXES = ["-SNAPSHOT", ".BUILD-SNAPSHOT"].asImmutable()
int compare(String o1, String o2) {
int result = 0
if (o1 == '*') {
result = 1
else if (o2 == '*') {
result = -1
else {
def nums1
try {
def tokens = deSnapshot(o1).split(/\./)
tokens = tokens.findAll { String it -> it.trim() ==~ /\d+/ }
nums1 = tokens*.toInteger()
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new Exception("Cannot compare versions, left side [$o1] is invalid: ${e.message}")
def nums2
try {
def tokens = deSnapshot(o2).split(/\./)
tokens = tokens.findAll { String it -> it.trim() ==~ /\d+/ }
nums2 = tokens*.toInteger()
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new Exception("Cannot compare versions, right side [$o2] is invalid: ${e.message}")
boolean bigRight = nums2.size() > nums1.size()
boolean bigLeft = nums1.size() > nums2.size()
for (int i in 0..<nums1.size()) {
if (nums2.size() > i) {
result = nums1[i].compareTo(nums2[i])
if (result != 0) {
if (i == (nums1.size()-1) && bigRight) {
if (nums2[i+1] != 0)
result = -1; break
else if (bigLeft) {
if (nums1[i] != 0)
result = 1; break
if (result == 0) {
// Versions are equal, but one may be a snapshot.
// A snapshot version is considered less than a non snapshot version
def o1IsSnapshot = isSnapshot(o1)
def o2IsSnapshot = isSnapshot(o2)
if (o1IsSnapshot && !o2IsSnapshot) {
result = -1
} else if (!o1IsSnapshot && o2IsSnapshot) {
result = 1
boolean equals(obj) { false }
* Removes any suffixes that indicate that the version is a kind of snapshot
protected String deSnapshot(String version) {
String suffix = SNAPSHOT_SUFFIXES.find { String it -> version?.endsWith(it) }
if (suffix) {
return version[0..-(suffix.size() + 1)]
} else {
return version
protected boolean isSnapshot(String version) {
SNAPSHOT_SUFFIXES.any { String it -> version?.endsWith(it) }
class axistools {
* Find suitable ndk for current project
* @param project The current android project
* @param ndkVer The required ndk version for current project
* @return
static String[] findNDK(project, ndkVer = "23.2.8568313") {
def allowNewerNdk = null
if (ndkVer.endsWith('+')) {
allowNewerNdk = true
ndkVer = ndkVer.substring(0, ndkVer.length() - 1)
def ndkDirs = []
def sdkRoot = Paths.get("${System.env.ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}")
if (Files.exists(sdkRoot)) {
File dir = new File(sdkRoot.toAbsolutePath().toString() + '/ndk')
if (dir.isDirectory()) {
for (ndkDir in dir.listFiles()) {
/* Find suitable ndk in dirs */
def rets = new String[2]
rets[0] = ndkVer
for (ndkDir in ndkDirs) {
if (findNDKInDir(ndkVer, allowNewerNdk, ndkDir, rets)) {
return rets
println("No installed ndk found, the gradle will install ndk: $ndkVer automatically")
rets[1] = null
return rets
* Find suitable cmake for current project
* @param project The current android project
* @param cmakeVer The required cmake version of project
* @return
static String findCMake(project, String cmakeVer = "3.10.2+") {
def allowNewerCMake = false
if(cmakeVer.endsWith('+')) {
allowNewerCMake = true
cmakeVer = cmakeVer.substring(0, cmakeVer.length() - 1)
def cmakeBinDirs = []
def cmakeBinDir = null
if (project != null) {
cmakeBinDir = getCMakeBinFromProjectLocal(project)
if (cmakeBinDir != null) {
def sdkRoot = Paths.get("${System.env.ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}")
if(Files.exists(sdkRoot)) {
def verList = []
// Scan installed cmake in $sdk_root/cmake
File sdkCMakeDir = new File(sdkRoot.toAbsolutePath().toString() + '/cmake')
if (sdkCMakeDir.isDirectory()) {
for (cmakeDir in sdkCMakeDir.listFiles()) {
// Sort cmake verList
verList.sort {a,b ->
return axistools.compareVersion(b, a)
// Collect cmakeBinDirs for search
sdkRoot = sdkRoot.toAbsolutePath().toString()
for(foundVer in verList){
cmakeBinDir = sdkRoot + File.separator + "cmake" + File.separator + foundVer + File.separator + "bin"
if(new File(cmakeBinDir).isDirectory()) {
cmakeBinDir = getCMakeBinFromPath()
if(cmakeBinDir != null) {
// find in cmakeBinDirs
def foundCMakeVer = null
for(item in cmakeBinDirs) {
foundCMakeVer = findCMakeFromBinDir(cmakeVer, item, allowNewerCMake)
if(foundCMakeVer != null) {
if(foundCMakeVer == null) {
println("No suitable cmake found, required $cmakeVer, the gradle will install it")
foundCMakeVer = cmakeVer
return foundCMakeVer
private static int compareVersion(String ver1, String ver2) {
return new VersionComparator().compare(ver1, ver2);
private static String findNDKInDir(ndkVer, allowNewerNdk, ndkDir, rets) {
def found = null
def properties = new Properties()
File propertiesFile = new File("$ndkDir/")
propertiesFile.withInputStream {
def foundNdkVer = properties['Pkg.Revision']
def ret = axistools.compareVersion(foundNdkVer, ndkVer)
if(ret == 0) {
println("Using found ndk (revision=$foundNdkVer,path=$ndkDir)")
found = true
else if(ret > 0){
if(allowNewerNdk) {
println("Using found newer ndk (revision=$foundNdkVer,path=$ndkDir), (minimum required is: ${ndkVer})")
ndkVer = foundNdkVer
found = true
else {
//throw new GradleException("The ndk ${ndkVer} is required, but $foundNdkVer found!")
else {
//throw new GradleException("The ndk ${ndkVer}+ is required, but $foundNdkVer found!")
if (found) {
rets[0] = ndkVer
rets[1] = ndkDir
return true
return null
private static String findCMakeFromBinDir(String cmakeVer, String cmakeBin, boolean allowNewerCMake) {
def foundCMakeVer = null
String ninjaPath = cmakeBin + File.separator + getNinjaProgramName()
if(!new File(ninjaPath).isFile()) {
println("The required ninja program is not present in cmake bin dir: '$cmakeBin'")
return null
try {
def programPath = cmakeBin + File.separator + getCMakeProgramName()
Process proc = isWindows() ? Runtime.getRuntime().exec("\"$programPath\" --version") : Runtime.getRuntime().exec("$programPath --version")
int exitVal = proc.exitValue()
if (exitVal == 0) {
InputStream stdIn = proc.getInputStream();
InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(stdIn);
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
String verLine = br.readLine();
def verInfo = verLine.split("\\s")
if (verInfo.length >= 3) {
def foundVer = verInfo[2]
def minusIdx = foundVer.indexOf('-')
def canonVer = minusIdx == -1 ? foundVer : foundVer.substring(0, minusIdx)
def ret = axistools.compareVersion(canonVer, cmakeVer)
if (ret == 0) {
println("Using found cmake version: $canonVer")
foundCMakeVer = canonVer
else if(ret > 0) {
if(allowNewerCMake) {
println("Using found newer cmake (version=$canonVer,path=$programPath), (minimum required is: ${cmakeVer})")
foundCMakeVer = canonVer
else {
println("The cmake ${cmakeVer} is required, but $canonVer found!")
catch(Exception ex) {
println("Execute cmake failed: " + ex.message)
return foundCMakeVer
private static String getCMakeBinFromProjectLocal(project) {
String programName = getCMakeProgramName();
Properties properties = new Properties()
try {
def cmakeDir = properties.getProperty("cmake.dir")
if(cmakeDir != null) {
def cmakeBin = "$cmakeDir/bin"
if(new File("$cmakeBin/$programName").isFile())
return cmakeBin;
catch(Exception) {
return null
private static String getCMakeBinFromPath() {
String cmakeExecName = getCMakeProgramName();
def foundBinPath = null
.anyMatch(path -> {
def programPath = path.resolve(cmakeExecName);
boolean fileExist = Files.exists(path.resolve(cmakeExecName))
if(fileExist) {
foundBinPath = path.toAbsolutePath().toString()
return fileExist
return foundBinPath
private static String getCMakeProgramName() {
return isWindows() ? "cmake.exe" : "cmake"
private static String getNinjaProgramName() {
return isWindows() ? "ninja.exe" : "ninja"
private static boolean isWindows() {
return System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().contains("windows");
ext.axistools = axistools